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"In this new addition to the Blackwell Anthologies series, Duncan Wu offers the reader complete and unabridged texts of: Anna Laetitia Barbauld, Eighteen Hundred and Eleven; Georgiana Cavendish, Duchess of Devonshire, The Passage of the Mountain of St Gothard; Ann Batten Cristall, Poetical Sketches; Felicia Dorothea Hemans, Stanzas to the Memory of the Late King and Records of Woman; Hannah More, Sensibility, The Bas-Bleu and Slavery; Mary Robinson, Sappho and Phaon; Charlotte Smith, Elegiac Sonnets (3rd edition), The Emigrants and Beachy Head; Mary Tighe, Psyche; Helen Maria Williams, A Poem on the Bill Lately Passed for Regulating the Slave-Trade and A Farewell, for Two Years, to England; Ann Yearsley, A Poem on the Inhumanity of the Slave-Trade and Reflections on the Death of Louis XVI." "The selection includes manuscript versions of poems by Susanna Blamire and Lady Caroline Lamb." "Other poets represented are: Joanna Baillie, 鈥機harlotte Dacre鈥?(Charlotte Byrne), Anne Grant, Letitia Elizabeth Landon (L. E. L.), Isabella Lickbarrow, Amelia Opie, Sydney Owenson (Lady Morgan), Ann Radcliffe, Anna Seward, Mary Scott and Phillis Wheatley."--BOOK JACKET.


Table Of Contents:
Selected Contents by Subject xv
Alphabetical List of Authors xviii
Introduction xix
Editorial Principles xxix
Acknowledgements xxxi

List of Manuscripts xxxiii
Abbreviations xxxiv

Anna Seward (1742--1809) 1(6)

Sonnet written from an Eastern Apartment in the Bishop's Palace at Lichfield, which commands a view of Stowe Valley.

April 1771 (edited from MS) 3(1)

From Llangollen Vale, with Other Poems (1796)

To Time Past. Written Dec. 1772 3(1)

From Gentleman's Magazine 56 (1786) 791

Advice to Mrs Smith. A Sonnet 4(1)

From Llangollen Vale, with Other Poems (1796)

Eyam (composed August 1788) 5(1)

From Gentleman's Magazine 59 (1789) 743

Sonnet to France on her present Exertions 6(1)

Anna Laetitia Barbauld (Nee Aikin) (1743--1825) 7(12)

Eighteen Hundred and Eleven, A Poem (composed by 1 December 1811; published February 1812) 10(9)

Hannah More (1745-1833) 19(36)

From Sacred Dramas: chiefly intended for young persons: the subjects taken from the Bible. To which is added, Sensibility, A Poem (1782)

Sensibility: A Poetical Epistle to the Hon. Mrs Boscawen 24(10)

From Florio: A Tale, and The Bas-Bleu; or, Conversation (1786)

The Bas-Bleu; or, Conversation. Addressed to Mrs Vesey 34(9)

Slavery: A Poem (1788) 43(7)

Cheap Repository: The Story of Sinful Sally. Told by Herself. (1796) 50(5)

Susanna Blamire (1747--1794) 55(12)

A North Country Village (extract; edited from manuscript) 56(9)

From Ballads in the Cumberland Dialect, ed. Robert Anderson (Wigton, 1808)

Joe and Ned 65(2)

Charlotte Smith (Nee Turner) (1749--1806) 67(64)

Elegiac Sonnets: the third edition. With twenty additional sonnets. (1786)

To William Hayley, Esq. 72(1)

Preface to the First Editions 72(1)

Preface to the Third Edition 73(1)

Sonnet I 73(1)

Sonnet II. Written at the Close of Spring. 73(1)

Sonnet III. To a Nightingale. 74(1)

Sonnet IV. To the Moon. 74(1)

Sonnet V. To the South Downs. 75(1)

Sonnet VI. To Hope. 75(1)

Sonnet VII. On the Departure of the Nightingale. 75(1)

Sonnet VIII. To Spring. 76(1)

Sonnet IX 76(1)

Sonnet X. To Mrs G. 77(1)

Sonnet XI. To Sleep. 77(1)

Sonnet XII. Written on the Seashore. October 1784. 77(1)

Sonnet XIII. From Petrarch. 78(1)

Sonnet XIV. From Petrarch. 78(1)

Sonnet XV. From Petrarch. 79(1)

Sonnet XVI. From Petrarch. 79(1)

Sonnet XVII. From the Thirteenth Cantata of Metastasio. 80(1)

Sonnet XVIII. To the Earl of Egremont. 80(1)

Sonnet XIX. To Mr Hayley. On Receiving some Elegant Lines from Him. 80(1)

Sonnet XX. To the Countess of A---. Written on the Anniversary of her Marriage. 81(1)

Sonnet XXI. Supposed to be Written by Werther. 81(1)

Sonnet XXII. By the Same. To Solitude. 82(1)

Sonnet XXIII. By the Same. To the North Star. 82(1)

Sonnet XXIV. By the Same. 83(1)

Sonnet XXV. By the Same. Just before his Death. 83(1)

Sonnet XXVI. To the River Arun. 83(1)

Sonnet XXVII 84(1)

Sonnet XXVIII. To Friendship. 84(1)

Sonnet XXIX. To Miss C---. On being Desired to Attempt Writing a Comedy. 85(1)

Sonnet XXX. To the River Arun. 85(1)

Sonnet XXXI. Written on Farm Wood, South Downs, in May 1784. 86(1)

Sonnet XXXII. To Melancholy. Written on the Banks of the Arun, October 1785. 86(1)

Sonnet XXXIII. To the Naiad of the Arun. 86(1)

Sonnet XXXIV. To a Friend. 87(1)

Sonnet XXXV. To Fortitude. 87(1)

Sonnet XXXVI 88(1)

The Emigrants, A Poem, in Two Books (1793)

To William Cowper, Esq. 88(2)

Book I 90(9)

Book II 99(11)

From Beachy Head: with Other Poems (1807)

Beachy Head 110(21)

Mary Scott (1751--1793) 131(5)

From The Female Advocate; A Poem. Occasioned by Reading Mr Duncombe's Feminiad (1774)

To a Lady (extract) 133(1)

[On Elizabeth Montagu] 134(1)

[On Anna Laetitia Aikin] 135(1)

Phillis Wheatley (Mrs John Peters) (c.1753--1784) 136(6)

From Poems on Various Subjects, Religious and Moral (1773)

Preface 140(1)

The following is a copy of a letter sent by the author's master to the publisher 140(1)

On Being Brought from Africa to America 141(1)

On Imagination 141(1)

Anne Grant (Nee Macvicar) (1755--1838) 142(8)

From The Highlanders, and Other Poems (1810)

The Highlanders (extract) 143(2)

The Aged Bard's Wish (Translation of a Gaelic Poem Composed in the Isle of Skye) 145(4)

From Essays on the Superstitions of the Highlanders of Scotland (1811)

Metrical Translation of the Song of Macgregor na Ruara 149(1)

Ann Yearsley (Nee Cromartie) (1756--1806) 150(20)

From Poems, on Several Occasions (1785)

On Mrs Montagu 154(2)

From Poems on Various Subject (1787)

Addressed to Sensibility 156(2)

A Poem on the Inbumanity of the Slave-Trade (1788) 158(9)

Reflections on the Death of Louis XVI (1793) 167(2)

From The Rural Lyre (1796)

Extempore on Hearing a Gentleman play a hymn on his Flute, Thursday 31 July, Eleven at Night, 1795, near the Author's Window at Bristol Wells. 169(1)

Georgiana Cavendish, Duchess of Devonshire (1757--1806) 170(7)

The Passage of the Mountain of St Gothard, A Poem (1802) 172(5)

Mary Robinson (Nee Darby) (1758--1800) 177(49)

From The Wild Wreath ed. Mary Elizabeth Robinson (1804)

A London Summer Morning (composed 1794) 183(1)

Sappho and Phaon. In a Series of Legitimate Sonnets, with Thoughts on Poetical Subjects, and Anecdotes of the Grecian Poetess. (1796) 184(24)

Preface 184(4)

To the Reader 188(1)

Account of Sappho 188(3)

Sonnet introductory 191(1)

The Temple of Chastity 191(1)

The Bower of Pleasure 191(1)

Sappho discovers her passion 192(1)

Contemns its power 192(1)

Describes the characteristics of love 193(1)

Invokes Reason 193(1)

Her passion increases 193(1)

Laments the volatility of Phaon 194(1)

Describes Phaon 194(1)

Rejects the influence of Reason 194(1)

Previous to her interview with Phaon 195(1)

She endeavours to fascinate him 195(1)

To the Aeolian harp 196(1)

Phaon awakes 196(1)

Sappho rejects hope 196(1)

The tyranny of love 197(1)

To Phaon 197(1)

Suspects his constancy 198(1)

To Phaon 198(1)

Laments her early misfortunes 198(1)

Phaon forsakes her 199(1)

Sappho's conjectures 199(1)

Her address to the moon 200(1)

To Phaon 200(1)

Contemns philosophy 201(1)

Sappho's address to the stars 201(1)

Describes the fascinations of love 201(1)

Determines to follow Phaon 202(1)

Bids farewell to Lesbos 202(1)

Describes her bark 202(1)

Dreams of a rival 203(1)

Reaches Sicily 203(1)

Sappho's prayer to Venus 204(1)

Reproaches Phaon 204(1)

Her confirmed despair 205(1)

Foresees her death 205(1)

To a sigh 205(1)

To the Muses 206(1)

Visions appear to her in a dream 206(1)

Resolves to take the leap of Leucata 207(1)

Her last appeal to Phaon 207(1)

Her reflections on the Leucadian rock before she perishes 208(1)

Sonnet conclusive 208(1)

From Walsingham; or, the Pupil of Nature (1797)

Lines addressed by a young lady of fashion to a small green fly, which had pitched on the left ear of Lady Amaranth's little white barbet, Fidelio, on a summer evening, after a shower, near sunset 208(1)

A thousand torments wait on love 209(1)

From The Poetical Works of the Late Mrs Robinson (1806)

The Progress of Liberty, conclusion to Book I (composed 1798) 209(3)

From Lyrical Tales (1800)

The Haunted Beach 212(2)

The Negro Girl 214(4)

From The Wild Wreath ed. Mary Elizabeth Robinson (1804)

The Poet's Garret (Composed 1800) 218(1)

From The Poetical Works of the Late Mrs Robinson (1806)

Ode Inscribed to the Infant Son of S.T. Coleridge, Esq. Born 14 September 1800 at Keswick in Cumberland. 219(3)

The Savage of Aveyron (composed October 1800) 222(4)

Helen Maria Williams (1761--1827) 226(28)

From Poems (1786)

Part of an Irregular Fragment, Found in a Dark Passage of the Tower 232(5)

A Poem on the Bill Lately Passed for Regulating the Slave-Trade (1788) 237(9)

From Julia, A Novel (1790)

The Bastille, A Vision 246(3)

A Farewell, for Two Years, to England. A Poem. (1791) 249(5)

From Paul and Virginia (1796)

Sonnet to the Strawberry 254(1)

Joanna Baillie (1762--1851) 254(6)

From Fugitive Verses (1840)

A Scotch Song 256(1)

Song (`Poverty parts good company', for an old Scotch air) 257(1)

Song 258(1)

From The Dramatic and Poetical Works of Joanna Baillie (1851)

Tam o' the Lin 259(1)

Ann Radcliffe (Nee Ward) (1764--1823) 260(10)

From The Romance of the Forest (1791)

Song of a Spirit 262(1)

From The Mysteries of Udolpho (1794)

The Butterfly to his Love 263(2)

To the Winds 265(1)

From Gaston de Blondeville ... with Some Poetical Pieces (1826)

A Sea-View 266(2)

Scene on the Northern Shore of Sicily 268(1)

The Snow-Fiend 269(1)

Ann Batten Cristall (Born C.1769) 270(75)

Poetical Sketches, in Irregular Verse (1795) 275(70)

Preface 275(1)

Before Twilight. Eyezion. 276(3)

Morning. Rosamonde. 279(1)

Noon. Lysander. 280(3)

Evening. Gertrude. 283(3)

Night 286(2)

Song (`Wandering in the still of eve') 288(1)

Holbain 289(8)

Song on Leaving the Country early in the Spring 297(1)

Verses Written in the Spring 298(1)

Written in Devonshire, near the Dart 299(1)

Song (`The balmy comforts that are fled') 300(1)

Elegy on a Young Lady 301(2)

The Triumph of Superstion. Raphael and Ianthe. 303(15)

Song (`Tossed midst life's terrific storms') 318(1)

A Fragment: The Blind Man 319(1)

Thelmon and Carmel: An Irregular Poem 319(1)

Part the First 319(1)

Part the Second 320(1)

Part the Third 321(2)

Part the Fourth 323(1)

Part the Fifth 324(1)

Part the Sixth 325(1)

Part the Seventh 326(1)

Song (`Come, let us dance and sing') 327(1)

Song (`The eve descends with radiant streaks') 328(1)

To a Lady on the Rise of Morn 329(1)

Song (`Through springtime walks with flowers perfumed') 330(1)

Song (`Both gloomy and dark was the shadowy night') 331(1)

Elegy 331(1)

Written when the Mind was Oppressed 332(1)

The Enthusiast. Arla. 333(8)

A Song of Arla, Written during her Enthusiasm 341(2)

An Ode 343(1)

Ode on Truth: Addressed to George Dyer 344(1)

Amelia Opie (Nee Alderson) (1769--1853) 345(13)

From The Warrior's Return, and Other Poems (1808)

Ode to Borrowdale in Cumberland (composed 1794) 350(3)

From The Annual Anthology Vol. 1, ed. Robert Southey (Bristol, 1799)

To Mr Opie, on his having painted for me the picture of Mrs Twiss 353(1)

From Poems (1802)

The Negro Boy's Tale 353(5)

`Charlotte Dacre' (Charlotte Byrne Nee King) (?1771/2--1825) 358(12)

From Hours of Solitude (1805)

The Unfaithful Lover (impromptu) 364(1)

The Poor Negro Sadi 365(2)

The Female Philosopher 367(1)

We Can Love But Once 368(1)

The Mistress to the Spirit of her Lover 368(1)

From The Morning Post No. 11,563 (10 September 1805, published under the name `Rosa Matilda')

Wine, I Say! I'll Drink to Madness! 369(1)

Mary Tighe (Nee Blachford) (1772--1810) 370(92)

Psyche; or, the Legend of Love (1805)

Preface 376(1)

Sonnet Addressed to my Mother 377(1)

Canto I 378(1)

Proem 378(16)

Canto II 394(12)

Canto III 406(14)

Canto IV 420(13)

Canto V 433(14)

Canto VI 447(14)

From Psyche, with Other Poems (third edition, 1811)

On Receiving a branch of Mezereon which flowered at Woodstock, December 1809 461(1)

Sydney Owenson, Lady Morgan (1777--1859) 462(9)

From The Lay of an Irish Harp; or Metrical Fragments (1807)

Fragment X. The Boudoir 466(2)

Fragment XIX. L'Amant Mutin 468(1)

Fragment XXXV. The Irish Jig 469(2)

Isabella Lickbarrow (1784--1847) 471(8)

From Poetical Effusions (1814)

On Sensibility: A Fragment 474(1)

On Esthwaite Water 475(1)

From The Westmorland Advertiser; or Kendal Chronicle (23 July 1814) Vol. 4, No. 161

On the Slave-Trade 476(1)

From The Westmorland Advertiser; or Kendal Chronicle (3 June 1815) Vol. 5, No. 206

Patterdale (composed 21 May 1815) 477(2)

Lady Caroline Lamb (Nee Ponsonby) (1785--1828) 479(9)

By those eyes where sweet expression (edited from MS; composed c.1816) 483(1)

From Graham Hamilton (1822)

`If thou couldst know what 'tis to weep' 484(1)

From Ada Reis (1823)

`Sing not for others, but for me' 485(1)

`Weep for what thou hast lost, love' 486(1)

Duet 486(1)

From Fugitive Pieces and Reminiscences of Lord Byron with Some Original Poetry, Letters and Recollections of Lady Caroline Lamb ed. Isaac Nathan (1829)

`Let the harp be mute for ever' 487(1)

William Lamb's Return from Paris, Asking Me my Wish 487(1)

Felicia Dorothea Hemans (Nee Browne) (1793--1835) 488(105)

From Poems (1808)

Written on the Sea-Shore 494(1)

From The Domestic Affections, and Other Poems (1812)

The Statue of the Dying Gladiator 494(1)

To my Eldest Brother, with the British Army in Portugal 495(2)

From Tales, and Historic Scenes, In Verse (1819)

The Last Banquet of Antony and Cleopatra 497(4)

Stanzas to the Memory of the Late King (1820) 501(6)

From Welsh Melodies (1822)

The Rock of Cader Idris 507(1)

From The Siege of Valencia; a Dramatic Poem. The Last Constantine: With Other Poems (1823)

The Meeting of the Bards. Written for an Eisteddfod, or Meeting of Welsh Bards, held in London, 22 May 1822 508(2)

The Voice of Spring 510(2)

From The Forest Sanctuary; and Other Poems (1825)

The Stranger in Louisiana 512(1)

Ancient Greek Song of Exile 513(1)

From Records of Woman: With Other Poems (1828)

Arabella Stuart 514(8)

The Bride of the Greek Isle 522(5)

The Switzer's Wife 527(3)

Properzia Rossi 530(4)

Gertrude, or Fidelity till Death 534(2)

Imelda 536(3)

Edith, a Tale of the woods 539(5)

The Indian City 544(6)

The Peasant Girl of the Rhone 550(2)

Indian Woman's Death Song 552(2)

Joan of Arc, in Rheims 554(2)

Pauline 556(3)

Juana 559(2)

The American Forest Girl 561(2)

Costanza 563(3)

Madeline, a Domestic Tale 566(2)

The Queen of Prussia's Tomb 568(2)

The Memorial Pillar 570(2)

The Grave of a Poetess 572(2)

Miscellaneous Poems

The Homes of England 574(1)

To Wordsworth 575(1)

The Spirit's Mysteries 576(1)

The Illuminated City 577(1)

The Graves of a Household 578(1)

From The Forest Sanctuary: With Other Poems (second edition, 1829)

Casabianca 579(2)

From Songs of the Affections, with Other Poems (1830)

To a Departed Spirit 581(1)

The Chamois Hunter's Love 582(1)

The Return 583(1)

Woman on the Field of Battle 583(2)

The Beings of the Mind 585(2)

Second Sight 587(1)

From Scenes and Hymns of Life, with other Religious Poems (1834)

Thought from an Italian Poet 588(1)

From The Works of Mrs Hemans (1839)

Despondency and Aspiration 589(4)

Letitia Elizabeth Landon (1802--1838) 593(20)

From The Improvisatrice; and Other Poems. By L.E.L. (1824)

The Improvisatrice (extracts) 598(1)

[Introduction] 598(1)

[Sappho's Song] 599(1)

[Lorenzo] 600(1)

From The Golden Violet, with its Tales of Romance and Chivalry: and Other Poems (1827)

Love's Last Lesson 601(3)

From Fisher's Drawing Room Scrap-Book, (1838)

Felicia Hemans 604(3)

From The Works of L. E. Landon (Philadelphia, 1838)

Airey Force 607(1)

Scenes in London: Piccadilly 607(2)

The Princess Victoria 609(1)

Scale Force, Cumberland 610(1)

From Laman Blanchard, Life and Literary Remains of L.E.L. (1841)

The Poet's Lot 611(1)

Death in the Flower 612(1)

Experience Too Late 612(1)

The Farewell 612(1)
Index to Notes and Headnotes 613(12)
Index of Titles and First Lines 625



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    东野圭吾 (作者), 李盈春 (译者)

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