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Beginning with a single entry for the year 1889, when he was twenty, and continuing intermittently but indefatigably through his life, the Journals of Andr Gide constitute an enlightening, moving, and endlessly fascinating chronicle of creative energy and conviction. Astutely and thoroughly annotated by Justin O'Brien in consultation with Gide himself, this translation is the definitive edition of Gide's complete journals.The complete journals, representing sixty years of a varied life, testify to a disciplined intelligence in a constantly maturing thought. These pages contain aesthetic appreciations, philosophic reflections, sustained literary criticism, notes for the composition of his works, details of his personal life and spiritual conflicts, accounts of his extensive travels, and comments on the political and social events of the day, from the Dreyfus case to the German occupation.Gide records his progress as a writer and a reader as well as his contacts and conversations with the bright lights of contemporary Europe, from Paul Valry, Paul Claudel, Lon Blum, and Auguste Rodin to Marcel Proust, Stephen Mallarm, Oscar Wilde, and Nadia Boulanger.Devoid of affectation, alternately overtaken by depression and animated by a sense of urgency and hunger for literature and beauty, Gide read voraciously, corresponded voluminously, and thought profoundly, always questioning and doubting in search of the unadulterated truth. 'The only drama that really interests me and that I should always be willing to depict anew', he wrote, 'is the debate of the individual with whatever keeps him from being authentic, with whatever is opposed to his integrity, to his integration. Most often the obstacle is within him. And all the rest is merely accidental'. Volume 4 reveals a creative mind that remains vigorous and unique as Gide enters his seventies. He records the fall of France and the German occupation during World War II, the landing of the Americans and the fall of Tunis, as well as a memorable meeting with General de Gaulle. His literary commentary touches on such writers as Virgil, Goethe, Racine, Dashiell Hammett, and John Steinbeck.


Table Of Contents:
Introduction vii

Journal 1939 3(7)

Journal 1940 10(45)

Journal 1941 55(36)

Recovered Pages 91(5)

Journal 1942 96(50)

Journal 1943 146(83)

Journal 1944 229(21)

Journal 1945 250(6)

Journal 1946 256(18)

Journal 1947 274(1)

Autumn Leaves 275(7)

Journal 1948 282(15)

Journal 1949 297(10)
Appendix I. Foreword to Pages de Journal 307(1)
Appendix II. Proceedings of the Provisional Consultative Assembly (Algiers, 7 July 1944) 308(2)
Appendix III. Letter from Mme Berthe Zuckerkandl 310(1)
Glossary of Persons 311(24)
The Works of Andre Gide 335(8)
Index 343(13)
Index to Gide's Works 356



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    东野圭吾 (作者), 李盈春 (译者)

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