AutoCAD 2004培训教程 /


作   者:Autodesk公司编著.





   AutoCAD 2004是AutoCAD软件的最新版本,它的增强功能和基本功能将使用户在各个领域获益。本书是Autodesk公司授权培训中心惟一指定的官方培训教材,内容包括AutoCAD 2004中文版简介、创建新图形、图层和绘图区设置、对象选择、基本绘图命令和编辑命令、图案填充和文字对象、尺寸标注、对象查询、夹点编辑和内容共享、出图和轴测视图等16章,以及两个附录。    本书写作方式简单、明了,采用课程目标、前提条件、主题讲解、练习实例和小结的形式。通过逐步练习的方式,帮助用户理解AutoCAD的应用,同时提供了机械和建筑方面的实例内容,从而保证其专业性。    本书配套光盘中含有大量练习题,是培训和自学的宝贵资源。      



1.getting started

chapter objectives

key terms

system requirements

operating system

hard disk:300mb are reguired for installation

user interface

drawing area

the command window

text window

status bar

menu bar

right-mouse click


tool palettes

dialog boxes

autocad 2004 help

process overview:accessing online help

exercise 1:working with the user interface

.chapter summary

2.creating new drawings

chapter objectives

the new command

process overview:startup options

process overview:advanced setup wizard

the units command

process overview:setting drawing units

drawing limits

key term:x,y coordinate

process overview:setting drawing limits

opening an existing drawing

process overview:open an existing drawing

partially opening an existing drawing

key tems:views and layers

process overview:partial open a drawing

exercise 1:drawing wizard

exercise 2:partial open

chapter summary

3.controlling the display area

chapter objectives

the pan command

process overview:real-time pan

the zoom command

zoom window

process overview:zoom window

zoom realtime

process overview:zoom realtime

zoom extents

zoom previous

the wheel mouse

process overview:wheel mouse

exercise 1:using zoom and pan

named views

process overview:creating named views

exercise 2:restoring a named view

exercise 3:defining a named view

chapter summary

4.creating objects

chapter objectives

line objects

process overview:creating lines

the undo command

drafting settings



process overview:grid and snap

exercise 1:grid and snap


coordinate point entry

the cartesian coordinate system

the world coordinate system

absolute coordinate input

exercise 2:absolute coordinate input

relative coordinates

exercise 3:relative coordinate input

polar coordinates

exercise 4:polar coordinate input

polar tracking and polar snap

polar tracking

process overview:set polar tracking


process overview:set polarsnap

direct distance entry

exercise 5:direct distance entry

drawing rectangles

key terms:rectangle command

exercise 6:drawing rectangles

chapter summary


chapter objectives

layer properties manager

feature overview

exercise 1:creating layers

exercise 2:working with layers

chapter summary

6.object selection

chaper objectives

pickbox selection

windows selection

crossing selection

window polygon

crossing polygon

fence selection

add and remove objects

object cycling

select all objects

previous and last options

exercise 1:object selection

exercise 2:implied selection

chapter summary

7.drawing commands

chapter objectives

the circle command

center radius option

center diameter option

(2p)two point circles option

(3p)three point circles option

(ttr)tangent tangent radius option

exercise 1:center-radius/diameter circles

exercise 2:(2p)two-point circles

the ellipse command

axis endpoint:distance option

axis endpoint:rotation options

center option

isocircle option

exercise 3:ellipses

object snap(osnap)

object snap modes

process overview:override object snap mode

process overview:running object snaps


exercise 4:using osnap

the polyline command

key terms

process overview:line segments

process overview:line and arc segments

exercise 5:using polylines

exercise 6:more polyline practice

the arc command

methods of drawing arcs

exercise 7:drawing arcs

the spline command

exercise 8:placing a spline

chapter summary

8.editing commands

chapter objectives

construction lines

exercise 1:construction lines

the trim and extend commands

the trim command

procedure-to extend an object

exercise 2:the trim command

front detail

switch side detail

the offset command

process overview:offset an object by specifying a distance

process overview:offset an object through a point

exercise 3:switch front detail

exercise 4:switch plan view

the chamfer command

exercise 5:creating chamfers

the fillet command

exercise 6:creating fillets

pedit(polyline edit)

process overview:pedit

exercise 7:pedit

the copy command

exercise 8:copying objects

the divide command

process overview:divide

exercise 9:divide and copy

the mirror command

exercise 10:mirroring objects

the array command

process overview:array

to create a rectangular array

to create a polar array

exercise 11:arraying objects

chapter summary

9.boundary hatch and fill

chapter objectives


bhatch command

process overview boundary hatch

key terms:bhatch

key terms:gradient fill

exercise 1:bhatch

chapter summary

10.text and text styles

chapter objectives

text styles

creating a text style

key terms

process overview:determining text height

single-line text

process overview:text justification

process overview:single-line text

exercise 1:single-line text

exercise 2:text properties changes

multiline text

multiline text editor

key terms and features

multiline text editor shortcut menus

process overview:multiline text

exercise 3:multiline text

chapter summary


chapter objectives

dimension styles

dimension style manager

key terms and features

new dimension style dialog box

lines and arrows tab

text tab

fit tab

primary units tab

alternate units tab

tolerances tab

exercise 1:create a dimension style

creating dimensions

linear dimensions

process overview:horizontal or vertical dimensions

aligned dimensions

process overview:aligned dimensions

angular dimensions

process overview:angular dimensions

diameter dimensions

process overview:diameter dimensions

radius dimensions

process overview:radius dimensions

continue dimensions

process overview:continued dimensions

baseline dimensions

process overview:baseline dimensions

quick dimension(qdim)

process overview:quick dimensions

exercise 2:placing dimensions

quick leader(qleader)

annotation tab

leader line&arrow tab

attachment tab

chapter summary

12.inquiry commands

chapter objectives

the distance command

process overview:distance

the area command

process overview:area by points

process overview:area by object

process overview:subtract an area

exercise 1:calculate and subtract area

region/mass properties

exercise 2:calculate region mass properties

the list command

process overview:list command

locate point(id point)

the status command

the time command

exercise 3:using the inquiry commands

chapter summary

13.grip modes

chapter objectives

process overview:controlling grip appearance

grip states and grip modes







exercise 1:grip editing

chapter summary

14.sharing design content

chapter objectives

multiple design environment

process overview:using mde

using the clipboard

key terms

exercise 1:using mde

process overview:copying properties between drawings

using blocks and wblocks

key terms:blocks

process overview:make block

process overview:wblock from selected objects

process overview:wblock from existing block

inserting blocks

process overview:inserting a block

process overview:inserting a drawing as a block

exercise 2:creating blocks


the designcenter window

the tree view(left panel)

folders tab

open drawings tab

history tab

dc online tab

bookmark frequently used content

content area(right panel)

the designcenter toolbars

process overview:insert block

tool palettes

process overview:adding content from designcenter to tool palette

from designcenter to tool palette

exercise 3:creating and loading tool palettes

chapter summary


chapter objectives

plotting drawings

plot device tab:key features

plot settings tab:key features

process overview:plotting model space

exercise 1:model space plot

exercise 2:paper space plot

chapter summary

16.isometric drafting

chapter objectives

isometric planes

process overview:turning on isoplane

process overview:drawing isometric circles

exercise 1:drawing with isoplanes and isocircles

exercise 2:isometric assembly

chapter summary

appendix 1

challenge exercise

coordinate input and draw commands

challenge exercise

editing commands

challenge exercise


challenge exercise

blocks and palettes

challenge exercise


appendix 2

challenge exercise

coordinate input and draw commands

exercise objectives

pump parts drawing

draw the water pump piston

draw the seal ring(plan)

draw the seal ring(elevation)

draw the ball valve

draw the valve seat(plan view)

adding layers

challenge exercise summary

challenge exercise

editing commans

exercise ojectives

pump body drawing

challenge exercise summary

challenge exercise

dimensioning a drawing

challenge exercise summary

challenge exercise


creating blocks

inserting blocks

challenge exercise




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    东野圭吾 (作者), 李盈春 (译者)



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