The Collection of Critical Biographies of Chinese Thinkers,
under the general editorship of the late honorary president of
Nanjing University, Professor Kuang Yarning, is the largest-scale
project of research materials on Chinese thinkers undertaken since
the beginning of the twentieth century. Standing on the shoulders
of this great man and other 200 well-known Chinese professors,
this collection of concise Chinese-English version is not only
based on a profound academic foundation, but also exhibits a brand
new feature which is the virtue of explaining the profound in a
simple way, hence leading readers to mastery of the contents; it
also incorporates a refined principle of selection, a simple mode
of evaluation and commentary, and a moving narration of the
stories and their wisdom.
一 意气风发的青少年时代
二 旅食京华的悲辛
三 赋到沧桑句便工
四 流离陇蜀
五 成都草堂里的野老
六 流寓梓阆及重回草堂
七 白帝城头忆平生
八 漂泊湖湘
九 诗人和诗歌的双重楷模
二 旅食京华的悲辛
三 赋到沧桑句便工
四 流离陇蜀
五 成都草堂里的野老
六 流寓梓阆及重回草堂
七 白帝城头忆平生
八 漂泊湖湘
九 诗人和诗歌的双重楷模
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