Linguistics a course book


作   者:胡壮麟主编





《语言学教程》(第三版)在修订版基础上听取广大师生的意见改编而成。包括语言学理论介绍,语音、词汇、句法、语义,语言和认知,语言和社会文化,语言和文学,语言和计算机,语言学和外语教学,语言学流流派等十二章。 本书有以下几大特点:权威性:名家撰著畅销近二十年,语言学教材经典之作、时代性:充分汲取国内外语言学研究的最新理论和成果、知识性:全面而系统阐述理论和应用语言学领域的内容、实用性:深入浅出脉络清晰,利于课上教学和课下自学、趣味性:生动插图与轻松例子合而为一,化枯燥为有趣、互动性:配有网络版,读者专家互动极大延伸求知空间。 本教材适合高校英语专业本科学生以及语言不相关专业学生和研究人员使用,另配有练习册和光盘及学习网站。


chapter 1 invitations to linguistics.

1.1 why study language?

1.2 what is language?

1.3 design features of language

1.4 origin of language

1.5 functions of language

1.6 what is linguistics?

1.7 main branches of linguistics

1.8 macrolinguistics

1.9 important distinctions in linguistics further reading

chapter 2 speech sounds

2.1 how speech sounds are made?

2.2 consonants and vowels

2.3 from phonetics to phonology

2.4 phonological processes, phonological rules and distinctive features

2.5 suprasegmentals

further reading

chapter 3 lexicon

3.1 what is word?

3.2 the formation of word

.3.3 lexical change

further reading

chapter 4 from word to text

4.1 syntactic relations

4.2 grammatical construction and its constituents

4.3 syntactic function

4.4 category

4.5 phrase, clause and sentence

4.6 recursiveness

4.7 beyond the sentence

further reading

chapter 5 meaning

5.1 meanings of "meaning"

5.2 the referential theory

5.3 sense relations

5.4 componential analysis

5.5 sentence meaning

further reading

chapter 6 language and cognition

6.1 what is cognition?

6.2 what is psycholinguistics?

6.3 what is cognitive linguistics?

further reading

chapter 7 language, culture, and society

7.1 language and culture

7.2 language and society

7.3 cross-cultural communication..

7.4 summary

further reading

chapter 8 language in use

8.1 speech act theory

8.2 the theory of conversational implicature

8.3 post-gricean developments

further reading

chapter 9 language and literature

9.1 introduction

9.2 some general features of the literary language

9.3 the language in poetry

9.4 the language in fiction

9.5 the language in drama

9.6 the cognitive approach to literature

further reading

chapter 10 language and computer

10.0 introduction

10.1 computer-assisted language learning (call)

10.2 machine translation

10.3 corpus linguistics

10.4 computer mediated communication

further reading

chapter 11 linguistics and foreign language teaching

11.1 the relation between linguistics and language teaching

11.2 linguistics and language learning

11.3 linguistics and language teaching

11.4 linguistics and syllabus design

11.5 contrastive analysis and error analysis

11.6 corpus linguistics and language teaching

11.7 summary

further reading

chapter 12 theories and schools of modern linguistics

12.0 introduction

12.1 the prague school

12.2 the london school

12.3 american structuralism

12.4 transformational-generative grammar

12.5 revisionists or rebels?

further reading


glossary and index...



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    东野圭吾 (作者), 李盈春 (译者)

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