Collection of the Legal Instruments on China’s Accession to the World Trade Organization.3,The Legal Instruments on China’s Accession to the World Trade Organization(English Version)
作 者:国务院法制办公室编
decision:accession of the people's republic of china
protocol on the accession of the people's republic of china
annex 1a:information to be provided by china in the context of the transitional review
annex 1b:issues to be aeeressde by the general council in accordance with section 18.2 of china's protocol of accession
annex 2a1:products subject to state trading
annex 2a2:products subject to state trading
annex 2b:producet subjiect to designated trading
annex 3:non-tarff measures subject to phased elimination
annex 4: products and services subject to price controls
annex 5a:notification pursuant to arcicle xxv of the agreemant on subsidies and coutervailing measures
annex 5b:subsidies to be phased out
annex 6:products subject to export duty
annex 7 reservations by wtomembers
annex 8:schedule clii-people's repubilc of china
part 1:most-favorde-nation tariff
section 1:agricultural products
section 1-a tariffs
section 1-b tariff quotas
section ⅱ:other products
part ⅱ:preferential tariff(applicable)
.part ⅲ:non-tariff concessions
section a:thriff-quotas on fertilizae and wool tops
section b:other non-tariff concessions
part ⅳ:agricultural products:commitments lilting subsidization
section ⅰ:domestic support :toatl ams cmoomimenst
section ⅱ:export subsidide:budgetary outlay and quantity reduction commitments
section ⅲ:commitmenst linmintng the scope of export subsidide
attachment b
annexⅰ:staging matrix for secioni-a(agriculturcl tariffs)
annexⅱ:staging matrix for secionii(other products)
annex 9:schedule of specific sommitments on services list of article ii mfn exemptions
report of the working party on the accession og china
protocol on the accession of the people's republic of china
annex 1a:information to be provided by china in the context of the transitional review
annex 1b:issues to be aeeressde by the general council in accordance with section 18.2 of china's protocol of accession
annex 2a1:products subject to state trading
annex 2a2:products subject to state trading
annex 2b:producet subjiect to designated trading
annex 3:non-tarff measures subject to phased elimination
annex 4: products and services subject to price controls
annex 5a:notification pursuant to arcicle xxv of the agreemant on subsidies and coutervailing measures
annex 5b:subsidies to be phased out
annex 6:products subject to export duty
annex 7 reservations by wtomembers
annex 8:schedule clii-people's repubilc of china
part 1:most-favorde-nation tariff
section 1:agricultural products
section 1-a tariffs
section 1-b tariff quotas
section ⅱ:other products
part ⅱ:preferential tariff(applicable)
.part ⅲ:non-tariff concessions
section a:thriff-quotas on fertilizae and wool tops
section b:other non-tariff concessions
part ⅳ:agricultural products:commitments lilting subsidization
section ⅰ:domestic support :toatl ams cmoomimenst
section ⅱ:export subsidide:budgetary outlay and quantity reduction commitments
section ⅲ:commitmenst linmintng the scope of export subsidide
attachment b
annexⅰ:staging matrix for secioni-a(agriculturcl tariffs)
annexⅱ:staging matrix for secionii(other products)
annex 9:schedule of specific sommitments on services list of article ii mfn exemptions
report of the working party on the accession og china
Collection of the Legal Instruments on China’s Accession to the World Trade Organization.3,The Legal Instruments on China’s Accession to the World Trade Organization(English Version)
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