Object-oriented analysis and design = 面向对象分析与设计 : with applications / 第二版.
作 者:Grady Booch著.
本书是面向对象分析和设计(OO)方面的绝对经典之作,为后来众多的作品所引用。本书推出当年,即荣获美国著名开发杂志《Software Development》颁发的Jolt Award 震撼大奖。作者Grady Booch是Rational公司的首席科学家,也是世界上软件开发社区的极知名人物,在对象方法和应用方面作出了一系列的开创性工作,同时撰写了多部软件工程方面的畅销图书。作者通过众多用C++实现的实例描述了本质概念,解释了方法,并展示了在不同领域的成功应用。本书提供了一种新的统一符号,它融合了Booch符号的最佳思路和其他广泛使用的方法;加入了新的现实项目作为例子,包括客户端/服务器体系结构和应用框架;区分了面向对象的分析和设计的好坏,并演示了如何评价因管理复杂性而采取的体系结构折衷;加入了很多面向对象分析和设计的过程和语用学方面的新的细节。此外,读者还将找到很多实用的建议,内容涉及分类、实现战略及节省成本的项目管理。本书注重解决实际问题,书中穿插的从现实生活中抽象出来的众多简单直接的例子也是本书的一大特色,非常易于读者理解。本书已经被列为美国CCP certification(Certificated Computing Professional,计算专业人员认证)的指定书目,并且被美国空军和众多政府机构作为指定阅读材料。本书适合于对对象技术有一定了解和基础的读者。对于每个实现或管理对象技术,或是有志涉足于此的人而言,这都是一本不可或缺的参考书。
preface v
the first section: concepts 1
chapter 1: complexity 3
1.1 the inherent complexity of software 3
1.2 the structure of complex systems 9
1.3 bringing order to chaos 16
1.4 on designing complex systems 21
sidebar: categories of analysis and design methods 18
chapter 2: the object model 27
2.1 the evolution of the object model 28
2.2 elements of the object model 40
2.3 applying the object model 72
sidebar: foundations of the object model 36
chapter 3: classes and objects 81
3.1 the nature of an object 81
3.2 relationships among objects 97
3.3 the nature of a class 103
3.4 relationships among classes 106
3.5 the interplay of classes and objects 135
3.6 on building quality classes and objects 136
.sidebar: invoking a method 118
chapter 4: classification 145
4.1 the importance of proper classification 146
4.2 identifying classes and objects 150
4.3 key abstractions and mechanisms 162
sidebar: a problem of classification 151
the second section: the method 169
chapter 5: the notation 171
5.1 elements of the notation 172
5.2 class diagrams 176
5.3 state transition diagrams 199
5.4 object diagrams 208
5.5 interaction diagrams 217
5.6 module diagrams 219
5.7 process diagrams 223
5.8 applying the notation 226
chapter 6: the process 229
6.1 first principles 230
6.2 the micro development process 234
6.3 the macro development process 248
chapter 7: pragmatics 267
7.1 management and planning 268
7.2 staffing 271
7.3 release management 275
7.4 reuse 277
7.5 quality assurance and metrics 278
7.6 documentation 281
7.7 tools 282
7.8 special topics 285
7.8 the benefits and risks of object-oriented development 287
the third section: applications 291
chapter 8: data acquisition: weather monitoring station 293
8.1 analysis 294
8.2 design 312
8.3 evolution 318
8.4 maintenance 325
sidebar: weather monitoring station requirements 294
chapter 9: frameworks: foundation class library 327
9.1 analysis 328
9.2 design 333
9.3 evolution 365
9.4 maintenance 372
sidebar: foundation class library requirements 329
chapter 10: client/server computing: inventory tracking 377
10.1 analysis 378
10.2 design 400
10.3 evolution 410
10.4 maintenance 412
sidebar: inventory tracking system requirements 379
chapter 11: artificial intelligence: cryptanalysis 413
11.1 analysis 414
11.2 design 421
11.3 evolution 438
11.4 maintenance .442
sidebar: cryptanalysis requirements 415
chapter 12: command and control: traffic management 445
12.1 analysis 446
12.2 design 455
12.3 evolution 464
12.4 maintenance 468
sidebar: traffic management system requirements 448
afterword 471
appendix: object-oriented programming languages 473
a.1 concepts 474
a.2 smalltalk 475
a.3 object pascal 479
a.4 c++ 480
a.5 common lisp object system 484
a.6 ada 486
a.7 eiffel 487
a.8 other object-oriented programming languages 489
notes 491
glossary 511
the first section: concepts 1
chapter 1: complexity 3
1.1 the inherent complexity of software 3
1.2 the structure of complex systems 9
1.3 bringing order to chaos 16
1.4 on designing complex systems 21
sidebar: categories of analysis and design methods 18
chapter 2: the object model 27
2.1 the evolution of the object model 28
2.2 elements of the object model 40
2.3 applying the object model 72
sidebar: foundations of the object model 36
chapter 3: classes and objects 81
3.1 the nature of an object 81
3.2 relationships among objects 97
3.3 the nature of a class 103
3.4 relationships among classes 106
3.5 the interplay of classes and objects 135
3.6 on building quality classes and objects 136
.sidebar: invoking a method 118
chapter 4: classification 145
4.1 the importance of proper classification 146
4.2 identifying classes and objects 150
4.3 key abstractions and mechanisms 162
sidebar: a problem of classification 151
the second section: the method 169
chapter 5: the notation 171
5.1 elements of the notation 172
5.2 class diagrams 176
5.3 state transition diagrams 199
5.4 object diagrams 208
5.5 interaction diagrams 217
5.6 module diagrams 219
5.7 process diagrams 223
5.8 applying the notation 226
chapter 6: the process 229
6.1 first principles 230
6.2 the micro development process 234
6.3 the macro development process 248
chapter 7: pragmatics 267
7.1 management and planning 268
7.2 staffing 271
7.3 release management 275
7.4 reuse 277
7.5 quality assurance and metrics 278
7.6 documentation 281
7.7 tools 282
7.8 special topics 285
7.8 the benefits and risks of object-oriented development 287
the third section: applications 291
chapter 8: data acquisition: weather monitoring station 293
8.1 analysis 294
8.2 design 312
8.3 evolution 318
8.4 maintenance 325
sidebar: weather monitoring station requirements 294
chapter 9: frameworks: foundation class library 327
9.1 analysis 328
9.2 design 333
9.3 evolution 365
9.4 maintenance 372
sidebar: foundation class library requirements 329
chapter 10: client/server computing: inventory tracking 377
10.1 analysis 378
10.2 design 400
10.3 evolution 410
10.4 maintenance 412
sidebar: inventory tracking system requirements 379
chapter 11: artificial intelligence: cryptanalysis 413
11.1 analysis 414
11.2 design 421
11.3 evolution 438
11.4 maintenance .442
sidebar: cryptanalysis requirements 415
chapter 12: command and control: traffic management 445
12.1 analysis 446
12.2 design 455
12.3 evolution 464
12.4 maintenance 468
sidebar: traffic management system requirements 448
afterword 471
appendix: object-oriented programming languages 473
a.1 concepts 474
a.2 smalltalk 475
a.3 object pascal 479
a.4 c++ 480
a.5 common lisp object system 484
a.6 ada 486
a.7 eiffel 487
a.8 other object-oriented programming languages 489
notes 491
glossary 511
Object-oriented analysis and design = 面向对象分析与设计 : with applications / 第二版.
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