Groundwater Age地下水时代


作   者:Gholam





Groundwater Age is the first book of its kind that incorporates and synthesizes the state-of-the-art knowledge about the business of groundwater dating - including historical development, principles, applications, various methods, and likely future progress in the concept. It is a well-organized, advanced, clearly written resource for all the professionals, scientists, graduate students, consultants, and water sector managers who deal with groundwater and who seek a comprehensive treatment of the subject of groundwater age.
  GHOLAM A. KAZEMI is Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Earth Sciences, Shahrood University of Technology, Northeastern Iran. He teaches advanced hydrogeology, hydrogeochemistry, and environmental tracers. He has industry experience as a geologist and has authored several relevant publications.
  JAY H. LEHR is the Senior Scientist on the Technical Advisory Board at Earthwater Global, LLC and a Senior Scientist at the Heartland Institute. He is the author of fourteen books and over 500 articles on environmental science.
  PIERRE PERROCHET has twenty years of experience in the field of groundwater flow and transport modeling within various world-renowned research institutions. His scientific interests focus on theoretical and computational developments related to hydro-thermo-chemical phenomena, with numerous applications to environmental and hydrogeological engineering issues. He is presently Professor at the Centre of Hydrogeology, University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland, where he teaches groundwater dynamics, transport processes, and mathematical modeling.


1 Introduction
 1.1 Age and Lifetime
 1.2 Age Determination in Geology (Geochronology) and in Other
  1.2.1 Absolute Age and Relative Age
  1.2.2 Determination of Absolute Age of Rocks
  1.2.3 Geological Time Table
 1.3 Groundwater Age and Groundwater Residence Time
  1.3.1 Young, Old, and Very Old Groundwaters
  1.3.2 Dead Water and Active Water
  1.3.3 Age Gradient
  1.3.4 Age Mass
  1.3.5 Mixing, Dispersion, and Transport of Groundwater Age, Mean Age, and Distribution of Ages
  1.3.6 Average Residence Time of Water in Various Compartments of the Hydrologic Cycle
  1.3.7 Hydrogeochronolgy, Interdisciplinary Groundwater Age Science, and Hydrologic Time Concept
  1.3.8 Event Markers
 1.4 Life Expectancy
 1.5 Isochrone and Life Expectancy Maps
 1.6 Some Groundwater Age-Related Terms
  1.6.1 Isotopic Age, Radiometric Age, and Decay Age
  1.6.2 Hydraulic Age
  1.6.3 Piston-Flow Age, Streamtube Age, and Advective Age
  1.6.4 Model Age and Apparent Age
  1.6.5 Storage Time, Mean Transit Time, Turnover Time, Flushing Time, and Travel Time
  1.6.6 Reservoir Theory and Its Relation with Groundwater Residence Time
2 History of Groundwater Age-Dating Research
 2.1 Pioneer of Groundwater Age Discipline--Sequence of the Earliest
 2.2 Laboratories Worldwide for Dating Groundwater Samples
 2.3 Major Contributors to Groundwater Age-Dating Discipline
 2.4 Names Familiar in the Groundwater Dating Business
 2.5 Important Publications
  2.5.1 Book Chapters
  2.5.2 Ph.D. and M.Sc. Theses
  2.5.3 Journals
  2.5.4 Reports (mainly by the USGS)
 2.6 Aquifers Subjected to Extensive Dating Studies
3 The Applications of Groundwater Age Data
 3.1 Renewability of the Groundwater Reservoirs
 3.2 An Effective Communication Tool for Scientists and Managers--and Curiosity to Laymen as Well
 3.3 Age Monitoring for the Prevention of Overexploitation and Contamination of Aquifers
 3.4 Estimation of the Recharge Rate
 3.5 Calculation of the Groundwater Flow Velocity
 3.6 Identification of the Groundwater Flow Paths
 3.7 Assessing the Rates of Groundwater and Contaminants Transport Through Aquitards
 3.8 Constraining the Parameters of Groundwater Flow and Transport Models (Estimation of Large-Scale Flow and Transport Properties)
 3.9 Identification ot the Mixing Between Different End Members
 3.10 Study of the Pre-Holocene (Late Pleistocene) Climate
 3.11 Evaluation of the Groundwater Pollution
 3.12 Calculation of the Travel Time of the Groundwater Plume to the Points of Interest
 3.13 Mapping Vulnerability of the Shallow Aquifers
 3.14 Performance Assessments for Radioactive Waste Disposal Facilities
4 Aeg-Dating Young Groundwaters
5 Age-Dating Old Groundwaters
6 Age-Dating Very Old Groundwaters
7 Modeling of Groundwater Age and Residence-Time Distributions
8 Issues and Thoughts In Groundwater Dating



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    东野圭吾 (作者), 李盈春 (译者)

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