Part I燩RELIMINARY牫跫 燯nit 1燘usiness Reception犐涛窠哟(1) 牐燬ection A: Phonetics犛镆簦1) 牐燬ection B: Dialogues牰曰埃2) 牐牐1.1燤eeting a Guest at the Airport犜诨场接客人(2) 牐牐1.2燤eeting an Individual in the Office犜诎旃室接待来客(3) 牐燬ection C: Listening犔力(5) 燯nit 2Making Introductions牻樯埽6) 牐燬ection A: Phonetics犛镆簦6) 牐燬ection B: Dialogues牰曰埃7) 牐牐2.1營ntroducing a Friend to Other People牻朋友介绍给其他人(7) 牐牐2.2營ntroducing Oneself犠晕医樯埽7) 牐燬ection C: Listening犔力(10) 燯nit 3燛xpressing Apologies and Farewells牭狼负透姹穑11) 牐燬ection A: Phonetics犛镆簦11) 牐燬ection B: Dialogues牰曰埃12) 牐牐3.1燭alking about the Damage of Goods犔嘎刍跷锏乃鸹担12) 牐牐3.2燬aying Goodbye to a Business Partner牶蜕意伙伴告别(13) 牐燬ection C: Listening犔力(14) 燯nit 4燛xpressing Agreement and Refusal犕意和拒绝(16) 牐燬ection A: Phonetics犛镆簦16) 牐燬ection B: Dialogues牰曰埃17) 牐牐4.1燗greeing to Attend the Party犕意参加晚会(17) 牐牐4.2Refusing to Visit the Factory牼芫参观工厂(18) 牐燬ection C: Listening犔力(19) 燯nit 5燛xpressing and Responding to Thanks牳行患捌溆Υ穑20) 牐燬ection A: Phonetics犛镆簦20) 牐燬ection B: Dialogues牰曰埃21) 牐牐5.1燛xpressing Thanks牨硎靖行唬21) 牐牐5.2燫esponding to Thanks牬鹦唬22) 牐燬ection C: Listening犔力(24) 燯nit 6燰isiting Activities牪喂刍疃(25) 牐燬ection A: Phonetics犛镆簦25) 牐燬ection B: Dialogues牰曰埃26) 牐牐6.1燰isiting the Showroom牪喂壅瓜厅(26) 牐牐6.2燰isiting the Factory牪喂酃こВ27) 牐燬ection C: Listening犔力(29) 燯nit 7燤aking and Answering the Phones牬虻缁昂徒拥缁埃31) 牐燬ection A: Phonetics犛镆簦31) 牐燬ection B: Dialogues牰曰埃32) 牐牐7.1燤aking the Phones牬虻缁埃32) 牐牐7.2燗nswering the Phones牻拥缁埃33) 牐燬ection C: Listening犔力(35) 燯nit 8燤iscellaneous Activities犉渌活动(36) 牐燬ection A: Phonetics犛镆簦36) 牐燬ection B: Dialogues牰曰埃37) 牐牐8.1燭raveling犅眯校37) 牐牐8.2燬hopping牴何铮38) 牐燬ection C: Listening犔力(40) Part II營NTERMEDIATE犞屑 燯nit 1燛stablishing Business Relationships and Forms of Trade牻立业务关系和贸易形式(42) 牐燬ection A: Background牨尘爸识(42) 牐燬ection B: Dialogues牰曰埃43) 牐牐1.1燛stablishing Business Relationships牻立业务关系(43) 牐牐1.2燣ooking for an Agent犙扒蟠理(44) 牐燬ection C: Listening犔力(48) 燯nit 2營nquiries and Specifications犙价和规格(49) 牐燬ection A: Background牨尘爸识(49) 牐燬ection B: Dialogues牰曰埃50) 牐牐2.1燤aking Inquiries犙价(50) 牐牐2.2燙onsulting Specifications犙问规格(51) 牐燬ection C: Listening犔力(53) 燯nit 3燨ffer and Counteroffer牱⑴毯突古蹋55) 牐燬ection A: Background牨尘爸识(55) 牐燬ection B: Dialogues牰曰埃56) 牐牐3.1燤aking an Offer牱⑴蹋56) 牐牐3.2燤aking a Counteroffer牷古蹋57) 牐燬ection C: Listening犔力(59) 燯nit 4燪uotation Calculation and Commission牨价计算和佣金(61) 牐燬ection A: Background牨尘爸识(61) 牐燬ection B: Dialogues牰曰埃62) 牐牐4.1燪uoting the Unit Price牨ǖゼ郏62) 牐牐4.2燚iscussing the Commission犔致塾督穑63) 牐燬ection C: Listening犔力(65) 燯nit 5燪uality and Quantity犉分屎褪量(67) 牐燬ection A: Background牨尘爸识(67) 牐燬ection B: Dialogues牰曰埃68) 牐牐5.1Consulting Quality犙问产品质量(68) 牐牐5.2Talking about Quantity犔致凼量(69) 牐燬ection C: Listening犔力(71) 燯nit 6燩rice牸鄹瘢72) 牐燬ection A: Background牨尘爸识(72) 牐燬ection B: Dialogues牰曰埃72) 牐牐6.1燬electing Trade Terms犙≡衩骋资跤铮72) 牐牐6.2燦egotiating Terms of Price牸鄹裉蹩畹那⑻福73) 牐燬ection C: Listening犔力(75) 燯nit 7燩acking牥装(77) 牐燬ection A: Background牨尘爸识(77) 牐燬ection B: Dialogues牰曰埃78) 牐牐7.1燨btaining Information about Materials of Packing牷袢“装材料信息(78) 牐牐7.2燙onfirming Terms of Package犎范ò装条款(79) 牐燬ection C: Listening犔力(82) 燯nit 8燬hipment犠霸耍83) 牐燬ection A: Background牨尘爸识(83) 牐燬ection B: Dialogues牰曰埃84) 牐牐8.1營n.time Shipment牸笆弊霸耍84) 牐牐8.2燭erms of Shipment犠霸颂蹩睿85) 牐燬ection C: Listening犔力(87) 燯nit 9營nsurance(Ⅰ)牨O眨ㄒ唬(88) 牐燬ection A: Background 牨尘爸识(88) 牐燬ection B: Dialogues牰曰埃89) 牐牐9.1燭he Changes of Personal Information牳鋈诵畔⒌谋涓(89) 牐牐9.2燭alking about the Job of Insurance Agent犔嘎郾O沾理人的工作(89) 牐燬ection C: Listening犔力(91) 燯nit 10營nsurance(Ⅱ)牨O眨ǘ)(93) 牐燬ection A: Background牨尘爸识(93) 牐燬ection B: Dialogues牰曰埃93) 牐牐10.1燭he Delivery of Insurance Policy犓捅5ィ94) 牐牐10.2燭alking about Insurance Plan犔嘎郾O占苹(94) 牐燬ection C: Listening犔力(96) Part III燬ENIOR牳呒 燯nit 1燩ayment犞Ц叮97) 牐燬ection A: Dialogues对话(97) 牐牐1.1燚iscussing Ways of Payments犔致壑Ц斗绞剑97) 牐牐1.2燭erms of Payment犞Ц短蹩睿98) 牐燬ection B: Topic Discussion犠ㄌ馓致郏101) 牐燙areers犞耙担101) 牐燬ection C: Listening犔力(102) 燯nit 2燙laim and Arbitration犓髋夂椭俨茫103) 牐燬ection A: Dialogues牰曰埃103) 牐牐2.1燣odging the Claim犓髋猓103) 牐牐2.2燗rbitration in China犜谥泄仲裁(105) 牐燬ection B: Topic Discussion犠ㄌ馓致郏109) 牐燙ulture犖幕(109) 牐燬ection C: Listening犔力(109) 燯nit 3燣etter of Credit犘庞弥ぃ111) 牐燬ection A: Dialogues牰曰埃111) 牐牐3.1燛stablishment of L/C犘庞弥さ目立(111) 牐牐3.2燗mendment to L/C犘庞弥さ男薷模112) 牐燬ection B: Topic Discussion犠ㄌ馓致郏114) 牐燭ransportation牻煌ǎ114) 牐燬ection C: Listening犔力(115) 燯nit 4燦egotiation and Contract.making牶贤谈判和签订(116) 牐燬ection A: Dialogues牰曰埃116) 牐牐4.1燦egotiating Contracts牶贤谈判(116) 牐牐4.2燬igning Contracts牶贤签订(117) 牐燬ection B: Topic Discussion犠ㄌ馓致郏119) 牐燞obbies牥好(119) 牐燬ection C: Listening犔力(120) 燯nit 5燤arketing犛销(122) 牐燬ection A: Dialogues牰曰埃122) 牐牐5.1燚istribution Channels牱窒渠道(122) 牐牐5.2燘rand Strategy犉放撇呗裕123) 牐燬ection B: Topic Discussion犠ㄌ馓致郏125) 牐燬ervice牱务(125) 牐燬ection C: Listening犔力(126) 燯nit 6燩ublic Relation牴共关系(127) 牐燬ection A: Dialogues牰曰埃127) 牐牐6.1燗rranging a Press Conference牥才偶钦哒写会(127) 牐牐6.2燤arket Research犑谐〉餮校128) 牐燬ection B: Topic Discussion犠ㄌ馓致郏131) 牐燛ducation牻逃(131) 牐燬ection C: Listening犔力(131) 燯nit 7燱elcome and Farewell Speech牷队词和欢送词(133) 牐燬ection A: Dialogues牰曰埃133) 牐牐7.1燗t the Airport犜诨场(133) 牐牐7.2燗t the Dinner犜谕硌缟希134) 牐燬ection B: Topic Discussion犠ㄌ馓致郏136) 牐燗utomobiles犉车(136) 牐燬ection C: Listening犔力(137) 附录1燭apescript and Keys犅家舾搴痛鸢福139) 附录2牎渡涛裼⒂锟谟铩放嘌抵傅加虢ㄒ椋153) 主要参考文献156
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