第一部分 法治基石
Ⅰ 《独立宣言》
1 British Colonial Control
2 Early Colonial Resistance
3 Taxes on Tea
4 First Continental Congress
5 Hostilities Begin
6 Common Sense
7 Independence Resolution
8 Jefferson's Declaration
9 Impact of the Declaration of Independence
Ⅱ 《美国宪法》
1 Forces that Shaped the Constitution
2 The Constitutional Convention
3 Ideas Behind the Constitution
4 Struggle for Ratification
5 Overview
6 The Influence of the Constitution
7 Interpreting the Constitution
8 Amendments to the Constitution
9 The Constitution Today
Ⅲ 《权利法案》
1 Rights Protected
2 Origins of the Bill of Rights
3 Debate Over the Constitution
4 Interpretation
5 Comparison with Laws in Other Countries
第二部分 制约与平衡
Ⅰ 国会
1 Powers of Congress
2 Limits on the Powers of Congress
3 Membership
4 Congressional Sessions
5 Structure and Responsibilities of the Senate
6 Structure and Responsibilities of the House
7 The Legislative Process
8 Influences on the Legislative Process
9 Congress in Comparative Perspective
10 Congress through History
11 Challenges Facing Congress
Ⅱ 总统
1 Term of office and Qualifications
2 Election to the Presidency
3 Presidential Succession
4 Responsibilities and Powers
5 The Executive Branch
6 The Life of the President
7 History of Presidential Leadership
Ⅲ 最高法院
1 Introduction
2 Power of the Supreme Court
3 Jurisdiction
4 Judicial Review
5 Membership
6 Qualifications
7 Appointment and Confirmation
8 Removal from Office
9 The Work of the Court
10 How Cases Come before the Court
11 Criteria for Selecting Cases
12 Briefing and Oral Argument
13 Analysis and Discussion
14 Writing Opinions
15 Effects of the Court's Decisions
16 History
第三部分 最高法院著名大法官与判决
Ⅰ 最高法院著名大法官
1 John Marshall
2 Roger Brooke Taney
3 William Howard Taft
4 Oliver Wendell Holmes,Jr.
5 Louis Dembitz Brandeis
6 Charles Evans Hughes
7 Earl Warren
8 Thurgood Marshall
9 William Hubbs Rehnquist
10 Sandra Day O'Connor
Ⅱ 最高法院重要判决
1 Marbury v.Madison
2 Dred Scott Case
3 Slaughterhouse Cases
4 Plessy v.Ferguson
5 Schenck v.United States
6 Brown v.Board of Education of Topeka
7 Gideon v.Wainwright
8 Miranda v.Arizona
9 Roe v.Wade
附录一 历史文献
1 《独立宣言》
2 《美国宪法》
3 美国历届总统
4 美国联邦司法机构
5 美国联邦最高法院法官
附录二 地图
1 英属北美十三个殖民地
2 路易斯安那购买地
3 美国内战
第一部分 法治基石
Ⅰ 《独立宣言》
1 British Colonial Control
2 Early Colonial Resistance
3 Taxes on Tea
4 First Continental Congress
5 Hostilities Begin
6 Common Sense
7 Independence Resolution
8 Jefferson's Declaration
9 Impact of the Declaration of Independence
Ⅱ 《美国宪法》
1 Forces that Shaped the Constitution
2 The Constitutional Convention
3 Ideas Behind the Constitution
4 Struggle for Ratification
5 Overview
6 The Influence of the Constitution
7 Interpreting the Constitution
8 Amendments to the Constitution
9 The Constitution Today
Ⅲ 《权利法案》
1 Rights Protected
2 Origins of the Bill of Rights
3 Debate Over the Constitution
4 Interpretation
5 Comparison with Laws in Other Countries
第二部分 制约与平衡
Ⅰ 国会
1 Powers of Congress
2 Limits on the Powers of Congress
3 Membership
4 Congressional Sessions
5 Structure and Responsibilities of the Senate
6 Structure and Responsibilities of the House
7 The Legislative Process
8 Influences on the Legislative Process
9 Congress in Comparative Perspective
10 Congress through History
11 Challenges Facing Congress
Ⅱ 总统
1 Term of office and Qualifications
2 Election to the Presidency
3 Presidential Succession
4 Responsibilities and Powers
5 The Executive Branch
6 The Life of the President
7 History of Presidential Leadership
Ⅲ 最高法院
1 Introduction
2 Power of the Supreme Court
3 Jurisdiction
4 Judicial Review
5 Membership
6 Qualifications
7 Appointment and Confirmation
8 Removal from Office
9 The Work of the Court
10 How Cases Come before the Court
11 Criteria for Selecting Cases
12 Briefing and Oral Argument
13 Analysis and Discussion
14 Writing Opinions
15 Effects of the Court's Decisions
16 History
第三部分 最高法院著名大法官与判决
Ⅰ 最高法院著名大法官
1 John Marshall
2 Roger Brooke Taney
3 William Howard Taft
4 Oliver Wendell Holmes,Jr.
5 Louis Dembitz Brandeis
6 Charles Evans Hughes
7 Earl Warren
8 Thurgood Marshall
9 William Hubbs Rehnquist
10 Sandra Day O'Connor
Ⅱ 最高法院重要判决
1 Marbury v.Madison
2 Dred Scott Case
3 Slaughterhouse Cases
4 Plessy v.Ferguson
5 Schenck v.United States
6 Brown v.Board of Education of Topeka
7 Gideon v.Wainwright
8 Miranda v.Arizona
9 Roe v.Wade
附录一 历史文献
1 《独立宣言》
2 《美国宪法》
3 美国历届总统
4 美国联邦司法机构
5 美国联邦最高法院法官
附录二 地图
1 英属北美十三个殖民地
2 路易斯安那购买地
3 美国内战
The Rule of Law in the United States
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