Beijing Olympic Games training series:a convrsational English reader,Advanced
作 者:王继辉主编;北京市教育委员会编撰
unit 1 reception services
第一单元 接待服务
dialog 1:at the capital international airport
dialog 2:at the capital international airport
dialog 3:at the capital international airport
dialog 4:entering the olympic village
culture notes文化之窗
reading l a nutshell history of the olympic games
unit 2 resident services
第二单元 居民服务
dialog i:at the olympic village
dialog 2-at the olympic village
dialog 3-at the olympic village
. dialog 4-at the olympic village
culture notes文化之窗
reading2 olympicvenues
unit 3 competition venue services
第三单元 比赛场馆服务
dialog 1:at the national stadium
dialog 2:at an olympic stadium
dialog 3:at the national stadium
dialog 4:at an olympic gymnasium
culture notes文化之窗
reading 3 the emblem ofthe beijing olympic games
unit 4 spectator services
第四单元 观众服务
dialog 1:at the national stadium
dialog 2:at an olympic stadium
dialog 3:at the national stadium
dialog 4:at the national stadium
culture notes文化之窗
reading 4 concepts,slogan and environmental symb01
unit 5 media services
第五单元 媒体服务
dialog 1:at the media village
dialog 2:at the media village
dialog 3:at the international broadcasting centre
dialog 4:at the venue media centre
culture notes文化之窗
reading 5 mascots
unit 6 leisure nme services
第六单元 休闲服务
dialog 1:at the summer palace
dialog 2:at the exhibition centre
dialog 3:at the exhibition centre
dialog 4:at the olympic village international zone
culture notes文化之窗
reading 6 volunteers,
unit 7 gathering and parting
第七单元 欢聚与话别
dialog 1:dining out at a restaurant
dialog 2:at shichahai bar street
dialog 3:at the international zone of the olympic village
dialog 4:at the news plaza hotel
culture notes文化之窗
reading 7 the 2008 olympic games and the development
of beijing tourism
appendix 1 basic olympic terminology
appendix 2 basic olympic summer spots terminology
appendix 3 basic paralympic summer sports terminology
appendix 4 major spots of interest in beijing
第一单元 接待服务
dialog 1:at the capital international airport
dialog 2:at the capital international airport
dialog 3:at the capital international airport
dialog 4:entering the olympic village
culture notes文化之窗
reading l a nutshell history of the olympic games
unit 2 resident services
第二单元 居民服务
dialog i:at the olympic village
dialog 2-at the olympic village
dialog 3-at the olympic village
. dialog 4-at the olympic village
culture notes文化之窗
reading2 olympicvenues
unit 3 competition venue services
第三单元 比赛场馆服务
dialog 1:at the national stadium
dialog 2:at an olympic stadium
dialog 3:at the national stadium
dialog 4:at an olympic gymnasium
culture notes文化之窗
reading 3 the emblem ofthe beijing olympic games
unit 4 spectator services
第四单元 观众服务
dialog 1:at the national stadium
dialog 2:at an olympic stadium
dialog 3:at the national stadium
dialog 4:at the national stadium
culture notes文化之窗
reading 4 concepts,slogan and environmental symb01
unit 5 media services
第五单元 媒体服务
dialog 1:at the media village
dialog 2:at the media village
dialog 3:at the international broadcasting centre
dialog 4:at the venue media centre
culture notes文化之窗
reading 5 mascots
unit 6 leisure nme services
第六单元 休闲服务
dialog 1:at the summer palace
dialog 2:at the exhibition centre
dialog 3:at the exhibition centre
dialog 4:at the olympic village international zone
culture notes文化之窗
reading 6 volunteers,
unit 7 gathering and parting
第七单元 欢聚与话别
dialog 1:dining out at a restaurant
dialog 2:at shichahai bar street
dialog 3:at the international zone of the olympic village
dialog 4:at the news plaza hotel
culture notes文化之窗
reading 7 the 2008 olympic games and the development
of beijing tourism
appendix 1 basic olympic terminology
appendix 2 basic olympic summer spots terminology
appendix 3 basic paralympic summer sports terminology
appendix 4 major spots of interest in beijing
Beijing Olympic Games training series:a convrsational English reader,Advanced
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