Scandinavian furniture : a sourcebook of classic designs for the 21st century /
作 者:Judith Gura.
Scandinavia has been the source of some of the most important furniture designs of the 20th century. Today, a new generation of designers continues that tradition, creating pieces that are functional, comfortable and appealing to look at. This book updates the history of design in the Nordic nations, and illustrates more than 500 of the best current furniture from over seventy producers, most of them in full colour. It also includes detailed product specifications and sources, biographies of important Nordic designers, and a comprehensive bibliography. It will appeal to everyone with an interest in modern furniture, as well as designers, architects, collectors and students with a special interest in Scandinavian design.
preface, 9 acknowledgments
i.the nordic nations modern design
denmark, i5 finland, 2i iceland, 25 norway, 28 sweden
the postwar decades, 35 design for the twenty-first century
ii. contemporary scandinavian furniture:a selective sourcebook
dining & occasional chairs
lounge chairs
stacking chairs
desk chairs
sofas, love seats, chaises, & sectionals
benches & stools
dining tables
coffee & occasional tables
storage, shelves, & room dividers
iii. appendices
nordic furniture producers, 28o designer biographies
selected bibliography
index of producers, 299 index of designers, 30o index of model names
about the cd-rom
i.the nordic nations modern design
denmark, i5 finland, 2i iceland, 25 norway, 28 sweden
the postwar decades, 35 design for the twenty-first century
ii. contemporary scandinavian furniture:a selective sourcebook
dining & occasional chairs
lounge chairs
stacking chairs
desk chairs
sofas, love seats, chaises, & sectionals
benches & stools
dining tables
coffee & occasional tables
storage, shelves, & room dividers
iii. appendices
nordic furniture producers, 28o designer biographies
selected bibliography
index of producers, 299 index of designers, 30o index of model names
about the cd-rom
Scandinavian furniture : a sourcebook of classic designs for the 21st century /
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