Import and export tariff of the People’s Republic of China
作 者:海关总署关税征管司编
Imeport Tariff of the People's Republic of China
Export Tariff of the People's Republic of China
表1: 中国—东盟自由贸易区“早期收获”商品税目税率附加表
Table 1: Annex to Early Harvest Arrangement of China-ASEAN FTA
表2: 中国—东盟自由贸易区六国〓执行税率表
Table 2: The Applied Tariff Rates for the Six Countries of Chiha-ASEAN FTA
表2.1 中国—东盟自由贸易区六国〓协定税率统一执行表
Table 2.1: The Uniformly Applied Tariff Rates for the Six Countries of China-ASEAN FTA
表2.2 中国—东盟自由贸易区六国〓执行税率附加表
Table 2.2: Annex to the Applied Tariff Rates for the Six Countries of China-ASEAN FTA
表2.3 中国—东盟自由贸易区六国〓进口商品从量税、复合税目税率表
Table 2.3: Spedfic and Compound Duty Rates on Imported Goods for the Six Countries of China-ASEAN FTA
表3: 关税配额商品税目、税率表
Table 3: Tariff Quota Rate on Imported Goods
表4: 进口关税特惠税目税率表
Table 4: Special Preferential Duty Rate on Imported Goods
表5: 进口商品暂定税率表
Table 5: Interim Duty Rate on Imported Goods
表6: 出口商品暂定税率表
Table 6: Interim Duty Rate on Exported Goods
表7: 进口商品从量税、复合税税目税率表
Table 7: Specific and Compound Duty Rate on Imported Goods
表8: 非全税目信息技术产品税率表
Table 8: Duty Rate on Specific Information Technology Products
表9: 中华人民共和国进境物品进口税率表
Table 9: Duty Rate on Inward Articles of the People's Republic of China
Imeport Tariff of the People's Republic of China
Export Tariff of the People's Republic of China
表1: 中国—东盟自由贸易区“早期收获”商品税目税率附加表
Table 1: Annex to Early Harvest Arrangement of China-ASEAN FTA
表2: 中国—东盟自由贸易区六国〓执行税率表
Table 2: The Applied Tariff Rates for the Six Countries of Chiha-ASEAN FTA
表2.1 中国—东盟自由贸易区六国〓协定税率统一执行表
Table 2.1: The Uniformly Applied Tariff Rates for the Six Countries of China-ASEAN FTA
表2.2 中国—东盟自由贸易区六国〓执行税率附加表
Table 2.2: Annex to the Applied Tariff Rates for the Six Countries of China-ASEAN FTA
表2.3 中国—东盟自由贸易区六国〓进口商品从量税、复合税目税率表
Table 2.3: Spedfic and Compound Duty Rates on Imported Goods for the Six Countries of China-ASEAN FTA
表3: 关税配额商品税目、税率表
Table 3: Tariff Quota Rate on Imported Goods
表4: 进口关税特惠税目税率表
Table 4: Special Preferential Duty Rate on Imported Goods
表5: 进口商品暂定税率表
Table 5: Interim Duty Rate on Imported Goods
表6: 出口商品暂定税率表
Table 6: Interim Duty Rate on Exported Goods
表7: 进口商品从量税、复合税税目税率表
Table 7: Specific and Compound Duty Rate on Imported Goods
表8: 非全税目信息技术产品税率表
Table 8: Duty Rate on Specific Information Technology Products
表9: 中华人民共和国进境物品进口税率表
Table 9: Duty Rate on Inward Articles of the People's Republic of China
Import and export tariff of the People’s Republic of China
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