《机械工程专业英语(第15版)》以培养学生专业英语能力为主要目标。内容包括:力学、机械零件与机构、机械设计、机械制造、管理、现代制造技术、科技写作。全书共有62篇课文,其中3l篇课文有参考译文。 《机械工程专业英语(第15版)》可以作为机械设计制造及其自动化,机械工程及自动化,机电工程等专业的专业英语教材,也可以供从事机械工程专业的科技人员参考使用。
1 Basic Concepts in Mechanics
2 Simple Stress and Strain
3 Forces and Moments
4 Overview of Engineering Mechanics
5 Shafts and Couplings
6 Shaft Design
7 Fasteners and Springs
8 Belt Drives and Chain Drives
9 Strength of Mechanical Elements
10 Physical Ptoperties of Materials
11 Rolling Bearings
12 Spindle Bearings
13 Mechanisms
14 Basic Concepts of Mechanisms
15 Introduction to Tribology
16 Wear and Lubrication
17 Fundamentals of Mechanical Design
18 Machine Designer's Responsibility
19 Introduction to Machine Design
20 Some Rules for Mechanical Design
21 Material Selection
22 Materials Selection Ptocess
23 Lathes
24 Drilling Operations
25 Machining
26 Machine Tools
27 Metal-Cutting Processes
28 Milling Operations
29 Gear Manufacturing Methods
30 Gear Materials
31 Dimensional Tolerances and Surface Roughness
32 Fundamentals of Manufactuing Accuracy
33 Machining of Engirieering Ccramics
34 Laser-Assisted Machining ancl Cryogenic Machining Tec:hr
35 Nonraditional Manufacturing Processes
36 Jmplenientation of Nontraditional Manufacturing Processes
37 Mechanical Vibrations
38 Definitions and Terminology of Vibration
39 Rftsidual Stresses
40 Precision of Machine Tools
41 Eflect of Reliability cn Product Salability
42 Reliability Requirements
43 Quality and Inspection
44 Coordinate Measuring Machines
45 Computers in Manufacturing
46 Computer-Aided Design arid Manufacturing
47 Computer-Aided Process Planniing
48 Process Planning
49 Numerical Controi
50 Computer Numerical Control
51 Training Programmers
52 NC Programming
53 Industrial Robots
54 Robotics
55 Basic Components of an Industrial Robot
2 Simple Stress and Strain
3 Forces and Moments
4 Overview of Engineering Mechanics
5 Shafts and Couplings
6 Shaft Design
7 Fasteners and Springs
8 Belt Drives and Chain Drives
9 Strength of Mechanical Elements
10 Physical Ptoperties of Materials
11 Rolling Bearings
12 Spindle Bearings
13 Mechanisms
14 Basic Concepts of Mechanisms
15 Introduction to Tribology
16 Wear and Lubrication
17 Fundamentals of Mechanical Design
18 Machine Designer's Responsibility
19 Introduction to Machine Design
20 Some Rules for Mechanical Design
21 Material Selection
22 Materials Selection Ptocess
23 Lathes
24 Drilling Operations
25 Machining
26 Machine Tools
27 Metal-Cutting Processes
28 Milling Operations
29 Gear Manufacturing Methods
30 Gear Materials
31 Dimensional Tolerances and Surface Roughness
32 Fundamentals of Manufactuing Accuracy
33 Machining of Engirieering Ccramics
34 Laser-Assisted Machining ancl Cryogenic Machining Tec:hr
35 Nonraditional Manufacturing Processes
36 Jmplenientation of Nontraditional Manufacturing Processes
37 Mechanical Vibrations
38 Definitions and Terminology of Vibration
39 Rftsidual Stresses
40 Precision of Machine Tools
41 Eflect of Reliability cn Product Salability
42 Reliability Requirements
43 Quality and Inspection
44 Coordinate Measuring Machines
45 Computers in Manufacturing
46 Computer-Aided Design arid Manufacturing
47 Computer-Aided Process Planniing
48 Process Planning
49 Numerical Controi
50 Computer Numerical Control
51 Training Programmers
52 NC Programming
53 Industrial Robots
54 Robotics
55 Basic Components of an Industrial Robot
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