First published under the title Psychiatric Nursing, this book provides users with the most up-to-date, evidence-based, culturally competent, authoritative, comprehensive resource available; and presents the information in an accessible, clinically-relevant, and professional format. Comprehensive and easily accessible, this book covers all topics in the psychiatric-mental health nursing profession, including evidence-based practice, applying processes to practice, clients with mental disorders, vulnerable populations, and nursing intervention strategies and outcomes. For psychiatric-mental health nurses and practitioners. - Publisher.
Theoretical Basis for Mental-Health Nursing
The Psychiatric-Mental Health Nurse's Personal Integration and Professional Role
Philosophy and Theory for Interdisciplinary Psychiatric Care
Evidence-Based Practice in Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing
Psychobiology, Behavior, and Mental Disorders
Stress, Anxiety, and Coping
Cultural Competence and Psychiatric Epidemology
Applying Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing Processes and Competencies
The Nursing Process with Psychiatric-Mental Health Clients
Therapeutic Communication
Clients' Rights, Ethics, and Advocacy
Creating a Therapeutic Environment
Clients with Mental Disorders
Cognitive Disorders
Substance-Related Disorders
Schizophrenia and Other Psychotic Disorders
Mood Disorders
Anxiety, Somatoform, and Dissociative Disorders
Gender Identity and Sexual Disorders
Eating Disorders
Sleep Disorders
Personality Disorders
The Client with Coexisting Psychiatric and Substance Use Disorders
Vulnerable Populations
Clients at Risk for Suicide and Self Destructive behavior
Persons at Risk for Abuse and Violence
Psychiatric-Mental Health Clients with HIV/AIDS
Nursing Intervention Strategies and Outcomes
Counseling the Individual
Group and Family Interventions
Cognitive and Behavioral Interventions
Alternative and Complementary Healing Practices
Crisis Intervention
Intervening in Violence in the Psychiatric Setting
Forensic Psychiatric Nursing
The Psychiatric-Mental Health Nurse's Personal Integration and Professional Role
Philosophy and Theory for Interdisciplinary Psychiatric Care
Evidence-Based Practice in Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing
Psychobiology, Behavior, and Mental Disorders
Stress, Anxiety, and Coping
Cultural Competence and Psychiatric Epidemology
Applying Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing Processes and Competencies
The Nursing Process with Psychiatric-Mental Health Clients
Therapeutic Communication
Clients' Rights, Ethics, and Advocacy
Creating a Therapeutic Environment
Clients with Mental Disorders
Cognitive Disorders
Substance-Related Disorders
Schizophrenia and Other Psychotic Disorders
Mood Disorders
Anxiety, Somatoform, and Dissociative Disorders
Gender Identity and Sexual Disorders
Eating Disorders
Sleep Disorders
Personality Disorders
The Client with Coexisting Psychiatric and Substance Use Disorders
Vulnerable Populations
Clients at Risk for Suicide and Self Destructive behavior
Persons at Risk for Abuse and Violence
Psychiatric-Mental Health Clients with HIV/AIDS
Nursing Intervention Strategies and Outcomes
Counseling the Individual
Group and Family Interventions
Cognitive and Behavioral Interventions
Alternative and Complementary Healing Practices
Crisis Intervention
Intervening in Violence in the Psychiatric Setting
Forensic Psychiatric Nursing
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