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The distance between Kant and Foucault marks out the philosophical and chronological space within which the textual studies of this book address the complex question of subjectivity in literature. Originally arising from an academic conference held at Liverpool University, these essays represent the work of a new generation of researchers in the vanguard of contemporary literary studies. Combining radical new approaches to established authors in the 'literary canon' as well as pioneering work on important contemporary writers, the subjects treated in this book include Wordsworth, the Bronte's, Wallace Stevens, George Orwell, Philip Larkin, Ray Bradbury, John Folwes, Clarice Lispector, Ian McEwan, Georges Perec and others. A post-script is provided by Professor Vincent Newey.


Exceeding romanticism / Philip Shaw
Is Emily Bronte a woman? : feminity, feminism and the paranoid critical subject / Emma Francis
'What language can utter the feeling' : identity in the poetry of Emily Bronte / Kathryn Burlinson
Epiphany and subjectivity in Charlotte Bronte's Villette / Susan Watkins
'They suck us dry' : a study of late nineteenth-century projections of vampiric women / Sian Macfie
Wallace Stevens : an exemplary subject / Carolyn Masel
The ideological eye-witness : an examination of the eye-witness in two works by George Orwell / Peter Marks
'Pretending to be me' : Larkin versus 'Larkin' / Peter MacDonald Smith
Language, knowledge, and the stylistics of science fiction / Peter Stockwell.
Narrative voice and focalization : the presentation of the different selves in John Fowles' The Collector / Dominique Costa
Feminism, language or existentialism : the search for the self in the works of Clarice Lispector / Barbara Mathie
Portrait of the subject as a young man : the construction of masculinity ironized in 'male' fiction / Lynda Broughton
The spaced-out subject : Bachelard and Perec / Jamie Brassett
The death of orality and the rise of the literate 'subject' / David Wilson.



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    东野圭吾 (作者), 李盈春 (译者)

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