A balanced selection of classic and contemporary works by prominent and less-well-known writers. From Joyce, Hemingway, O'Connor, Auden, Stevens, Dickinson, Faulkner, Hawthorne, and Whitman, to Sharon Olds, Nicholson Baker, Carolyn Forché, Paul Ruffin, Salman Rushdie, Agha Shahid Ali, Eamon Grennan, Linda Pastan, Li-Young Lee, Jimmy Santiago Baca, Simon Ortiz, Seamus Heaney, Karen Volkman, and David Ives.
"Exploring Contexts" chapters provide a window into the broader literary world by placing the stories, poems, and plays in contextual groups, literary, authorial, cultural, historical, and social, illuminating connections among texts and the influences that shape them.
"Critical Context" Casebooks, a new feature, serve as capstone chapters for each genre. Each includes one primary literary work followed by several professional critical responses, allowing students to explore one work in depth and to develop and expand their reading and analytical skills as they prepare to write about what they've read. Two student papers, one, a personal response essay, and the other, a research paper, round out the fiction casebook.
Reading, Responding, Writing chapters introduce students to a genre and ways of exploring and writing about it.
Understanding the Text chapters within each genre cover the elements of literature, providing students with the tools they need to consider various works.
Evaluating chapters strengthen students' critical skills by guiding them in the difficult task of evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of literary works.
A Reading More section offers an album of pieces for further reading.
New Fiction Chapter:
"Cultural and Historical Context"
This new chapter focuses on F. Scott Fitzgerald's "Babylon Revisited" and discusses the historical events and cultural climate that provided the backdrop for Fitzgerald's fiction. No other anthology offers so deep a contextual analysis.
New Drama Chapter:
"The Author's Work as Context: William Shakespeare"
Pushing students beyond their natural curiosity about Shakespeare's life, this new chapter calls attention to stylistic and thematic currents running through Shakespeare's work and encourages students to read Shakespeare actively and critically.
Evaluation Chapters Revised
"Evaluating" (fiction, poetry, drama) chapters have been reconceived to guide students toward determining and declaring the basis on which they are making their evaluative judgments.
New Introduction: "What is Literature?"
Alison Booth's insightful introduction discusses questions concerning the nature of "literature," the value of reading and writing about it, and the history of "the canon."
New Selections
Fourteen new stories, seventy-six new poems, and four new plays offer an unbeatable selection of both classic and contemporary works. Among the new selections are pieces by Carol Shields, Jhumpa Lahiri, Stephen Crane, Billy Collins, Lorrie Moore, James Joyce, Eavan Boland, Thom Gunn, Andrew Hudgins, Jorie Graham, Gail Mazur, August Wilson, Lillian Hellman, Paula Vogel.
Table Of Contents:
Preface xxv
Introduction: What Is Literature? xxix
Fiction: Reading, Responding, Writing 2(13)
The Zebra Storyteller 2(3)
Spencer Holst
No One's a Mystery 5(3)
Elizabeth Tallent
The Jewelry 8(7)
Guy de Maupassant
Questions/Writing Suggestions 14(1)
Understanding the Text 15(324)
Plot 15(51)
Happy Endings 20(3)
Margaret Atwood
The Country Husband 23(18)
John Cheever
Sonny's Blues 41(25)
James Baldwin
Questions/Writing Suggestions 64(2)
Narration and Point of View 66(36)
The Cask of Amontillado 70(5)
Edgar Allan Poe
Hills Like White Elephants 75(3)
Ernest Hemingway
How 78(7)
Lorrie Moore
Dreams 85(17)
Timothy Findley
Questions/Writing Suggestions 100(2)
Character 102(55)
Why I Live at the P.O. 107(9)
Eudora Welty
Bartleby, the Scrivener 116(26)
Herman Melville
Our Friend Judith 142(15)
Doris Lessing
Questions/Writing Suggestions 155(2)
Setting 157(38)
Sanchez 159(9)
Richard Dokey
A Pair of Tickets 168(14)
Amy Tan
The Lady with the Dog 182(13)
Anton Chekhov
Questions/Writing Suggestions 194(1)
Symbol 195(28)
Young Goodman Brown 198(9)
Nathaniel Hawthorne
A Hunger Artist 207(7)
Franz Kafka
Janus 214(9)
Ann Beattie
Questions/Writing Suggestions 217(2)
Student Writing: Geoffrey Clement, The Struggle to Surface in the Water of ``Sonny's Blues'' 219(4)
Theme 223(49)
A Souvenir of Japan 227(6)
Angela Carter
The Management of Grief 233(12)
Bharati Mukherjee
Good Climate, Friendly Inhabitants 245(10)
Nadine Gordimer
Interpreter of Maladies 255(17)
Jhumpa Lahiri
Questions/Writing Suggestions 270(2)
The Whole Text 272(67)
The Secret Sharer 272(31)
Joseph Conrad
Questions and Writing Suggestions 301(2)
Love Medicine 303(17)
Louise Erdrich
Questions and Writing Suggestions 319(1)
The Open Boat 320(19)
Stephen Crane
Questions and Writing Suggestions 337(2)
Exploring Contexts 339(238)
The Author's Work As Context: D. H. Lawrence and Flannery O'Connor 339(107)
D. H. Lawrence 345(45)
Odour of Chrysanthemums 345(14)
The Blind Man 359(14)
The Rocking-Horse Winner 373(11)
Passages from Essays and Letters 384(6)
Flannery O'Connor 390(56)
A Good Man Is Hard to Find 390(11)
The Lame Shall Enter First 401(26)
Everything That Rises Must Converge 427(12)
Passages from Essays and Letters 439(5)
Questions/Writing Suggestions 444(2)
Literary Kind as Context: Initiation Stories 446(22)
Gorilla, My Love 447(5)
Toni Cade Bambara
Boys and Girls 452(10)
Alice Munro
Araby 462(6)
James Joyce
Questions/Writing Suggestions 466(2)
Form as Context: The Short Short Story 468(22)
The Story of an Hour 470(2)
Kate Chopin
A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings 472(4)
Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Girl 476(1)
Jamaica Kincaid
Pants on Fire 477(4)
Nicholson Baker
The Grasshopper and the Bell Cricket 481(3)
Yasunari Kawabata
The Use of Force 484(2)
William Carlos Williams
She Unnames Them 486(4)
Ursula K. Le Guin
Questions/Writing Suggestions 488(2)
Cultural and Historical Context 490(39)
Babylon Revisited 498(31)
F. Scott Fitzgerald
Echoes of the Jazz Age 513(3)
F. Scott Fitzgerald
From Exile's Return: A Literary Odyssey of the 1920s 516(6)
Malcolm Cowley
The New York Times
Stocks Collapse in 16,410,030-Share Day 522(1)
Crowd at Tickers See Fortunes Wane 522(1)
Women Traders Going Back to Bridge Games: Say They Are Through with Stocks Forever 523(1)
From Social Problems of the Family 524(2)
Ernest R. Groves
From The Bankruptcy of Marriage 526(3)
V. F. Calverton
Critical Contexts: A Fiction Casebook 529(48)
A Rose for Emily 531(46)
William Faulkner
Student Writing: Daniel Bronson, ``Like the Sand of the Hourglass...'' 539(3)
``We all said, `she will kill herself''': The Narrator/Detective in William Faulkner's ``A Rose for Emily'' 542(8)
Lawrence R. Rodgers
Styles of Reading 550(8)
George L. Dillon
A Rose for ``A Rose for Emily'' 558(7)
Judith Fetterley
Of Time and Its Mathematical Progression: Problems of Chronology in Faulkner's ``A Rose for Emily'' 565(7)
Gene M. Moore
Student Writing: Willow D. Crystal, ``One of us...'': Concepts of the Private and the Public in William Faulkner's ``A Rose for Emily'' 572(5)
Evaluating Fiction 577(42)
A Conversation with My Father 577(6)
Grace Paley
The Most Dangerous Game 583(18)
Richard Connell
Student Writing: Thaddeus Smith, Why ``The Most Dangerous Game'' Is Good Literature 598(1)
Student Writing: Sara Rosen, Why ``The Most Dangerous Game'' Is Not Good Literature 599(2)
Barn Burning 601(18)
William Faulkner
Reading More Fiction 619(191)
My Contraband 619(14)
Louisa May Alcott
An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge 633(7)
Ambrose Bierce
Without Benefit of Clergy 640(15)
Rudyard Kipling
The Real Thing 655(18)
Henry James
The Yellow Wallpaper 673(12)
Charlotte Perkins Gilman
Souls Belated 685(20)
Edith Wharton
A Jury of Her Peers 705(15)
Susan Glaspell
Her First Ball 720(5)
Katherine Mansfield
Flowering Judas 725(9)
Katherine Anne Porter
The Garden of Forking Paths 734(7)
Jorge Luis Borges
King of the Bingo Game 741(7)
Ralph Ellison
The Lady with the Pet Dog 748(13)
Joyce Carol Oates
Shiloh 761(10)
Bobbie Ann Mason
Cathedral 771(11)
Raymond Carver
In Broad Daylight 782(8)
Ha Jin
The Prophet's Hair 790(11)
Salman Rushdie
Dressing Down 801(9)
Carol Shields
Poetry: Reading, Responding, Writing 810(23)
Reading 811(1)
How Do I Love Thee? 811(1)
Elizabeth Barrett Browning
The Tally Stick 812(1)
Jarold Ramsey
love poem 813(2)
Linda Pastan
The River-Merchant's Wife: A Letter 815(1)
Ezra Pound
Wedding-Ring 816(2)
Denise Levertov
Responding 817(1)
On My First Son 818(1)
Ben Jonson
The Vacuum 819(1)
Howard Nemerov
Mid-Term Break 820(1)
Seamus Heaney
Fifth Grade Autobiography 821(1)
Rita Dove
The Fury of Overshoes 822(3)
Anne Sexton
Writing About Poems 824(1)
Practicing Reading: Some Poems on Love 825(1)
[Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone] 825(1)
W. H. Auden
To My Dear and Loving Husband 825(1)
Anne Bradstreet
[Let me not to the marriage of true minds] 826(1)
William Shakespeare
Rondeau 826(1)
Leigh Hunt
A Special Theory of Relativity 826(1)
Alan Bold
[What lips my lips have kissed, and where, and why] 827(1)
Edna St. Vincent Millay
On Her Loving Two Equally 828(1)
Aphra Behn
Married Love 828(1)
Liz Rosenberg
To the Ladies 829(1)
Mary, Lady Chudleigh
A Last Confession 830(1)
W. B. Yeats
[Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?] 830(1)
William Shakespeare
Wayman in Love 831(2)
Tom Wayman
Questions/Writing Suggestions 832(1)
Understanding the Text 833(256)
Tone 833(27)
Barbie Doll 833(1)
Marge Piercy
Leaving the Motel 834(2)
W. D. Snodgrass
In Time of Plague 836(2)
Thom Gunn
Hard Rock Returns to Prison from the Hospital for the Criminal Insane 838(1)
Etheridge Knight
London 839(2)
William Blake
Woodchucks 841(1)
Maxine Kumin
Aunt Jennifer's Tigers 842(2)
Adrienne Rich
Many Tones: Poems About Family Relationships 844(1)
After Making Love We Hear Footsteps 844(1)
Galway Kinnell
Eden 844(1)
Emily Grosholz
The Necessity for Irony 845(1)
Eavan Boland
My Father's Corpse 846(1)
Andrew Hudgins
Persimmons 847(2)
Li-Young Lee
Those Winter Sundays 849(1)
Robert Hayden
You Didn't Fit 850(1)
Susan Musgrave
Elegy 851(1)
Alan Dugan
Mother of the Groom 851(1)
Seamus Heaney
Alzheimer's 852(1)
Kelly Cherry
Beauty 852(1)
Susan Glickman
Grandmother, a Caribbean Indian, Described by My Father 853(1)
Yvonne Sapia
Postcard from Kashmir 854(1)
Agha Shahid Ali
Green Chile 855(1)
Jimmy Santiago Baca
Heaven 856(2)
Cathy Song
Indian Movie, New Jersey 858(2)
Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni
Questions/Writing Suggestions 859(1)
Speaker: Whose Voice Do We Hear? 860(25)
The Ruined Maid 860(2)
Thomas Hardy
In a Prominent Bar in Secaucus One Day 862(1)
X.J. Kennedy
Letters in the Family 863(3)
Adrienne Rich
Death of a Young Son by Drowning 866(1)
Margaret Atwood
Soliloquy of the Spanish Cloister 867(3)
Robert Browning
Sudden Journey 870(1)
Tess Gallagher
A Certain Lady 870(2)
Dorothy Parker
Needs 872(1)
A. R. Ammons
She Dwelt among the Untrodden Ways 873(1)
William Wordsworth
Praying Drunk 874(2)
Andrew Hudgins
Hanging Fire 876(1)
Audre Lorde
They Flee from Me 876(1)
Sir Thomas Wyatt
To a Louse 877(1)
Robert Burns
The Poison Flower 878(1)
Mary Coleridge
Lessons of the War: Judging Distances 879(1)
Henry Reed
La Migra 880(1)
Pat Mora
We Real Cool 881(1)
Gwendolyn Brooks
Mirror 882(1)
Sylvia Plath
The Outlaw 882(1)
Seamus Heaney
[I celebrate myself, and sing myself] 883(2)
Walt Whitman
Questions/Writing Suggestions 883(2)
Situation and Setting: What Happens? Where? When? 885(39)
Cherrylog Road 886(3)
James Dickey
The Flea 889(1)
John Donne
Daystar 890(1)
Rita Dove
To a Daughter Leaving Home 891(1)
Linda Pastan
On the Late Massacre in Piedmont 892(2)
John Milton
Point Shirley 894(2)
Sylvia Plath
Dover Beach 896(2)
Matthew Arnold
Situations 898(1)
How I Discovered Poetry 898(1)
Marilyn Nelson
The Night-Wind 898(1)
Emily Bronte
Siren Song 899(1)
Margaret Atwood
A Mongoloid Child Handling Shells on the Beach 900(1)
Richard Snyder
To His Coy Mistress 900(2)
Andrew Marvell
Summer Love 902(1)
Marilyn Chin
Peeling an Orange 902(1)
Virginia Hamilton Adair
William Blake
Holy Thursday 903(1)
Holy Thursday 903(1)
Porphyria's Lover 904(1)
Robert Browning
A Way of Life 905(2)
Howard Nemerov
Times 907(1)
[Full many a glorious morning have I seen] 907(1)
William Shakespeare
The Good-Morrow 907(1)
John Donne
Morning Song 908(1)
Sylvia Plath
Morning 909(1)
Billy Collins
A Description of the Morning 909(1)
Jonathan Swift
Evening 910(1)
Karen Volkman
Evening in the Sanitarium 911(1)
Louise Bogan
Winter Evening 912(1)
Archibald Lampman
Places 913(1)
Singapore 913(1)
Mary Oliver
In Westminster Abbey 914(1)
John Betjeman
The Laundromat 915(1)
Dorianne Laux
West Indian Primer 916(1)
Elizabeth Alexander
A Map of the City 917(1)
Thom Gunn
City Afternoon 917(1)
John Ashbery
A Description of a City Shower 918(1)
Jonathan Swift
Midsummer 919(5)
Derek Walcott
Questions/Writing Suggestions 920(1)
Student Writing: Kimberly Smith, A Letter to an Author 921(3)
Language 924(62)
Precision and Ambiguity 924(1)
[The golf links lie so near the mill] 924(1)
Sarah Cleghorn
Countess of Winchelsea, There's No To-Morrow 925(1)
Anne Finch
Of Time and the Line 926(1)
Charles Bernstein
At the San Franciso Airport 927(2)
Yvor Winters
Slim Cunning Hands 929(1)
Walter de la Mare
Gentle Communion 930(2)
Pat Mora
[After great pain, a formal feeling comes---] 932(1)
Emily Dickinson
My Papa's Waltz 932(2)
Theodore Roethke
Sex without Love 934(1)
Sharon Olds
Lies 935(1)
Martha Collins
[I dwell in Possibility---] 935(1)
Emily Dickinson
William Carlos Williams
The Red Wheelbarrow 936(1)
This Is Just to Say 936(1)
Parsley 937(2)
Rita Dove
Pied Beauty 939(1)
Gerard Manley Hopkins
[in Just-] 939(1)
E. E. Cummings
Morning 940(1)
Mary Oliver
Reflections on Ice-Breaking 940(1)
Ogden Nash
Here Usually Comes the Bride 941(1)
Hidden Meaning 941(1)
Susan Musgrave
Still to Be Neat 942(1)
Ben Jonson
Delight in Disorder 942(1)
Robert Herrick
From Paradise Lost 943(3)
John Milton
De Puero Balbutiente 946(2)
Thomas Bastard
Picturing: The Languages of Description 947(1)
Rorschach 948(1)
Jeanne Marie Beaumont
Home Movies: A Sort of Ode 949(1)
Mary Jo Salter
Bluebonnets 950(1)
Gail Mazur
The Beautiful Changes 951(1)
Richard Wilbur
On a Drop of Dew 952(1)
Andrew Marvell
Love: Youth 953(1)
C. K. Williams
To Penshurst 954(3)
Ben Jonson
Metaphor and Simile 957(1)
[That time of year thou mayst in me behold] 957(2)
William Shakespeare
Marks 959(1)
Linda Pastan
My Father's Garden 960(1)
David Wagoner
Hogwash 961(1)
Robert Francis
A Red, Red Rose 962(1)
Robert Burns
Two Songs 963(2)
Adrienne Rich
[Sex, as they harshly call it,] 963(1)
[That ``old last act''!] 964(1)
The Twenty-third Psalm 965(1)
John Donne
[Batter my heart, three-personed God; for You] 966(1)
The Computation 966(1)
At the Hospital 966(1)
David Ferry
The Death of the Ball Turret Gunner 967(1)
Randall Jarrell
A Comparison of the Life of Man 967(1)
Richard Barnfield
Aubade 967(1)
Amy Lowell
Other 968(1)
Dorothy Livesay
The Night Has a Thousand Eyes 969(1)
Francis William Bourdillon
[Wild Nights---Wild Nights!] 969(1)
Emily Dickinson
Symbol 970(1)
Leningrad Cemetery, Winter of 1941 970(2)
Sharon Olds
The Leap 972(2)
James Dickey
Song 974(1)
Edmund Waller
I Am Like a Rose 975(1)
D. H. Lawrence
One Perfect Rose 976(1)
Dorothy Parker
The Sick Rose 976(2)
William Blake
Fireflies in the Garden 978(1)
Robert Frost
Dancing with God 978(1)
Stephen Dunn
Short History of the West 979(1)
Jorie Graham
Diving into the Wreck 980(2)
Adrienne Rich
After a Death 982(1)
Roo Borson
The Town Dump 983(3)
Howard Nemerov
Questions/Writing Suggestions 984(2)
The Sounds of Poetry 986(31)
The Word Plum 986(2)
Helen Chasin
What the Motorcycle Said 988(1)
Mona Van Duyn
Dirge 989(2)
Kenneth Fearing
Sound and Sense 991(2)
Alexander Pope
Metrical Feet 993(1)
Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Emily Dickinson 994(1)
Wendy Cope
[There was a young lady of Riga] 994(1)
Song 994(1)
Sir John Suckling
To the Memory of Mr. Oldham 995(2)
John Dryden
The Raven 997(3)
Edgar Allan Poe
[Like as the waves make towards the pebbled shore] 1000(1)
William Shakespeare
Watching the Dance 1000(1)
James Merrill
Break, Break, Break 1001(1)
Lord Tennyson
Spring and Fall 1001(1)
Gerard Manley Hopkins
Foolproof Loofah 1002(1)
Lee Ann Brown
The Waking 1002(1)
Theodore Roethke
[A narrow Fellow in the Grass] 1003(1)
Emily Dickinson
Song 1004(1)
Cynthia Zarin
Words and Music 1004(1)
A Song 1005(1)
Thomas Randolph
When to Her Lute Corinna Sings 1006(1)
Thomas Campion
Spring 1006(1)
William Shakespeare
Homage to the Empress of the Blues 1007(1)
Robert Hayden
The Blues 1007(1)
Billy Collins
Dear Coltrane 1008(1)
Michael Harper
Dear John
Jazzanatomy 1009(1)
James A. Emanuel
Mr. Tambourine Man 1010(1)
Bob Dylan
Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds 1011(1)
John Lennon
Paul McCartney
123rd Street Rap 1012(5)
Willie Perdomo
Questions/Writing Suggestions 1013(1)
Student Writing: Christine Woodside Metrical Variation and Meaning in ``To the Memory of Mr. Oldham'' 1014(3)
Internal Structure 1017(27)
Mr. Flood's Party 1017(3)
Edwin Arlington Robinson
The Goose Fish 1020(2)
Howard Nemerov
Church Going 1022(2)
Philip Larkin
Sonrisas 1024(1)
Pat Mora
Arrangements with Earth for Three Dead Friends 1025(2)
James Wright
The Victims 1027(2)
Sharon Olds
Sir Patrick Spens 1029(1)
Auto Wreck 1030(1)
Karl Shapiro
The Pardon 1031(1)
Richard Wilbur
The Dance 1032(1)
William Carlos Williams
Desire 1032(1)
Gail Mazur
[The Wind begun to knead the Grass---] 1033(1)
Emily Dickinson
Save Us From 1034(1)
Roo Borson
Poetry 1035(1)
Stephen Dunn
Ode to the West Wind 1035(3)
Percy Bysshe Shelley
In Memory of W. B. Yeats 1038(6)
W. H. Auden
Questions/Writing Suggestions 1040(1)
Student Writing: Carol Lin Language and Structure in Sharon Old's ``The Victims'' 1041(3)
External Form 1044(29)
The Sonnet 1047(1)
Nuns Fret Not 1047(1)
William Wordsworth
[My lady's presence makes the roses red] 1048(1)
Henry Constable
A Sonnet Is a Moment's Monument 1049(1)
Dante Gabriel Rossetti
On the Sonnet 1050(1)
John Keats
The New Colossus 1051(1)
Emma Lazarus
The White House 1051(1)
Claude McKay
[When I consider how my light is spent] 1052
John Milton
London, 1802 1052(1)
William Wordsworth
In an Artist's Studio 1053(1)
Christina Rossetti
The Potato Harvest 1053(1)
Sir Charles G. D. Roberts
First Fight. Then Fiddle 1054(1)
Gwendolyn Brooks
Range-Finding 1054(1)
Robert Frost
In the Park 1055(1)
Gwen Harwood
The Harlem Dancer 1055(1)
Claude McKay
Yet Do I Marvel 1056(1)
Countee Cullen
Opening the Cage 1056(1)
Edwin Morgan
Joy Sonnet in a Random Universe 1057(1)
Helen Chasin
[My mistress' eyes are nothing like the sun] 1057(1)
William Shakespeare
Sweep Me through Your Many-Chambered Heart 1058(2)
Diane Ackerman
Stanza Forms 1059(1)
Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night 1060(1)
Dylan Thomas
Poetry 1060(1)
Marianne Moore
Sestina 1061(1)
Elizabeth Bishop
beware: do not read this poem 1062(2)
Ishmael Reed
Ars Poetica 1064(1)
Archibald MacLeish
The Way a Poem Looks 1065(1)
E. E. Cummings [l(a] 1065(1)
Composed in the Composing Room 1066(1)
Franklin P. Adams
[Buffalo Bill's] 1066(1)
E. E. Cummings
The Jungle Husband 1067(1)
Stevie Smith
Easter Wings 1068(1)
George Herbert
The Pillar of Fame 1069(1)
Robert Herrick
Anglosaxon Street 1069(1)
Earle Birney
Evening News I 1070(1)
David Ferry
Lilac 1071(2)
Mary Ellen Solt
Questions/Writing Suggestions 1072(1)
The Whole Text 1073(16)
Delay 1074(1)
Elizabeth Jennings
Western Wind 1075(1)
Upon Julia's Clothes 1076(2)
Robert Herrick
Musee des Beaux Arts 1078(1)
W. H. Auden
The Collar 1079(1)
George Herbert
Design 1080(1)
Robert Frost
The Learned 1080(1)
Eden Phillpotts
Piano 1080(1)
D. H. Lawrence
[My Life had stood---a Loaded Gun---] 1081(1)
Emily Dickinson
Cutting the Cake 1082(1)
Virginia Hamilton Adair
Epitaph on Elizabeth, L. H. 1082(7)
Ben Johnson
Questions/Writing Suggestions 1083(1)
Student Writing: Meaghan E. Parker Tragedy in Five Stanzas: ``Woodchucks'' 1084(5)
Exploring Contexts 1089(146)
The Author's Work As Context: John Keats 1089(17)
On First Looking into Chapman's Homer 1091(1)
On the Grasshopper and the Cricket 1092(1)
On Seeing the Elgin Marbles 1092(1)
From Endymion (Book 1) 1093(1)
When I Have Fears 1093(1)
Ode to a Nightingale 1094(2)
Ode on a Grecian Urn 1096(2)
To Autumn 1098(1)
Passages from Letters and the Preface to Endymion 1099(6)
Questions/Writing Suggestion 1105(1)
The Author's Work in Context: Adrienne Rich 1106(23)
At a Bach Concert 1107(1)
Storm Warnings 1108(1)
Living in Sin 1108(1)
Snapshots of a Daughter-in-Law 1109(4)
Planetarium 1113(1)
Dialogue 1114(1)
Power 1115(1)
For the Record 1115(1)
[My mouth hovers across your breasts] 1116(1)
Delta 1116(1)
History 1117(1)
Modotti 1118(1)
Personal Reflections 1119(9)
Question/Writing Suggestions 1128(1)
Literary Tradition as Context 1129(36)
Echo and Allusion 1130(1)
[Come, my Celia, let us prove] 1131(1)
Ben Jonson
The Lamb 1132(1)
William Blake
Boom! 1132(2)
Howard Nemerov
Love in America? 1134(1)
Marianne Moore
You Too? Me Too---Why Not? Soda Pop 1135(1)
Robert Hollander
[Not marble nor the gilded monuments] 1136(1)
William Shakespeare
Poetic ``Kinds'' 1137(1)
The Passionate Shepherd to His Love 1137(2)
Christopher Marlowe
Haiku 1139(1)
[Whether astringent] 1139(1)
[A village without bells---] 1140(1)
[This road---] 1141(1)
[Coolness---] 1141(1)
[Listening to the moon] 1141(1)
[The moon and the flowers] 1141(1)
[Insects on a bough] 1141(1)
[The faces of dolls] 1142(1)
[No sky and no earth] 1142(1)
[Come! Come! Though I call] 1142(1)
[Old pond---...] 1142(1)
Lafcadio Hearn
[An old-time pond from off whose shadowed depth] 1143(1)
Clara A. Walsh
[The still old pond] 1143(1)
Earl Miner
[The old pond] 1143(1)
Allen Ginsberg
[The falling flower] 1143(1)
Babette Deutsch
[Eastern guard tower] 1144(1)
Etheridge Knight
[Looking over my shoulder] 1144(1)
Allen Ginsberg
[In the falling snow] 1144(1)
Richard Wright
Ray Charles 1144(1)
James A. Emanuel
Imitating and Answering 1145(1)
The Nymph's Reply to the Shepherd 1145(1)
Sir Walter Ralegh
Raleigh Was Right 1146(1)
William Carlos Williams
[(ponder, darling, these busted statues] 1147(1)
E. E. Cummings
To His Importunate Mistress 1147(1)
Peter De Vries
A Further Proposal 1148(1)
Allen Ginsberg
Variations on a Theme by William Carlos Williams 1149(1)
Kenneth Koch
Ode on a Grecian Urn Summarized 1150(1)
Desmond Skirrow
The Dover Bitch 1150(1)
Anthony Hecht
[Not only marble, but the plastic toys] 1151(2)
Wendy Cope
Cultural Belief and Tradition 1152(1)
Adam's Task 1153(1)
John Hollander
Eve Names the Animals 1153(1)
Susan Donnelly
Helen 1154(1)
H. D. (Hilda Doolittle)
Cassandra 1155(1)
Louise Bogan
Ulysses Embroidered 1155(1)
Miriam Waddington
An Ancient Gesture 1156(1)
Edna St. Vincent Millay
The Kraken 1157(1)
Lord Tennyson
The Negro Speaks of Rivers 1157(1)
Langston Hughes
On Being Brought from Africa to America 1158(1)
Phyllis Wheatley
Something Like a Sonnet for Phillis Miracle Wheatley 1158(1)
June Jordan
Africa 1159(1)
Maya Angelou
A Far Cry from Africa 1159(1)
Derek Walcott
I Am a Cowboy in the Boat of Ra 1160(2)
Ishmael Reed
Advice to a First Cousin 1162(1)
Alberto Alvaro Rios
Jacklight 1163(2)
Louise Erdrich
Questions/Writing Suggestions 1164(1)
Cultural and Historical Context 1165(38)
Emmett Till 1166(1)
James A. Emanuel
Channel Firing 1167(1)
Thomas Hardy
Sonnet: The Ladies' Home Journal 1168(4)
Sandra Gilbert
Times, Places, and Events 1172(1)
Thinking about Bill, Dead of AIDS 1172(1)
Miller Williams
From Colony to Nation 1172(1)
Irving Layton
Welcome to Hiroshima 1173(1)
Mary Jo Salter
America 1174(1)
Claude McKay
Harlem (A Dream Deferred) 1175(1)
Langston Hughes
Frederick Douglass 1175(1)
Robert Hayden
Boy on a Swing 1176(1)
Mbuyiseni Oswald Mtshali
Casabianca 1176(1)
Felicia Dorothea Hemans
Casabianca 1177(1)
Elizabeth Bishop
Dulce et Decorum Est 1178(1)
Wilfred Owen
The Fury of Aerial Bombardment 1179(1)
Richard Eberhart
Ballad of Birmingham 1179(1)
Dudley Randall
Punishment 1180(2)
Seamus Heaney
Constructing Identity, Exploring Gender 1182(1)
Exchanging Hats 1182(1)
Elizabeth Bishop
Practicing 1183(1)
Marie Howe
Song: To Lucasta, Going to the Wars 1184(1)
Richard Lovelace
Disabled 1184(1)
Wilfred Owen
Robert Browning
My Last Duchess 1185(2)
A Woman's Last Word 1187(1)
Elizabeth Barrett Browning
To George Sand---A Desire 1188(1)
To George Sand---A Recognition 1189(1)
Tu Do Street 1189(1)
Yusef Komunyakaa
She 1190(1)
Richard Wilbur
Written the First Year I Was Marry'd 1191(1)
Lady Mary Wortley Montagu
What's That Smell in the Kitchen? 1192(1)
Marge Piercy
Paper Matches 1192(1)
Paulette Jiles
When I Was Fair and Young 1193(1)
L'amitie: To Mrs. M. Awbrey 1193(1)
Katherine Philips
Edna St. Vincent Millay
[Women have loved before as I love now] 1194(1)
[I, being born a woman and distressed] 1194(1)
[Who would divorce her lover...] 1195(1)
Marilyn Hacker
The Lonely Wife 1195(1)
Amy Lowell
The Silence of Women 1196(1)
Liz Rosenberg
The Changeling 1197(1)
Judith Ortiz Cofer
Washing-Day 1198(2)
Anna Letitia Barbauld
Venison 1200(1)
Karen Chase
A Blank 1200(3)
Thom Gunn
Questions/Writing Suggestions 1201(2)
Critical Contexts: A Poetry Casebook 1203(32)
Daddy 1205(30)
Sylvia Plath
Dying Is an Art 1208(3)
George Steiner
The Plath Celebration: A Partial Dissent 1211(1)
Irving Howe
Sylvia Plath 1212(3)
A. Alvarez
Rituals of Exorcism: ``Daddy'' 1215(3)
Judith Kroll
From Protean Poetic 1218(3)
Mary Lynn Broe
From A Feminine Tradition 1221(2)
Margaret Homans
From A Disturbance in Mirrors 1223(3)
Pamela J. Annas
Jealous Gods 1226(9)
Steven Gould Axelrod
Evaluating Poetry 1235(14)
[Th' expense of spirit in a waste of shame] 1238(1)
William Shakespeare
Song 1239(3)
John Donne
Street Funeral 1242(1)
Irving Layton
In Memory of Jane Fraser 1242(1)
Geoffrey Hill
Blackberry Eating 1243(1)
Galway Kinnell
[The Brain---is wider than the Sky---] 1243(1)
Emily Dickinson
To Emily Dickinson 1244(1)
Hart Crane
Anecdote of the Jar 1244(1)
Wallace Stevens
Bells for John Whiteside's Daughter 1245(1)
John Crowe Ransom
King Kong Meets Wallace Stevens 1245(1)
Michael Ondaatje
Reading Time: 1 Minute 26 Seconds 1246(1)
Muriel Rukeyser
Revolutionary Petunias 1247(2)
Alice Walker
Questions/Writing Suggestions 1248(1)
Reading More Poetry 1249(83)
As I Walked Out One Evening 1249(1)
W. H. Auden
The Tyger 1250(1)
William Blake
Gwendolyn Brooks
To the Diaspora 1251(1)
The Coora Flower 1252(1)
Kubla Khan 1252(2)
Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Emily Dickinson
[Because I could not stop for Death---] 1254(1)
[I reckon---when I count at all---] 1254(1)
[I stepped from Plank to Plank] 1255(1)
[It dropped so low---in my Regard---] 1255(1)
[My life closed twice before its close---] 1256(1)
[We do not play on Graves---] 1256(1)
[She dealt her pretty words like Blades---] 1256(1)
John Donne
The Canonization 1257(1)
[Death, be not proud, though some have called thee] 1258(1)
The Sun Rising 1258(1)
A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning 1259(1)
Paul Laurence Dunbar
Sympathy 1260(1)
We Wear the Mask 1261(1)
T. S. Eliot
Journey of the Magi 1261(2)
The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock 1263(3)
Robert Frost
The Road Not Taken 1266(1)
Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening 1267(1)
Allen Ginsberg
A Supermarket in California 1267(1)
Velocity of Money 1268(1)
Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard 1269(3)
Thomas Gray
Thomas Hardy
The Convergence of the Twain 1272(2)
The Darkling Thrush 1274(1)
During Wind and Rain 1275(1)
Neutral Tones 1275(1)
Gerard Manley Hopkins
God's Grandeur 1276(1)
The Windhover 1276(1)
Langston Hughes
I, Too 1277(1)
Theme for English B 1278(1)
Heirloom 1279(1)
A. M. Klein
Skunk Hour 1279(2)
Robert Lowell
Andrew Marvell
The Garden 1281(2)
The Mower, against Gardens 1283(1)
Lycidas 1284(5)
John Milton
Sharon Olds
I Go Back to May 1937 1289(1)
The Lifting 1290(1)
The Glass 1290(1)
Sylvia Plath
Barren Woman 1291(1)
Black Rook in Rainy Weather 1292(1)
Lady Lazarus 1293(2)
Ezra Pound
The Garden 1295(1)
In a Station of the Metro 1295(1)
A Virginal 1295(1)
I Knew a Woman 1296(1)
Theodore Roethke
Wallace Stevens
The Idea of Order at Key West 1297(1)
The Emperor of Ice-Cream 1298(1)
Sunday Morning 1299(3)
Lord Tennyson
Now Sleeps the Crimson Petal 1302(1)
Tears, Idle Tears 1302(1)
Tithonus 1303(1)
Ulysses 1304(2)
Dylan Thomas
Fern Hill 1306(1)
In My Craft or Sullen Art 1307(1)
Song of the Son 1308(1)
Jean Toomer
Walt Whitman
Facing West from California's Shores 1309(1)
I Hear America Singing 1309(1)
A Noiseless Patient Spider 1310(1)
When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloomed 1310(6)
Richard Wilbur
Museum Piece 1316(1)
Love Calls Us to the Things of This World 1317(1)
Transit 1318(1)
Lines Written a Few Miles above Tintern Abbey, On Revisiting the Banks of the Wye during a Tour, July 13, 1798 1318(4)
William Wordsworth
W. B. Yeats
The Lake Isle of Innisfree 1322(1)
All Things Can Tempt Me 1322(1)
Easter 1916 1323(2)
The Second Coming 1325(1)
Leda and the Swan 1326(1)
Sailing to Byzantium 1326(1)
Among School Children 1327(3)
Byzantium 1330(2)
Drama: Reading, Responding, Writing 1332(27)
Trifles 1335(11)
Susan Glaspell
Sure Thing 1346(13)
David Ives
Questions/Writing Suggestions 1355(1)
Student Writing: Caryl Zook, Trifles 1356(3)
Understanding the Text 1359(249)
Character 1359(3)
Structure 1362(1)
Stages, Sets, and Setting 1363(2)
Tone 1365(1)
Theme 1366(1)
The Children's Hour 1367(51)
Lillian Hellman
Questions/Writing Suggestions 1416(2)
Pygmalion 1418(75)
Bernard Shaw
Questions/Writing Suggestions 1491(2)
A Doll House 1493(53)
Henrik Ibsen
Questions/Writing Suggestions 1544(2)
The Piano Lesson 1546(62)
August Wilson
Questions/Writing Suggestions 1607(1)
Exploring Contexts 1608(454)
The Author's Work as Context: William Shakespeare 1608(167)
A Midsummer Night's Dream 1614(56)
Hamlet 1670(105)
Questions/Writing Suggestions 1770(2)
Student Writing: Jeanette Sperhac, The Play's the Thing: Deception in Hamlet 1772(3)
Literary Context: Tragedy and Comedy 1775(90)
Oedipus the King 1778(41)
Questions/Writing Suggestions 1818(1)
The Importance of Being Earnest 1819(46)
Oscar Wilde
Questions/Writing Suggestions 1864(1)
Culture as Context: Social and Historical Setting 1865(144)
A Raisin in the Sun 1869(66)
Lorraine Hansberry
Questions/Writing Suggestions 1934(1)
Death of a Salesman 1935(74)
Arthur Miller
Questions/Writing Suggestions 2004(2)
Student Writing: Sherry Schnake Dream of a Salesman 2006(3)
Critical Contexts: A Drama Casebook 2009(53)
Antigone 2012(50)
From The Antigone of Sophocles 2045(1)
Richard C. Jebb
From Sophoclean Tragedy 2046(2)
Maurice Bowra
Introduction to Sophocles: The Three Theban Plays 2048(5)
Bernard Knox
From The Fragility of Goodness: Luck and Ethics in Greek Tragedy and Philosophy 2053(4)
Martha C. Nussbaum
From Prophesying Tragedy: Sign and Voice in Sophocles' Theban Plays 2057(2)
Rebecca W. Bushnell
From Helping Friends and Harming Enemies: A Study in Sophocles and Greek Ethics 2059(3)
Mary Whitlock Blundell
Evaluating Drama 2062(9)
A Streetcar Named Desire 2071(68)
Tennessee Williams
The Cherry Orchard 2139(38)
Anton Chekhov
How I Learned to Drive 2177
Paula Vogel
Appendices Writing about Literature A3
Introduction A3
Representing the Literary Text A4
Replying to the Text A7
Explaining the Text A10
Critical Approaches A18
Writing About Fiction, Poetry, Drama A28
Deciding What to Write About A33
From Topic to Rough Draft A37
From Rough Draft to Completed Paper A42
A Summary of The Process A51
Glossary A53
Biographical Sketches A64
Permissions Acknowledgments A103
Index of Authors A119
Index of Titles and First Lines A129
Preface xxv
Introduction: What Is Literature? xxix
Fiction: Reading, Responding, Writing 2(13)
The Zebra Storyteller 2(3)
Spencer Holst
No One's a Mystery 5(3)
Elizabeth Tallent
The Jewelry 8(7)
Guy de Maupassant
Questions/Writing Suggestions 14(1)
Understanding the Text 15(324)
Plot 15(51)
Happy Endings 20(3)
Margaret Atwood
The Country Husband 23(18)
John Cheever
Sonny's Blues 41(25)
James Baldwin
Questions/Writing Suggestions 64(2)
Narration and Point of View 66(36)
The Cask of Amontillado 70(5)
Edgar Allan Poe
Hills Like White Elephants 75(3)
Ernest Hemingway
How 78(7)
Lorrie Moore
Dreams 85(17)
Timothy Findley
Questions/Writing Suggestions 100(2)
Character 102(55)
Why I Live at the P.O. 107(9)
Eudora Welty
Bartleby, the Scrivener 116(26)
Herman Melville
Our Friend Judith 142(15)
Doris Lessing
Questions/Writing Suggestions 155(2)
Setting 157(38)
Sanchez 159(9)
Richard Dokey
A Pair of Tickets 168(14)
Amy Tan
The Lady with the Dog 182(13)
Anton Chekhov
Questions/Writing Suggestions 194(1)
Symbol 195(28)
Young Goodman Brown 198(9)
Nathaniel Hawthorne
A Hunger Artist 207(7)
Franz Kafka
Janus 214(9)
Ann Beattie
Questions/Writing Suggestions 217(2)
Student Writing: Geoffrey Clement, The Struggle to Surface in the Water of ``Sonny's Blues'' 219(4)
Theme 223(49)
A Souvenir of Japan 227(6)
Angela Carter
The Management of Grief 233(12)
Bharati Mukherjee
Good Climate, Friendly Inhabitants 245(10)
Nadine Gordimer
Interpreter of Maladies 255(17)
Jhumpa Lahiri
Questions/Writing Suggestions 270(2)
The Whole Text 272(67)
The Secret Sharer 272(31)
Joseph Conrad
Questions and Writing Suggestions 301(2)
Love Medicine 303(17)
Louise Erdrich
Questions and Writing Suggestions 319(1)
The Open Boat 320(19)
Stephen Crane
Questions and Writing Suggestions 337(2)
Exploring Contexts 339(238)
The Author's Work As Context: D. H. Lawrence and Flannery O'Connor 339(107)
D. H. Lawrence 345(45)
Odour of Chrysanthemums 345(14)
The Blind Man 359(14)
The Rocking-Horse Winner 373(11)
Passages from Essays and Letters 384(6)
Flannery O'Connor 390(56)
A Good Man Is Hard to Find 390(11)
The Lame Shall Enter First 401(26)
Everything That Rises Must Converge 427(12)
Passages from Essays and Letters 439(5)
Questions/Writing Suggestions 444(2)
Literary Kind as Context: Initiation Stories 446(22)
Gorilla, My Love 447(5)
Toni Cade Bambara
Boys and Girls 452(10)
Alice Munro
Araby 462(6)
James Joyce
Questions/Writing Suggestions 466(2)
Form as Context: The Short Short Story 468(22)
The Story of an Hour 470(2)
Kate Chopin
A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings 472(4)
Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Girl 476(1)
Jamaica Kincaid
Pants on Fire 477(4)
Nicholson Baker
The Grasshopper and the Bell Cricket 481(3)
Yasunari Kawabata
The Use of Force 484(2)
William Carlos Williams
She Unnames Them 486(4)
Ursula K. Le Guin
Questions/Writing Suggestions 488(2)
Cultural and Historical Context 490(39)
Babylon Revisited 498(31)
F. Scott Fitzgerald
Echoes of the Jazz Age 513(3)
F. Scott Fitzgerald
From Exile's Return: A Literary Odyssey of the 1920s 516(6)
Malcolm Cowley
The New York Times
Stocks Collapse in 16,410,030-Share Day 522(1)
Crowd at Tickers See Fortunes Wane 522(1)
Women Traders Going Back to Bridge Games: Say They Are Through with Stocks Forever 523(1)
From Social Problems of the Family 524(2)
Ernest R. Groves
From The Bankruptcy of Marriage 526(3)
V. F. Calverton
Critical Contexts: A Fiction Casebook 529(48)
A Rose for Emily 531(46)
William Faulkner
Student Writing: Daniel Bronson, ``Like the Sand of the Hourglass...'' 539(3)
``We all said, `she will kill herself''': The Narrator/Detective in William Faulkner's ``A Rose for Emily'' 542(8)
Lawrence R. Rodgers
Styles of Reading 550(8)
George L. Dillon
A Rose for ``A Rose for Emily'' 558(7)
Judith Fetterley
Of Time and Its Mathematical Progression: Problems of Chronology in Faulkner's ``A Rose for Emily'' 565(7)
Gene M. Moore
Student Writing: Willow D. Crystal, ``One of us...'': Concepts of the Private and the Public in William Faulkner's ``A Rose for Emily'' 572(5)
Evaluating Fiction 577(42)
A Conversation with My Father 577(6)
Grace Paley
The Most Dangerous Game 583(18)
Richard Connell
Student Writing: Thaddeus Smith, Why ``The Most Dangerous Game'' Is Good Literature 598(1)
Student Writing: Sara Rosen, Why ``The Most Dangerous Game'' Is Not Good Literature 599(2)
Barn Burning 601(18)
William Faulkner
Reading More Fiction 619(191)
My Contraband 619(14)
Louisa May Alcott
An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge 633(7)
Ambrose Bierce
Without Benefit of Clergy 640(15)
Rudyard Kipling
The Real Thing 655(18)
Henry James
The Yellow Wallpaper 673(12)
Charlotte Perkins Gilman
Souls Belated 685(20)
Edith Wharton
A Jury of Her Peers 705(15)
Susan Glaspell
Her First Ball 720(5)
Katherine Mansfield
Flowering Judas 725(9)
Katherine Anne Porter
The Garden of Forking Paths 734(7)
Jorge Luis Borges
King of the Bingo Game 741(7)
Ralph Ellison
The Lady with the Pet Dog 748(13)
Joyce Carol Oates
Shiloh 761(10)
Bobbie Ann Mason
Cathedral 771(11)
Raymond Carver
In Broad Daylight 782(8)
Ha Jin
The Prophet's Hair 790(11)
Salman Rushdie
Dressing Down 801(9)
Carol Shields
Poetry: Reading, Responding, Writing 810(23)
Reading 811(1)
How Do I Love Thee? 811(1)
Elizabeth Barrett Browning
The Tally Stick 812(1)
Jarold Ramsey
love poem 813(2)
Linda Pastan
The River-Merchant's Wife: A Letter 815(1)
Ezra Pound
Wedding-Ring 816(2)
Denise Levertov
Responding 817(1)
On My First Son 818(1)
Ben Jonson
The Vacuum 819(1)
Howard Nemerov
Mid-Term Break 820(1)
Seamus Heaney
Fifth Grade Autobiography 821(1)
Rita Dove
The Fury of Overshoes 822(3)
Anne Sexton
Writing About Poems 824(1)
Practicing Reading: Some Poems on Love 825(1)
[Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone] 825(1)
W. H. Auden
To My Dear and Loving Husband 825(1)
Anne Bradstreet
[Let me not to the marriage of true minds] 826(1)
William Shakespeare
Rondeau 826(1)
Leigh Hunt
A Special Theory of Relativity 826(1)
Alan Bold
[What lips my lips have kissed, and where, and why] 827(1)
Edna St. Vincent Millay
On Her Loving Two Equally 828(1)
Aphra Behn
Married Love 828(1)
Liz Rosenberg
To the Ladies 829(1)
Mary, Lady Chudleigh
A Last Confession 830(1)
W. B. Yeats
[Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?] 830(1)
William Shakespeare
Wayman in Love 831(2)
Tom Wayman
Questions/Writing Suggestions 832(1)
Understanding the Text 833(256)
Tone 833(27)
Barbie Doll 833(1)
Marge Piercy
Leaving the Motel 834(2)
W. D. Snodgrass
In Time of Plague 836(2)
Thom Gunn
Hard Rock Returns to Prison from the Hospital for the Criminal Insane 838(1)
Etheridge Knight
London 839(2)
William Blake
Woodchucks 841(1)
Maxine Kumin
Aunt Jennifer's Tigers 842(2)
Adrienne Rich
Many Tones: Poems About Family Relationships 844(1)
After Making Love We Hear Footsteps 844(1)
Galway Kinnell
Eden 844(1)
Emily Grosholz
The Necessity for Irony 845(1)
Eavan Boland
My Father's Corpse 846(1)
Andrew Hudgins
Persimmons 847(2)
Li-Young Lee
Those Winter Sundays 849(1)
Robert Hayden
You Didn't Fit 850(1)
Susan Musgrave
Elegy 851(1)
Alan Dugan
Mother of the Groom 851(1)
Seamus Heaney
Alzheimer's 852(1)
Kelly Cherry
Beauty 852(1)
Susan Glickman
Grandmother, a Caribbean Indian, Described by My Father 853(1)
Yvonne Sapia
Postcard from Kashmir 854(1)
Agha Shahid Ali
Green Chile 855(1)
Jimmy Santiago Baca
Heaven 856(2)
Cathy Song
Indian Movie, New Jersey 858(2)
Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni
Questions/Writing Suggestions 859(1)
Speaker: Whose Voice Do We Hear? 860(25)
The Ruined Maid 860(2)
Thomas Hardy
In a Prominent Bar in Secaucus One Day 862(1)
X.J. Kennedy
Letters in the Family 863(3)
Adrienne Rich
Death of a Young Son by Drowning 866(1)
Margaret Atwood
Soliloquy of the Spanish Cloister 867(3)
Robert Browning
Sudden Journey 870(1)
Tess Gallagher
A Certain Lady 870(2)
Dorothy Parker
Needs 872(1)
A. R. Ammons
She Dwelt among the Untrodden Ways 873(1)
William Wordsworth
Praying Drunk 874(2)
Andrew Hudgins
Hanging Fire 876(1)
Audre Lorde
They Flee from Me 876(1)
Sir Thomas Wyatt
To a Louse 877(1)
Robert Burns
The Poison Flower 878(1)
Mary Coleridge
Lessons of the War: Judging Distances 879(1)
Henry Reed
La Migra 880(1)
Pat Mora
We Real Cool 881(1)
Gwendolyn Brooks
Mirror 882(1)
Sylvia Plath
The Outlaw 882(1)
Seamus Heaney
[I celebrate myself, and sing myself] 883(2)
Walt Whitman
Questions/Writing Suggestions 883(2)
Situation and Setting: What Happens? Where? When? 885(39)
Cherrylog Road 886(3)
James Dickey
The Flea 889(1)
John Donne
Daystar 890(1)
Rita Dove
To a Daughter Leaving Home 891(1)
Linda Pastan
On the Late Massacre in Piedmont 892(2)
John Milton
Point Shirley 894(2)
Sylvia Plath
Dover Beach 896(2)
Matthew Arnold
Situations 898(1)
How I Discovered Poetry 898(1)
Marilyn Nelson
The Night-Wind 898(1)
Emily Bronte
Siren Song 899(1)
Margaret Atwood
A Mongoloid Child Handling Shells on the Beach 900(1)
Richard Snyder
To His Coy Mistress 900(2)
Andrew Marvell
Summer Love 902(1)
Marilyn Chin
Peeling an Orange 902(1)
Virginia Hamilton Adair
William Blake
Holy Thursday 903(1)
Holy Thursday 903(1)
Porphyria's Lover 904(1)
Robert Browning
A Way of Life 905(2)
Howard Nemerov
Times 907(1)
[Full many a glorious morning have I seen] 907(1)
William Shakespeare
The Good-Morrow 907(1)
John Donne
Morning Song 908(1)
Sylvia Plath
Morning 909(1)
Billy Collins
A Description of the Morning 909(1)
Jonathan Swift
Evening 910(1)
Karen Volkman
Evening in the Sanitarium 911(1)
Louise Bogan
Winter Evening 912(1)
Archibald Lampman
Places 913(1)
Singapore 913(1)
Mary Oliver
In Westminster Abbey 914(1)
John Betjeman
The Laundromat 915(1)
Dorianne Laux
West Indian Primer 916(1)
Elizabeth Alexander
A Map of the City 917(1)
Thom Gunn
City Afternoon 917(1)
John Ashbery
A Description of a City Shower 918(1)
Jonathan Swift
Midsummer 919(5)
Derek Walcott
Questions/Writing Suggestions 920(1)
Student Writing: Kimberly Smith, A Letter to an Author 921(3)
Language 924(62)
Precision and Ambiguity 924(1)
[The golf links lie so near the mill] 924(1)
Sarah Cleghorn
Countess of Winchelsea, There's No To-Morrow 925(1)
Anne Finch
Of Time and the Line 926(1)
Charles Bernstein
At the San Franciso Airport 927(2)
Yvor Winters
Slim Cunning Hands 929(1)
Walter de la Mare
Gentle Communion 930(2)
Pat Mora
[After great pain, a formal feeling comes---] 932(1)
Emily Dickinson
My Papa's Waltz 932(2)
Theodore Roethke
Sex without Love 934(1)
Sharon Olds
Lies 935(1)
Martha Collins
[I dwell in Possibility---] 935(1)
Emily Dickinson
William Carlos Williams
The Red Wheelbarrow 936(1)
This Is Just to Say 936(1)
Parsley 937(2)
Rita Dove
Pied Beauty 939(1)
Gerard Manley Hopkins
[in Just-] 939(1)
E. E. Cummings
Morning 940(1)
Mary Oliver
Reflections on Ice-Breaking 940(1)
Ogden Nash
Here Usually Comes the Bride 941(1)
Hidden Meaning 941(1)
Susan Musgrave
Still to Be Neat 942(1)
Ben Jonson
Delight in Disorder 942(1)
Robert Herrick
From Paradise Lost 943(3)
John Milton
De Puero Balbutiente 946(2)
Thomas Bastard
Picturing: The Languages of Description 947(1)
Rorschach 948(1)
Jeanne Marie Beaumont
Home Movies: A Sort of Ode 949(1)
Mary Jo Salter
Bluebonnets 950(1)
Gail Mazur
The Beautiful Changes 951(1)
Richard Wilbur
On a Drop of Dew 952(1)
Andrew Marvell
Love: Youth 953(1)
C. K. Williams
To Penshurst 954(3)
Ben Jonson
Metaphor and Simile 957(1)
[That time of year thou mayst in me behold] 957(2)
William Shakespeare
Marks 959(1)
Linda Pastan
My Father's Garden 960(1)
David Wagoner
Hogwash 961(1)
Robert Francis
A Red, Red Rose 962(1)
Robert Burns
Two Songs 963(2)
Adrienne Rich
[Sex, as they harshly call it,] 963(1)
[That ``old last act''!] 964(1)
The Twenty-third Psalm 965(1)
John Donne
[Batter my heart, three-personed God; for You] 966(1)
The Computation 966(1)
At the Hospital 966(1)
David Ferry
The Death of the Ball Turret Gunner 967(1)
Randall Jarrell
A Comparison of the Life of Man 967(1)
Richard Barnfield
Aubade 967(1)
Amy Lowell
Other 968(1)
Dorothy Livesay
The Night Has a Thousand Eyes 969(1)
Francis William Bourdillon
[Wild Nights---Wild Nights!] 969(1)
Emily Dickinson
Symbol 970(1)
Leningrad Cemetery, Winter of 1941 970(2)
Sharon Olds
The Leap 972(2)
James Dickey
Song 974(1)
Edmund Waller
I Am Like a Rose 975(1)
D. H. Lawrence
One Perfect Rose 976(1)
Dorothy Parker
The Sick Rose 976(2)
William Blake
Fireflies in the Garden 978(1)
Robert Frost
Dancing with God 978(1)
Stephen Dunn
Short History of the West 979(1)
Jorie Graham
Diving into the Wreck 980(2)
Adrienne Rich
After a Death 982(1)
Roo Borson
The Town Dump 983(3)
Howard Nemerov
Questions/Writing Suggestions 984(2)
The Sounds of Poetry 986(31)
The Word Plum 986(2)
Helen Chasin
What the Motorcycle Said 988(1)
Mona Van Duyn
Dirge 989(2)
Kenneth Fearing
Sound and Sense 991(2)
Alexander Pope
Metrical Feet 993(1)
Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Emily Dickinson 994(1)
Wendy Cope
[There was a young lady of Riga] 994(1)
Song 994(1)
Sir John Suckling
To the Memory of Mr. Oldham 995(2)
John Dryden
The Raven 997(3)
Edgar Allan Poe
[Like as the waves make towards the pebbled shore] 1000(1)
William Shakespeare
Watching the Dance 1000(1)
James Merrill
Break, Break, Break 1001(1)
Lord Tennyson
Spring and Fall 1001(1)
Gerard Manley Hopkins
Foolproof Loofah 1002(1)
Lee Ann Brown
The Waking 1002(1)
Theodore Roethke
[A narrow Fellow in the Grass] 1003(1)
Emily Dickinson
Song 1004(1)
Cynthia Zarin
Words and Music 1004(1)
A Song 1005(1)
Thomas Randolph
When to Her Lute Corinna Sings 1006(1)
Thomas Campion
Spring 1006(1)
William Shakespeare
Homage to the Empress of the Blues 1007(1)
Robert Hayden
The Blues 1007(1)
Billy Collins
Dear Coltrane 1008(1)
Michael Harper
Dear John
Jazzanatomy 1009(1)
James A. Emanuel
Mr. Tambourine Man 1010(1)
Bob Dylan
Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds 1011(1)
John Lennon
Paul McCartney
123rd Street Rap 1012(5)
Willie Perdomo
Questions/Writing Suggestions 1013(1)
Student Writing: Christine Woodside Metrical Variation and Meaning in ``To the Memory of Mr. Oldham'' 1014(3)
Internal Structure 1017(27)
Mr. Flood's Party 1017(3)
Edwin Arlington Robinson
The Goose Fish 1020(2)
Howard Nemerov
Church Going 1022(2)
Philip Larkin
Sonrisas 1024(1)
Pat Mora
Arrangements with Earth for Three Dead Friends 1025(2)
James Wright
The Victims 1027(2)
Sharon Olds
Sir Patrick Spens 1029(1)
Auto Wreck 1030(1)
Karl Shapiro
The Pardon 1031(1)
Richard Wilbur
The Dance 1032(1)
William Carlos Williams
Desire 1032(1)
Gail Mazur
[The Wind begun to knead the Grass---] 1033(1)
Emily Dickinson
Save Us From 1034(1)
Roo Borson
Poetry 1035(1)
Stephen Dunn
Ode to the West Wind 1035(3)
Percy Bysshe Shelley
In Memory of W. B. Yeats 1038(6)
W. H. Auden
Questions/Writing Suggestions 1040(1)
Student Writing: Carol Lin Language and Structure in Sharon Old's ``The Victims'' 1041(3)
External Form 1044(29)
The Sonnet 1047(1)
Nuns Fret Not 1047(1)
William Wordsworth
[My lady's presence makes the roses red] 1048(1)
Henry Constable
A Sonnet Is a Moment's Monument 1049(1)
Dante Gabriel Rossetti
On the Sonnet 1050(1)
John Keats
The New Colossus 1051(1)
Emma Lazarus
The White House 1051(1)
Claude McKay
[When I consider how my light is spent] 1052
John Milton
London, 1802 1052(1)
William Wordsworth
In an Artist's Studio 1053(1)
Christina Rossetti
The Potato Harvest 1053(1)
Sir Charles G. D. Roberts
First Fight. Then Fiddle 1054(1)
Gwendolyn Brooks
Range-Finding 1054(1)
Robert Frost
In the Park 1055(1)
Gwen Harwood
The Harlem Dancer 1055(1)
Claude McKay
Yet Do I Marvel 1056(1)
Countee Cullen
Opening the Cage 1056(1)
Edwin Morgan
Joy Sonnet in a Random Universe 1057(1)
Helen Chasin
[My mistress' eyes are nothing like the sun] 1057(1)
William Shakespeare
Sweep Me through Your Many-Chambered Heart 1058(2)
Diane Ackerman
Stanza Forms 1059(1)
Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night 1060(1)
Dylan Thomas
Poetry 1060(1)
Marianne Moore
Sestina 1061(1)
Elizabeth Bishop
beware: do not read this poem 1062(2)
Ishmael Reed
Ars Poetica 1064(1)
Archibald MacLeish
The Way a Poem Looks 1065(1)
E. E. Cummings [l(a] 1065(1)
Composed in the Composing Room 1066(1)
Franklin P. Adams
[Buffalo Bill's] 1066(1)
E. E. Cummings
The Jungle Husband 1067(1)
Stevie Smith
Easter Wings 1068(1)
George Herbert
The Pillar of Fame 1069(1)
Robert Herrick
Anglosaxon Street 1069(1)
Earle Birney
Evening News I 1070(1)
David Ferry
Lilac 1071(2)
Mary Ellen Solt
Questions/Writing Suggestions 1072(1)
The Whole Text 1073(16)
Delay 1074(1)
Elizabeth Jennings
Western Wind 1075(1)
Upon Julia's Clothes 1076(2)
Robert Herrick
Musee des Beaux Arts 1078(1)
W. H. Auden
The Collar 1079(1)
George Herbert
Design 1080(1)
Robert Frost
The Learned 1080(1)
Eden Phillpotts
Piano 1080(1)
D. H. Lawrence
[My Life had stood---a Loaded Gun---] 1081(1)
Emily Dickinson
Cutting the Cake 1082(1)
Virginia Hamilton Adair
Epitaph on Elizabeth, L. H. 1082(7)
Ben Johnson
Questions/Writing Suggestions 1083(1)
Student Writing: Meaghan E. Parker Tragedy in Five Stanzas: ``Woodchucks'' 1084(5)
Exploring Contexts 1089(146)
The Author's Work As Context: John Keats 1089(17)
On First Looking into Chapman's Homer 1091(1)
On the Grasshopper and the Cricket 1092(1)
On Seeing the Elgin Marbles 1092(1)
From Endymion (Book 1) 1093(1)
When I Have Fears 1093(1)
Ode to a Nightingale 1094(2)
Ode on a Grecian Urn 1096(2)
To Autumn 1098(1)
Passages from Letters and the Preface to Endymion 1099(6)
Questions/Writing Suggestion 1105(1)
The Author's Work in Context: Adrienne Rich 1106(23)
At a Bach Concert 1107(1)
Storm Warnings 1108(1)
Living in Sin 1108(1)
Snapshots of a Daughter-in-Law 1109(4)
Planetarium 1113(1)
Dialogue 1114(1)
Power 1115(1)
For the Record 1115(1)
[My mouth hovers across your breasts] 1116(1)
Delta 1116(1)
History 1117(1)
Modotti 1118(1)
Personal Reflections 1119(9)
Question/Writing Suggestions 1128(1)
Literary Tradition as Context 1129(36)
Echo and Allusion 1130(1)
[Come, my Celia, let us prove] 1131(1)
Ben Jonson
The Lamb 1132(1)
William Blake
Boom! 1132(2)
Howard Nemerov
Love in America? 1134(1)
Marianne Moore
You Too? Me Too---Why Not? Soda Pop 1135(1)
Robert Hollander
[Not marble nor the gilded monuments] 1136(1)
William Shakespeare
Poetic ``Kinds'' 1137(1)
The Passionate Shepherd to His Love 1137(2)
Christopher Marlowe
Haiku 1139(1)
[Whether astringent] 1139(1)
[A village without bells---] 1140(1)
[This road---] 1141(1)
[Coolness---] 1141(1)
[Listening to the moon] 1141(1)
[The moon and the flowers] 1141(1)
[Insects on a bough] 1141(1)
[The faces of dolls] 1142(1)
[No sky and no earth] 1142(1)
[Come! Come! Though I call] 1142(1)
[Old pond---...] 1142(1)
Lafcadio Hearn
[An old-time pond from off whose shadowed depth] 1143(1)
Clara A. Walsh
[The still old pond] 1143(1)
Earl Miner
[The old pond] 1143(1)
Allen Ginsberg
[The falling flower] 1143(1)
Babette Deutsch
[Eastern guard tower] 1144(1)
Etheridge Knight
[Looking over my shoulder] 1144(1)
Allen Ginsberg
[In the falling snow] 1144(1)
Richard Wright
Ray Charles 1144(1)
James A. Emanuel
Imitating and Answering 1145(1)
The Nymph's Reply to the Shepherd 1145(1)
Sir Walter Ralegh
Raleigh Was Right 1146(1)
William Carlos Williams
[(ponder, darling, these busted statues] 1147(1)
E. E. Cummings
To His Importunate Mistress 1147(1)
Peter De Vries
A Further Proposal 1148(1)
Allen Ginsberg
Variations on a Theme by William Carlos Williams 1149(1)
Kenneth Koch
Ode on a Grecian Urn Summarized 1150(1)
Desmond Skirrow
The Dover Bitch 1150(1)
Anthony Hecht
[Not only marble, but the plastic toys] 1151(2)
Wendy Cope
Cultural Belief and Tradition 1152(1)
Adam's Task 1153(1)
John Hollander
Eve Names the Animals 1153(1)
Susan Donnelly
Helen 1154(1)
H. D. (Hilda Doolittle)
Cassandra 1155(1)
Louise Bogan
Ulysses Embroidered 1155(1)
Miriam Waddington
An Ancient Gesture 1156(1)
Edna St. Vincent Millay
The Kraken 1157(1)
Lord Tennyson
The Negro Speaks of Rivers 1157(1)
Langston Hughes
On Being Brought from Africa to America 1158(1)
Phyllis Wheatley
Something Like a Sonnet for Phillis Miracle Wheatley 1158(1)
June Jordan
Africa 1159(1)
Maya Angelou
A Far Cry from Africa 1159(1)
Derek Walcott
I Am a Cowboy in the Boat of Ra 1160(2)
Ishmael Reed
Advice to a First Cousin 1162(1)
Alberto Alvaro Rios
Jacklight 1163(2)
Louise Erdrich
Questions/Writing Suggestions 1164(1)
Cultural and Historical Context 1165(38)
Emmett Till 1166(1)
James A. Emanuel
Channel Firing 1167(1)
Thomas Hardy
Sonnet: The Ladies' Home Journal 1168(4)
Sandra Gilbert
Times, Places, and Events 1172(1)
Thinking about Bill, Dead of AIDS 1172(1)
Miller Williams
From Colony to Nation 1172(1)
Irving Layton
Welcome to Hiroshima 1173(1)
Mary Jo Salter
America 1174(1)
Claude McKay
Harlem (A Dream Deferred) 1175(1)
Langston Hughes
Frederick Douglass 1175(1)
Robert Hayden
Boy on a Swing 1176(1)
Mbuyiseni Oswald Mtshali
Casabianca 1176(1)
Felicia Dorothea Hemans
Casabianca 1177(1)
Elizabeth Bishop
Dulce et Decorum Est 1178(1)
Wilfred Owen
The Fury of Aerial Bombardment 1179(1)
Richard Eberhart
Ballad of Birmingham 1179(1)
Dudley Randall
Punishment 1180(2)
Seamus Heaney
Constructing Identity, Exploring Gender 1182(1)
Exchanging Hats 1182(1)
Elizabeth Bishop
Practicing 1183(1)
Marie Howe
Song: To Lucasta, Going to the Wars 1184(1)
Richard Lovelace
Disabled 1184(1)
Wilfred Owen
Robert Browning
My Last Duchess 1185(2)
A Woman's Last Word 1187(1)
Elizabeth Barrett Browning
To George Sand---A Desire 1188(1)
To George Sand---A Recognition 1189(1)
Tu Do Street 1189(1)
Yusef Komunyakaa
She 1190(1)
Richard Wilbur
Written the First Year I Was Marry'd 1191(1)
Lady Mary Wortley Montagu
What's That Smell in the Kitchen? 1192(1)
Marge Piercy
Paper Matches 1192(1)
Paulette Jiles
When I Was Fair and Young 1193(1)
L'amitie: To Mrs. M. Awbrey 1193(1)
Katherine Philips
Edna St. Vincent Millay
[Women have loved before as I love now] 1194(1)
[I, being born a woman and distressed] 1194(1)
[Who would divorce her lover...] 1195(1)
Marilyn Hacker
The Lonely Wife 1195(1)
Amy Lowell
The Silence of Women 1196(1)
Liz Rosenberg
The Changeling 1197(1)
Judith Ortiz Cofer
Washing-Day 1198(2)
Anna Letitia Barbauld
Venison 1200(1)
Karen Chase
A Blank 1200(3)
Thom Gunn
Questions/Writing Suggestions 1201(2)
Critical Contexts: A Poetry Casebook 1203(32)
Daddy 1205(30)
Sylvia Plath
Dying Is an Art 1208(3)
George Steiner
The Plath Celebration: A Partial Dissent 1211(1)
Irving Howe
Sylvia Plath 1212(3)
A. Alvarez
Rituals of Exorcism: ``Daddy'' 1215(3)
Judith Kroll
From Protean Poetic 1218(3)
Mary Lynn Broe
From A Feminine Tradition 1221(2)
Margaret Homans
From A Disturbance in Mirrors 1223(3)
Pamela J. Annas
Jealous Gods 1226(9)
Steven Gould Axelrod
Evaluating Poetry 1235(14)
[Th' expense of spirit in a waste of shame] 1238(1)
William Shakespeare
Song 1239(3)
John Donne
Street Funeral 1242(1)
Irving Layton
In Memory of Jane Fraser 1242(1)
Geoffrey Hill
Blackberry Eating 1243(1)
Galway Kinnell
[The Brain---is wider than the Sky---] 1243(1)
Emily Dickinson
To Emily Dickinson 1244(1)
Hart Crane
Anecdote of the Jar 1244(1)
Wallace Stevens
Bells for John Whiteside's Daughter 1245(1)
John Crowe Ransom
King Kong Meets Wallace Stevens 1245(1)
Michael Ondaatje
Reading Time: 1 Minute 26 Seconds 1246(1)
Muriel Rukeyser
Revolutionary Petunias 1247(2)
Alice Walker
Questions/Writing Suggestions 1248(1)
Reading More Poetry 1249(83)
As I Walked Out One Evening 1249(1)
W. H. Auden
The Tyger 1250(1)
William Blake
Gwendolyn Brooks
To the Diaspora 1251(1)
The Coora Flower 1252(1)
Kubla Khan 1252(2)
Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Emily Dickinson
[Because I could not stop for Death---] 1254(1)
[I reckon---when I count at all---] 1254(1)
[I stepped from Plank to Plank] 1255(1)
[It dropped so low---in my Regard---] 1255(1)
[My life closed twice before its close---] 1256(1)
[We do not play on Graves---] 1256(1)
[She dealt her pretty words like Blades---] 1256(1)
John Donne
The Canonization 1257(1)
[Death, be not proud, though some have called thee] 1258(1)
The Sun Rising 1258(1)
A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning 1259(1)
Paul Laurence Dunbar
Sympathy 1260(1)
We Wear the Mask 1261(1)
T. S. Eliot
Journey of the Magi 1261(2)
The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock 1263(3)
Robert Frost
The Road Not Taken 1266(1)
Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening 1267(1)
Allen Ginsberg
A Supermarket in California 1267(1)
Velocity of Money 1268(1)
Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard 1269(3)
Thomas Gray
Thomas Hardy
The Convergence of the Twain 1272(2)
The Darkling Thrush 1274(1)
During Wind and Rain 1275(1)
Neutral Tones 1275(1)
Gerard Manley Hopkins
God's Grandeur 1276(1)
The Windhover 1276(1)
Langston Hughes
I, Too 1277(1)
Theme for English B 1278(1)
Heirloom 1279(1)
A. M. Klein
Skunk Hour 1279(2)
Robert Lowell
Andrew Marvell
The Garden 1281(2)
The Mower, against Gardens 1283(1)
Lycidas 1284(5)
John Milton
Sharon Olds
I Go Back to May 1937 1289(1)
The Lifting 1290(1)
The Glass 1290(1)
Sylvia Plath
Barren Woman 1291(1)
Black Rook in Rainy Weather 1292(1)
Lady Lazarus 1293(2)
Ezra Pound
The Garden 1295(1)
In a Station of the Metro 1295(1)
A Virginal 1295(1)
I Knew a Woman 1296(1)
Theodore Roethke
Wallace Stevens
The Idea of Order at Key West 1297(1)
The Emperor of Ice-Cream 1298(1)
Sunday Morning 1299(3)
Lord Tennyson
Now Sleeps the Crimson Petal 1302(1)
Tears, Idle Tears 1302(1)
Tithonus 1303(1)
Ulysses 1304(2)
Dylan Thomas
Fern Hill 1306(1)
In My Craft or Sullen Art 1307(1)
Song of the Son 1308(1)
Jean Toomer
Walt Whitman
Facing West from California's Shores 1309(1)
I Hear America Singing 1309(1)
A Noiseless Patient Spider 1310(1)
When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloomed 1310(6)
Richard Wilbur
Museum Piece 1316(1)
Love Calls Us to the Things of This World 1317(1)
Transit 1318(1)
Lines Written a Few Miles above Tintern Abbey, On Revisiting the Banks of the Wye during a Tour, July 13, 1798 1318(4)
William Wordsworth
W. B. Yeats
The Lake Isle of Innisfree 1322(1)
All Things Can Tempt Me 1322(1)
Easter 1916 1323(2)
The Second Coming 1325(1)
Leda and the Swan 1326(1)
Sailing to Byzantium 1326(1)
Among School Children 1327(3)
Byzantium 1330(2)
Drama: Reading, Responding, Writing 1332(27)
Trifles 1335(11)
Susan Glaspell
Sure Thing 1346(13)
David Ives
Questions/Writing Suggestions 1355(1)
Student Writing: Caryl Zook, Trifles 1356(3)
Understanding the Text 1359(249)
Character 1359(3)
Structure 1362(1)
Stages, Sets, and Setting 1363(2)
Tone 1365(1)
Theme 1366(1)
The Children's Hour 1367(51)
Lillian Hellman
Questions/Writing Suggestions 1416(2)
Pygmalion 1418(75)
Bernard Shaw
Questions/Writing Suggestions 1491(2)
A Doll House 1493(53)
Henrik Ibsen
Questions/Writing Suggestions 1544(2)
The Piano Lesson 1546(62)
August Wilson
Questions/Writing Suggestions 1607(1)
Exploring Contexts 1608(454)
The Author's Work as Context: William Shakespeare 1608(167)
A Midsummer Night's Dream 1614(56)
Hamlet 1670(105)
Questions/Writing Suggestions 1770(2)
Student Writing: Jeanette Sperhac, The Play's the Thing: Deception in Hamlet 1772(3)
Literary Context: Tragedy and Comedy 1775(90)
Oedipus the King 1778(41)
Questions/Writing Suggestions 1818(1)
The Importance of Being Earnest 1819(46)
Oscar Wilde
Questions/Writing Suggestions 1864(1)
Culture as Context: Social and Historical Setting 1865(144)
A Raisin in the Sun 1869(66)
Lorraine Hansberry
Questions/Writing Suggestions 1934(1)
Death of a Salesman 1935(74)
Arthur Miller
Questions/Writing Suggestions 2004(2)
Student Writing: Sherry Schnake Dream of a Salesman 2006(3)
Critical Contexts: A Drama Casebook 2009(53)
Antigone 2012(50)
From The Antigone of Sophocles 2045(1)
Richard C. Jebb
From Sophoclean Tragedy 2046(2)
Maurice Bowra
Introduction to Sophocles: The Three Theban Plays 2048(5)
Bernard Knox
From The Fragility of Goodness: Luck and Ethics in Greek Tragedy and Philosophy 2053(4)
Martha C. Nussbaum
From Prophesying Tragedy: Sign and Voice in Sophocles' Theban Plays 2057(2)
Rebecca W. Bushnell
From Helping Friends and Harming Enemies: A Study in Sophocles and Greek Ethics 2059(3)
Mary Whitlock Blundell
Evaluating Drama 2062(9)
A Streetcar Named Desire 2071(68)
Tennessee Williams
The Cherry Orchard 2139(38)
Anton Chekhov
How I Learned to Drive 2177
Paula Vogel
Appendices Writing about Literature A3
Introduction A3
Representing the Literary Text A4
Replying to the Text A7
Explaining the Text A10
Critical Approaches A18
Writing About Fiction, Poetry, Drama A28
Deciding What to Write About A33
From Topic to Rough Draft A37
From Rough Draft to Completed Paper A42
A Summary of The Process A51
Glossary A53
Biographical Sketches A64
Permissions Acknowledgments A103
Index of Authors A119
Index of Titles and First Lines A129
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