110th Anniversary Peter Rabbit Books: The Tale of Ginger and Pickles 彼得兔系列:金吉尔和皮克尔斯的故事 ISBN 9780723267928
作 者:Beatrix
It's been 110 years since Frederick Warne published BeatrixPotter's very first book, "The Tale of Peter Rabbit", and incelebration, we are delighted to be publishing special editions ofher entire body of work. Unlike the traditional little white books,these editions have delightful colourful covers and speciallydesigned endpapers. And to make them extra special, we haveincluded a publisher's note to tell you all about the history ofhow each book came to be. Ginger and Pickles (a ginger cat and aterrier) keep a very popular shop. Their customers love to buytheir provisions there, but they are somewhat less keen to pay forthem, and run up a great deal of credit, making poor Ginger andPickles' lives very difficult indeed. "The Tale of Ginger andPickles" is number 18 in Beatrix Potter's series of 23 littlebooks.
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