英文共同题名:Selected English articles for recitation


作   者:李震,王炳辉,周莹主编







001. The Medltations沉思录
002. A Sense of Belonging归属感
003. To the English Troops at Tilbury,Facing the Spanlsh Armada面对西班牙无敌舰队时,对英军将士的讲话
004. Man’s Youth青春
005. Put the Glass Down放下玻璃杯
006. The Amedcans Character美利坚民族的气质
007. A Writer's Lonely Life作家的孤寂生活
008. On Pleasure论快乐
009. Be GratefuI to Life感恩生活
010. A Red,Red Rose一朵红红的玫瑰
011. The GoIden Mean中庸之道
012. Self-rlghteousness自以为义
013. Clvtllzadtlon & History文明与历史
014. Apology申辩
015. An Inquiry Into the Nadure and Cause of the Wealth of Notions国富论
016. The Signmconce of Failure失败的意义
017. Pandora潘多拉
018. Speech after the Defeat戈尔的落选演说
019. Rich as a king富得像国王
020. letter to His Son给儿子的一封信
021. Cerlttude and Skeptlclsm确信与怀疑
022. Nature自然
023. Packaging"a Person人如商品要包装
024. The Bourgeoisie In History资产阶级在历史上的作用
025. Cultural Exohanae文化交流
026. Pefer Quince at the ClavlerC(I)彼得昆士弹小风琴
027. The Definlrion of Peace和平的定义
028. The Age of Umcertaonty不确定的年代
029. Keep You cool保持冷静
030. Rural Life in England英国的农村生活
031. Dare to Respond in Work在工作中要敢作敢当
032. A Definillon of Greatness in Art艺术之浩瀚
033. Eden Garden伊甸园
034. Erdightonrnorut思想启蒙运动
035. Companioship of Books以书为友
036. How to Negotiate with Amerlcan如何与美国人谈判
037. The Stotym of Big Rocks生命中的大石块
029. On Joumslismm论报纸
039. The Law of Compefftion竞争法则
040. Stopping by woods on a snowy Evening雪夜林边小驻
041. The world Will Always Remember September 11世界将会永远记住9·11
042. The Importance of One’s Own Language论本国语的重要性
043. If I Rest,I Rust如果我休息,我就会生锈
044. The PoeNc Prlnclp4e诗歌原理
045. Nallonal Leader’s Responslblllty国家领导人的责任
046. On Beauty美
047. Be True to Yourself做一个表里如一的人
048. Solitucle寂寞
049. Three Days to See假如给我三天光明
050. Amedcan Electoral System美国选举制度
051. Sound and Fury喧哗与骚动
052. If the Wodd Were a Village of 100 People如果世界是个一百人的村落
053. Cobbler And Banker皮匠和银行家
054. Evolution of Men人类的演化
055. The Declardtion of Independence独立宣言
056. If I Were a Boy Agaln假如我又回到了童年
057. Halioween趣话万圣节
058. The Emglishman英国人
059. To Be or Not to be生存还是毁灭
060. Laborer and Worker雇工与工人
061. Never Forget铭记于心
062. Shall We Choose Death我们该选择死亡吗
063. Man is a Lonely Island人如孤岛
064. Non-vlklent and Non-coopetation Movements非暴力不合作运动
065. The Umiverslty Which Did Nothing无为而治办大学
066. General George Washington乔治.华盛顿将军
067. On Shyness论羞怯
068. By His Own wisdom靠自己的智慧
069. NASDAQ纳斯达克
070. The Rple of Justice公正之功效
071. Beauttful Smile and Love美丽的微笑与爱心
072. Of Character in Relation to the Nalure of the Climate性格与气候类型的关系
073. A Grain of Sand一粒沙子
074. The Song of the Rlver河之歌
075. The Clone Wars克隆战争
076. The Value of Time时间的价值
077. Thirteen Names of Vidues十三项美德
078? `he Rule of Quarrelling吵架规则
079. Imagine幻想
080. On Friendship论交友之道
081. On Doom论门
082. A Woman’S Intulfion女性的直觉
083. Ecological Wisdom生态学的智慧
084. The Prince君主论
085. Conduct and Manners行为和礼貌
086. The Lonely Superpower孤独的超级大国
087. To Take or to Give奉献与索取
088. Of Custom谈习惯
089. Of Innovations谈改革
090. Good-bye别了,浮华世界
091. Sclettflc Theory科学理论
092. On the Freedom of Press论出版自由
093. When You are old当你老了
094. Banker to the Poor穷人的银行家
095. Variety Fuels Creativtty变化燃起创造力
096. Seven Skills For Quallfied Empployees in 21ST Century21世纪合格人才必备7大技能
097. The First Explosion原始大爆炸
098. Bless Jehovah,O My soul.我的心哪,你要称颂耶和华
099. Versatlle Man多才多艺的人
100. Woorking Man of All Countrles:Unlte!全世界无产者联合起来
101. To see You我来看您
102. Surrender to the Fact that Life Isn't Falr认生活不公平这一事实
103. Putting In a Good Word for Guilt为内疚正名
104. Feed Your Mind充实你的思想
105. Excerpts from the Anolects《论语》节选
106. Every Uving Person Has Problems人人有本难念的经
107. Of Indlvldualism in Democrailc Coutrles关于民主国家中的个人主义
108. I Will porsist untill I Succeed我会坚持不懈直到成功
109. The Love of Beauty爱美之心
110. Nover GlVe Up the Pursuit of Leaming永不放弃学习



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英文共同题名:Selected English articles for recitation
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    东野圭吾 (作者), 李盈春 (译者)

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