Coursebook of intercultural communication


作   者:黄永红编著







  Chapter One Introduction
   §1. What Is Culture?
   1. The definition of culture
   2. The features of culture
   §2. Intercultural Communication
   1. Defmition and forms of intercultural commtmication
   2. The development of intercultural communication
   §3. The Importance of Intercultural Communication
   1. The economic imperative
   2. The technological imperative
   3. The self awareness imperative
   4. The ethical imperative
   5. The peace imperative
   6. The imperative of appreciating other cultures
  Chapter Two Words and Culture
   §1. Types of Meanings of a Word
   1. Connotative meaning
   2. Stylistic meaning
   3. Affective meaning
   4. CoUocative meaning
   §2. Words Different in Denotation in Two Cultures
   1. A term in one language that does not have a counterpart in another
   2. Seemingly same words take on different denotations
   3. The same denotation is expressed in different semantic fields
   §3. Words Different in Connotation in Two Cultures
   1. Colors
   2. Animals
   3. Numbers
  Chapter Three Idioms and Culture
   §1. Definition and Features of Idiom
   §2. Equivalent Idioms
   §3. Half Equivalent Idioms
   §4. Seemingly Equivalent Idioms
   §5. Non-equivalent Idioms
   1. Literature
   2. Mythology
   3. Religion
   4. Sports
   5. Social life
  Chapter Four Fundamental Theories
   §1. Hall' s High-Context and Low-Context Communication
   §2. Hofstede' s Value Dimensions
   1. Individualism and collectivism
   2. High and low uncertainty avoidance
   3. High and low power distance
   4. Masculinity and femininity
   §3. Kluckhohn et al's Value Orientations
   1. Time orientation: past -- present -- future
   2. Activity orientation: being -- being-in-becoming -- doing
   3. Relational (social) orientation: hierarchical -- collateral -- individualistic
   4. Person-nature orientation: mastery -- harmonious -- submissive
   5. Human nature orientation: good -- mixed -- evil
   §4. Kaplan' s Cultural Thought Patterns
  Chapter Five Verbal Communication and Culture
   §1. Addressing
   1. Definition and classification of addressing
   2. Strategies of addressing and cultural differences
   §2. Invitation
   1. Invitation in speech form
   2. Invitation in written form
   §3. Compliment
   1. Compliment across cultures
   2. Lexical and syntactic structures of English compliment
   3. Comparison on compliments between Chinese and English
   §4. Apology
   1. The definition of apology
   2. Strategies of apology
   3. Comparison on apology between Chinese and English
   §5. Presenting Thanks
   1. Frequency of presenting thanks
   2. Ways of presenting thanks
   3. Responses to thanks
   §5. Greeting and Parting
   1. Greeting
   2. Parting
  Chapter Six Nonverbal Communication and Culture
   §1. A Brief Introduction on Nonverbal Communication
   1. Defmition
   2. Classification of nonverbal commtmication behaviors
   3. Functions of nonverbal communication behaviors
   §2. Oculesics (Eye Contact)
   1. Functions of eye contact
   2. Cross-cultural study
   §3. Gesture and Posture
   1. Classification of gesture and posture
   2. Cross-cultural study
   §4. Proxemics (Space)
   1. Hall's space theory
   2. Cross-cultural study
   §5. Haptics (Touch)
   1. Classification of touch
   2. Cross-cultural study
   §6. Chronemics (Time)
   1. Hall' s classification
   2. Cross-cultural study
  Chapter Seven Gender Study
   §1. The Study of Gender Differences
   1. Gender and sex
   2. The study of gender differences
   §2. Gender and Verbal Communication
   1. Difference in phonology
   2. Difference in morphology and vocabulary
   3. Difference in intonation
   4. Different requirement for politeness
   5. Difference in topics
   6. Difference in language style
   7. Difference in pitch
   8. Difference in vocal segregates
   §3. Gender and Nonverbal Communication
   1. Oculesics (Eye Contact)
   2. Gesture and posture
   3. Proxemics (Space)
   4. Haptics (Touch)
   5. Chronemics (Time)
   §4. Summary
  Chapter Eight Becoming Competent in Intercultural Communication
   §1. Managing Intercultural Conflicts
   1. Types of conflicts
   2. Potential problems in intercultural communication
   3. Managing conflicts effectively
   §2. Cultivating Cultural Awareness
   1. Levels of cross-cultural awareness
   2. Approaches to cross-cultural training
   §3. Building Competence in Intercultural Communication
  Chapter Nine Intercultural Communication and Business
   §1. CommuniCation Challenges in Business Setting
   1. Work-related values
   2. Communication styles
   §2. Intercultural Negotiation
   1. Negotiation process
   2. Negotiating successfully
   §3. Business Etiquette and Protocol
   1. Appointment seeking and business meeting
   2. Greeting etiquette and nonverbal behaviors
   3. Giving gifts
   4. Dining etiquette
   5. Dressing etiquette
  Chapter Ten Intercultural Communication and Tourism
   §1. Commtmication Challenges in Tourism Contexts
   1. Social norms
   2. Culture shock
   3. Language and food challenge
   §2. Intercultural Communication and Tourism
   1. Relationship between hosts and tourists
   2. Characteristics of tourist-host encounters
   3. Relationship between tourism and culture
   §3. How to Be a Good Intercultural Tourist
   1. Be a responsible eco-tourist
   2. Get well-prepared before departure
  Chapter Eleven Intercultural Communication and Education
   §1. The Popularity of International Education
   §2. Intercultural Communication in Educational Settings
   1. Roles for teachers and students
   2. Grading and power
   3. Admissions, affirmative action, and standardized tests
   §3. Other Issues and International Education
   1. Communication, education, and cultural identity
   2. Social issues and education
  Keys to Exercises



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    东野圭吾 (作者), 李盈春 (译者)

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