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Summary: Publisher Summary 1 While Giuseppe Mazzini (1895-72) is well remembered as a leading figure of the Italian Risorgimento (the political consolidation of the modern Italian state), the importance and influence of his political writings on democracy, national self-determination, and other issues has been not as well understood in the Anglo-American world, perhaps because many of his most seminal writings have never been translated into English. Rechhia (a doctoral candidate in political science at Columbia U.) and Urbinati (contemporary civilization and political theory, Columbia U.) here encourage the rediscovery of Mazzini's political thought by presenting 22 of his most significant essays, about half of which are newly translated from the original Italian or French (the others were originally written in English by Mazzini himself or originally translated under his supervision and are presented with only minor editorial interventions concerning sentence structure or spelling). The writings, spanning the years 1831 to 1871, address Mazzini's conceptions of republican democracy, national revolutions, international politics, and war. Recchia and Urbinati also include an introductory essay introducing the facts of Mazzini's life and providing an analytic overview of his political thought. Annotation 漏2010 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (booknews.com)   Publisher Summary 2 This anthology gathers Giuseppe Mazzini's most important essays on democracy, nation building, and international relations, including some that have never before been translated into English. These neglected writings remind us why Mazzini was one of the most influential political thinkers of the nineteenth century--and why there is still great benefit to be derived from a careful analysis of what he had to say. Mazzini (1805-1872) is best known today as the inspirational leader of the Italian Risorgimento. But, as this book demonstrates, he also made a vital contribution to the development of modern democratic and liberal internationalist thought. In fact, Stefano Recchia and Nadia Urbinati make the case that Mazzini ought to be recognized as the founding figure of what has come to be known as liberal Wilsonianism.The writings collected here show how Mazzini developed a sophisticated theory of democratic nation building--one that illustrates why democracy cannot be successfully imposed through military intervention from the outside. He also speculated, much more explicitly than Immanuel Kant, about how popular participation and self-rule within independent nation-states might result in lasting peace among democracies. In short, Mazzini believed that universal aspirations toward human freedom, equality, and international peace could best be realized through independent nation-states with homegrown democratic institutions. He thus envisioned what one might today call a genuine cosmopolitanism of nations.  


Contents 6
Preface 8
INTRODUCTION: Giuseppe Mazzini\u2019s International Political Thought 12
PART ONE: Democracy and the Nation: A Republican Creed 42
ONE: Manifesto of Young Italy (1831) 44
TWO: On the Superiority of Representative Government (1832) 50
THREE: Three Essays on Cosmopolitan Ideals and National Sentiment 64
I. Humanity and Country (1836) 64
II. Nationality and Cosmopolitanism (1847) 68
III. Nationalism and Nationality (1871) 73
FOUR: In Defense of Democracy: A Reply to Mr. Guizot (1839) 77
FIVE: On the Duties of Man (1841\u201360) 91
PART TWO: National Insurrection and Democratic Revolution 120
SIX: Rules for the Conduct of Guerrilla Bands (1832) 122
SEVEN: Toward a Holy Alliance of the Peoples (1849) 128
EIGHT: From a Revolutionary Alliance to the United States of Europe (1850) 143
NINE: Against the Foreign Imposition of Domestic Institutions (1851) 147
TEN: To the Patriots of Serbia and Hungary (1863) 152
ELEVEN: Letter to a Polish Patriot (1863) 154
TWELVE: For a Truly National War (1866) 157
THIRTEEN: Neither Pacifism nor Terror: Considerations on the Paris Commune and the French National Assembly (1871) 164
PART THREE: International Politics, Military Intervention, and a New World Order 178
FOURTEEN: On Publicity in Foreign Affairs (1835) 180
FIFTEEN: Foreign Despotism to Civilize a People? Italy, Austria, and the Pope (1845) 189
SIXTEEN: The European Question: Foreign Intervention and National Self-Determination (1847) 204
SEVENTEEN: On Public Opinion and England\u2019s International Leadership (1847) 210
EIGHTEEN: Concerning the Fall of the Roman Republic (1849) 219
NINETEEN: On Nonintervention (1851) 224
TWENTY: America as a Leading Nation in the Cause of Liberty (1865) 230
TWENTY-ONE: To Our Friends in the United States (1865) 233
TWENTY-TWO: Principles of International Politics (1871) 235
Index 252
A 252
B 252
C 252
D 253
E 253
F 254
G 254
H 255
I 255
J 255
K 256
L 256
M 256
N 257
O 257
P 257
R 258
S 259
T 259
U 260
V 260
W 260
Y 260



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    东野圭吾 (作者), 李盈春 (译者)

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