New Century College English,Encyclopedic Reading in English.4
Unit1 Public Speaking
Fundamental Reading
1. Steps to Preparing a Speech 演讲前的准备
2. The Features of Effective Delivery 怎样增强演讲效果
3. Why Study Public Speaking 为什么要学习演讲
Further Reading
1. A Welcome Speech and the Response 欢迎词及答词
2. An Era of Information99国际演讲大赛第一名讲稿 “信息时代”
3. I Have a Dream 马丁·路德·金的 “我有一个梦想”
Test Reading
1. The International Public Speaking Competition 国际演讲大赛介绍
2. Language for Public Speech演讲的语言
3. Opening Address at an International Conference 国际会议开幕词
4. Gettysburg Address 林肯在葛底斯堡的演说
Unit2 Facts of the English睸peaking Countries
Fundamental Reading
1. A Sketch of United Kingdom 英国概略
2. An Outline of Australia 澳大利亚概况
3. United States of America 美国简况
Further Reading
1. The Canadian Mosaic 加拿大风情
2. The Political Parties in UK 英国的政党
3. The Three Branches of the Federal Government美国的三权分立制度
Test Reading
1. United States Government 美国政府
2. Canadian睞merican Relations 美加关系
3. History of New Zealand 新西兰简史
4. The Crown in UK 英国的君主制度
Unit3 Law
Fundamental Reading
1. Systems of Law 各国的法律体系
2. Law and Its Sources 法律及其起源
3. Law 法律
Further Reading
1. Courts in the United States 美国的法庭
2. Court 法庭
3. International Law 国际法简介
Test Reading
1. Judge 法官
2. Jury 陪审团
3. Supreme People餾 Court 最高人民法院
4. Welfare Law to Guard Benefits 法律保护群众利益
Unit4 Literature
Fundamental Reading
1. Enjoying Literature 文学欣赏
2. Reading the Short Story 短篇小说阅读
3. Creative Writing 文学创作
Further Reading
1. Selected Readings of Analects of Confucius 论语选读
2. Reading the Poem 诗歌赏析
3. A Short Story “The Last Leave”《最后一片树叶》
Test Reading
1. Transcendentalism 超越主义文学流派
2. Early Chinese Literature 中国古代文学
3. The Elements of Literature 文学的基本要素
4. William Shakespeare 威廉·莎士比亚
Unit5 Chinese Cultural Heritage
Fundamental Reading
1. The Chinese Language 中国的语言
2. China餾 Traditional Culture 中国传统文化
3. Confucius and The Analects 孔子与 《论语》
Further Reading
1. The Great Learning 《大学》选读
2. Making Assessments 计篇 《孙子兵法》选读
3. The Cultivation of Human Beings 中华文化对人的熏陶
Test Reading
1. Acupuncture 针灸
2. Chinese Acrobatics 中国杂技
3. Confucius and Socrates-Life and Deeds 孔子与苏格拉底的生平
4. Chinese Culture Broadens Its World Influence 中华文化走向世界
Unit6 About Language
Fundamental Reading
1. Language System 语言系统
2. Aspects of Synonyms 同义词面面观
3. Where Do All the New Words Come From?词从何来?
Further Reading
1. Slang 英语俚语
2. Figures of Speech 英语修辞格
3. Variety and Style in Language 语体与文体
Test Reading
1. Chinese Languages 中国语言种种
2. Interlanguages 国际语
3. Linguists Take on Terror 语言学家遭遇 “恐怖袭击”
4. Register in Language 语域
Unit7 Great Thinkers and Thoughts
Fundamental Reading
1. Philosophy and Its Importance 哲学及其重要性
2. Philosophy and Other Fields 哲学与其他领域的关系
3. The Branches of Philosophy 哲学的分支
Further Reading
1. Oriental Philosophy 东方哲学
2. Preface to a Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy马克思 《政治经济学批判序言》
3. Darwin餾 Theories and the Influence of His Ideas达尔文理论及其影响
Test Reading
1. Hawking and His Theories 霍金和他的理论
2. Nietzsche 尼采
3. Keynes and His Ideas 凯恩斯主义
4. Sartre,an Existentialist Philosopher 萨特-存在主义哲学家
Unit8 Overseas Tests
Fundamental Reading
1. International English Language Testing System 雅思考试简介
2. Questions and Answers About TOEFL 托福考试问与答
3. Introduction to the GRE General Test 简介GRE考试
Further Reading
1. An Introduction to BEC2剑桥商务英语考试简介
2. An Introduction to GMAT 简介GMAT考试
3. TOEFL CBT 托福机考简介
Test Reading
1. A Selection of IELTS General Training Reading 雅思题选
2. A Selected Reading from BEC2剑桥商务英语考试2级题选
3. A Reading Passage from TOEFL 托福阅读试题选
4. A Reading Passage from GRE 阅读试题选
Unit9 Study Abroad
Fundamental Reading
1. Passport and Visa 护照与签证
2. Self瞐ppraisal Before Going to the U.S. A 赴美留学前的自我评估
3. Application Procedure 申请留学的手续
Further Reading
1. Visa Information 签证的种类
2. U. S. A. Visas Are Not a Given Right 为什么会遭拒签?
3. Problems of Overseas Study 海外留学可能遇到的问题
Test Reading
1. E瞞ail (sample)初次联系的电子邮件
2. How to Apply for Scholarships of American Universities怎样申请奖学金
3. FAQs for Getting a UK Visa 留英签证常问问题
4. Students Eye Europe 留学热点正移向欧洲
Unit10 General Review
Multiple Choice
1. A Sample of BEC (2)商务英语考试样题
2. Pearl S. Buck in China 赛珍珠在中国
3. Confucius and His Teachings 孔子与儒学
True or False
1. A New Test to Come 爱普考试到中国
2. Maintain Cultural Integrity 保持文化的完整性
3. Trial 审判
Short Answer Questions
1. Language Pollution 语言污染
3.MemorialServicefortheCrew oftheSpaceShuttleChallenge里根总统哀悼挑战者号遇难宇航员
Additional Reading
1. Chinese Special Handiworks 中国特有的工艺
2. The National People餾 Congress 中国人大
3. General Information About China 中国概况
Fundamental Reading
1. Steps to Preparing a Speech 演讲前的准备
2. The Features of Effective Delivery 怎样增强演讲效果
3. Why Study Public Speaking 为什么要学习演讲
Further Reading
1. A Welcome Speech and the Response 欢迎词及答词
2. An Era of Information99国际演讲大赛第一名讲稿 “信息时代”
3. I Have a Dream 马丁·路德·金的 “我有一个梦想”
Test Reading
1. The International Public Speaking Competition 国际演讲大赛介绍
2. Language for Public Speech演讲的语言
3. Opening Address at an International Conference 国际会议开幕词
4. Gettysburg Address 林肯在葛底斯堡的演说
Unit2 Facts of the English睸peaking Countries
Fundamental Reading
1. A Sketch of United Kingdom 英国概略
2. An Outline of Australia 澳大利亚概况
3. United States of America 美国简况
Further Reading
1. The Canadian Mosaic 加拿大风情
2. The Political Parties in UK 英国的政党
3. The Three Branches of the Federal Government美国的三权分立制度
Test Reading
1. United States Government 美国政府
2. Canadian睞merican Relations 美加关系
3. History of New Zealand 新西兰简史
4. The Crown in UK 英国的君主制度
Unit3 Law
Fundamental Reading
1. Systems of Law 各国的法律体系
2. Law and Its Sources 法律及其起源
3. Law 法律
Further Reading
1. Courts in the United States 美国的法庭
2. Court 法庭
3. International Law 国际法简介
Test Reading
1. Judge 法官
2. Jury 陪审团
3. Supreme People餾 Court 最高人民法院
4. Welfare Law to Guard Benefits 法律保护群众利益
Unit4 Literature
Fundamental Reading
1. Enjoying Literature 文学欣赏
2. Reading the Short Story 短篇小说阅读
3. Creative Writing 文学创作
Further Reading
1. Selected Readings of Analects of Confucius 论语选读
2. Reading the Poem 诗歌赏析
3. A Short Story “The Last Leave”《最后一片树叶》
Test Reading
1. Transcendentalism 超越主义文学流派
2. Early Chinese Literature 中国古代文学
3. The Elements of Literature 文学的基本要素
4. William Shakespeare 威廉·莎士比亚
Unit5 Chinese Cultural Heritage
Fundamental Reading
1. The Chinese Language 中国的语言
2. China餾 Traditional Culture 中国传统文化
3. Confucius and The Analects 孔子与 《论语》
Further Reading
1. The Great Learning 《大学》选读
2. Making Assessments 计篇 《孙子兵法》选读
3. The Cultivation of Human Beings 中华文化对人的熏陶
Test Reading
1. Acupuncture 针灸
2. Chinese Acrobatics 中国杂技
3. Confucius and Socrates-Life and Deeds 孔子与苏格拉底的生平
4. Chinese Culture Broadens Its World Influence 中华文化走向世界
Unit6 About Language
Fundamental Reading
1. Language System 语言系统
2. Aspects of Synonyms 同义词面面观
3. Where Do All the New Words Come From?词从何来?
Further Reading
1. Slang 英语俚语
2. Figures of Speech 英语修辞格
3. Variety and Style in Language 语体与文体
Test Reading
1. Chinese Languages 中国语言种种
2. Interlanguages 国际语
3. Linguists Take on Terror 语言学家遭遇 “恐怖袭击”
4. Register in Language 语域
Unit7 Great Thinkers and Thoughts
Fundamental Reading
1. Philosophy and Its Importance 哲学及其重要性
2. Philosophy and Other Fields 哲学与其他领域的关系
3. The Branches of Philosophy 哲学的分支
Further Reading
1. Oriental Philosophy 东方哲学
2. Preface to a Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy马克思 《政治经济学批判序言》
3. Darwin餾 Theories and the Influence of His Ideas达尔文理论及其影响
Test Reading
1. Hawking and His Theories 霍金和他的理论
2. Nietzsche 尼采
3. Keynes and His Ideas 凯恩斯主义
4. Sartre,an Existentialist Philosopher 萨特-存在主义哲学家
Unit8 Overseas Tests
Fundamental Reading
1. International English Language Testing System 雅思考试简介
2. Questions and Answers About TOEFL 托福考试问与答
3. Introduction to the GRE General Test 简介GRE考试
Further Reading
1. An Introduction to BEC2剑桥商务英语考试简介
2. An Introduction to GMAT 简介GMAT考试
3. TOEFL CBT 托福机考简介
Test Reading
1. A Selection of IELTS General Training Reading 雅思题选
2. A Selected Reading from BEC2剑桥商务英语考试2级题选
3. A Reading Passage from TOEFL 托福阅读试题选
4. A Reading Passage from GRE 阅读试题选
Unit9 Study Abroad
Fundamental Reading
1. Passport and Visa 护照与签证
2. Self瞐ppraisal Before Going to the U.S. A 赴美留学前的自我评估
3. Application Procedure 申请留学的手续
Further Reading
1. Visa Information 签证的种类
2. U. S. A. Visas Are Not a Given Right 为什么会遭拒签?
3. Problems of Overseas Study 海外留学可能遇到的问题
Test Reading
1. E瞞ail (sample)初次联系的电子邮件
2. How to Apply for Scholarships of American Universities怎样申请奖学金
3. FAQs for Getting a UK Visa 留英签证常问问题
4. Students Eye Europe 留学热点正移向欧洲
Unit10 General Review
Multiple Choice
1. A Sample of BEC (2)商务英语考试样题
2. Pearl S. Buck in China 赛珍珠在中国
3. Confucius and His Teachings 孔子与儒学
True or False
1. A New Test to Come 爱普考试到中国
2. Maintain Cultural Integrity 保持文化的完整性
3. Trial 审判
Short Answer Questions
1. Language Pollution 语言污染
3.MemorialServicefortheCrew oftheSpaceShuttleChallenge里根总统哀悼挑战者号遇难宇航员
Additional Reading
1. Chinese Special Handiworks 中国特有的工艺
2. The National People餾 Congress 中国人大
3. General Information About China 中国概况
New Century College English,Encyclopedic Reading in English.4
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