A new afterword from the author graces this bestselling taleof a young Spanish shepherd boy seeking a treasure in the pyramidsof Egypt. Along the way, he learns to follow his dreams, listen tohis heart, live in the present, and risk everything he has topursue his destiny. The Alchemist has been a NYTimes, PublishersWeekly, L.A. Times, Denver Post, Chicago Tribune, San FranciscoChronicle, and Marin Independent Journal bestseller.
?PERENNIAL BESTSELLER: Our American edition of The Alchemist, inall editions, has sold over well over 2 million copies. The bookhas sold over 23 million copies worldwide. ?SPECIAL PLUS EDITION:This Plus edition includes a new afterword by Paulo Coelho,reflecting on the years since the first publication of TheAlchemist, an interview with Coelho, the first chapter from his newnovel, The Devil and Miss Prym, and more.
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