本书深入浅出地阐述了“一带一路”时代的全球化、文明、战略、经济、政治、外交逻辑,揭示了“一带一路”倡议所展示的中国智慧与世界智慧,是继作者推出《“一带一路”:机遇与挑战》专著一年后从人类文明史与全球化反思角度研究“一带一路”的力作。This book explains the logic concerning globalization, civilization, strategy, economy, politics and diplomacy in an in-depth yet understandable way, and reveals the Chinese wisdom and global wisdom displayed by the Belt and Road Initiative. Based on the history of human civilization and reflection on globalization, it is a monograph on the Belt and Road Initiative after the publication of the same author’s The Belt and Road Initiative: What Will China Offer the World in Its Rise one year ago.
ContentsPreface (Recommendation) Preface by the Author
ForewordAway from the Modern Times and the Western System
Introduction The World Looks Eastward, China Westward
1. After a Millennium, World Economic Center Returns to the East2. A Journey to the West 2.03. A Summary of the Belt and Road Initiative
Chapter 1 The World is Connected
1. To Start: Chinized Globalization2. To Link: Connectivity3. To Reach: Globalized Chinization
Chapter 2 Belt and Road Initiative: Logic of Globalization
1. Globalization 1.0: Mutual Learning2. Globalization 2.0: A Western-centered World3. Globalization 3.0: An Inclusive World
Chapter 3 Belt and Road Initiative: Logic of Civilization
1. Revival of Civilization2. Transformation of Civilization3. Innovation of Civilization
Chapter 4 Belt and Road Initiative: Strategic Logic
1. From Land-locked to Land-crossed2. You Do Your Way, I Do My Way3. “Longzhong Talk” in the 21st Century
Chapter 5 Belt and Road Initiative: Economic Logic
1. Domestic Integration2. Double-loop System3. Win-win Cooperation
Chapter 6 Belt and Road Initiative: Political Logic
1. Curve Overtaking2. Lane-changing Overtaking3. Common Revival
Chapter 7 Belt and Road Initiative: Diplomatic Logic
1. Built of All: Community of Common Interests2. Built by All: Community of Common Responsibility3. Built for All: Community of Common Future
Chapter 8 Belt and Road Initiative: Perceptive Logic
1. Perceptions and Misperceptions of the Belt and Road Initiative2. Ten Risks about Misperceptions3. Dialectics of the Belt and Road Initiative
Chapter 9 Chinese Wisdom Embodied in the Belt and Road Initiative
1. To Start: Strategic Synergy2. To Combine: International Cooperation on Capacity and Equipment Manufacturing3. To Split: Exploring the Third-party Market
Chapter 10 Global Wisdom Embodied in the Belt and Road Initiative
1. To Share: Win-winism2. To Sustain: Balanced Development3. To Internalize: Striking Roots
Appendix: Case Studies
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