There are six littlefish. Along come six little feet. What will happen when theymeet?
"Colorful pictures of underwater life enhance the rhyming textof this "I Can Read Book" for beginning readers. Six little fishare on a journey in the bay. Three children are playing nearby. Onelittle fish loses his way when he inadvertently swims under achild's red pail. As soon as the child scoops up his pail to joinsome friends, the fish happily rejoins his mates. The verse isrepetitive, which lends itself to reinforcing the words thatchildren learn to read in this book. This reinforcement will, inturn, build confidence in reading ability. Hopefully, it will alsostimulate the desire to read and learn more words. Children willlove the bright hues in these ocean scenes, but they may find thesimple story a bit boring after reading it several times."
--Children's Literature
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