早餐 (breakfast)
午餐 (lunch)
晚餐 (dinner, supper)
餐桌礼仪 (table manners)
茶休 (tea break, coffee break)
快餐店 (fastfood restaurant)
餐馆 (restaurant)
酒 (drinks)
酒馆 (pub)
饮酒 (drinking)
衣着 (dress)
购物 (shopping)
付款 (paying)
小费 (tips)
租房 (renting a room)
旅行支票 (traveller' s cheque)
信用卡 (credit card)
银行 (bank)
.电话 (telephone)
灰狗长途汽车 (greyhound bus)
地铁 (the underground)
庭院售物 (yard sale)
家庭 (family)
养儿育女 (child-rearing)
问候 (greetings)
致谢 (thanking)
称赞 (complimenting)
称赞回应 (response to compliments)
致歉 (apology)
介绍 (introduction)
称谓语 (form of address)
姓名 (name)
告别 (farewell)
邀请 (invitation)
邀请的答复 (response to invitation)
话题 (conversation topic)
约会 (making an appointment)
拜访 (visiting)
过夜客人 (overnight guest)
宴请 (entertaining)
聚会 (party)
鸡尾酒会 (cocktail party)
送礼 (giving presents)
交友 (making friends)
亲族称谓 (kinship term)
禁忌语 (taboo)
委婉语 (euphemism)
婚丧嫁娶 节日庆祝
出生 (birth)
生日 (birthday)
婚礼 (wedding)
丧礼 (funeral)
复活节 (easter)
万圣节前夕 (halloween)
感恩节 (thanksgiving day)
圣诞节 (christmas)
新年 (new year)
唯心主义 (idealism)
唯物主义 (materialism)
政治 (politics)
宣传 (propaganda)
知识分子 (intellectual)
农民 (peasant)
劳动者 (labourer)
龙 (dragon)
凤凰 (phoenix)
狮子 (lion)
猫头鹰 (owl)
孔雀 (peacock)
狗 (dog)
蝙蝠 (bat)
成人 (adult)
肥胖 (fat)
节食 (diet)
同性恋 (homosexual, gay)
嬉皮士 (hippie)
雅皮士 (yuppie)
断言 (assert)
非语言交际 (nonverbal communication)
体态语 (body language)
姿势 (posture)
身势 (body gesture)
握手 (handshake)
亲吻和拥抱 (kissing and hugging)
微笑 (smile)
体触 (touching)
女士优先 (ladies first)
头部动作 (head gesture)
面部动作 (face gesture)
眼部动作 (eye movement)
臂部动作 (arm gesture)
手部动作 (hand gesture)
腿部动作 (leg movement)
副语言 (paralanguage)
沉默 (silence)
非语言声音 (nonverbal sound)
客体语言 (object language)
环境语言 (environmental language)
空间信息 (message of space)
拥挤 (crowding)
近体距离 (proxemics)
领地观念 (territoriality)
空间与取向 (space and orientation)
座位安排 (seating arrangement)
时间信息 (message of time)
颜色 (colour)
符号 (symbol)
伊甸园 (the garden of eden)
大力神海格利斯 (hercules)
阿基利思脚踵 (achilles' heel)
愚人村和愚人 (gotham, wise men of gotham)
戈尔迪结 (gordian knot)
谁来给猫系铃 (who's to bell the cat?)
扑剑而亡 (to fall on one's sword)
尤利卡 (eureka)
喝毒芹 (to drink hemlock)
渡过罗比孔河 (to cross the rubican)
挪亚方舟 (noah's ark)
通天塔 (the tower of babel)
拉撒路 (lazarus)
桥边的霍雷休斯 (horatius at the bridge)
特洛伊木马 (the wooden horse of troy)
俄狄浦斯和俄狄浦斯情结 (oedipus and oedipus complex)
永远完不成的工作 (a penelope's web)
罗密欧与朱丽叶 (romeo and juliet)
皮格马利翁 (pygmalion)
名利场 (vanity fair)
堂·吉诃德 (don quixote)
第二十二条军规 (catch-22)
基督教的基本教义 (basic concepts of christianity)
督徒的日常宗教活动 (religious activities of christians)
基督教的基本礼仪 (basic rites of christianity)
基督教的起源 (the origin of christianity)
普世教会运动 (oecumenical movement)
基督教的节日 (christian festivals)
摩西 (moses)
圣母玛利亚 (st. mary)
十字架 (the cross)
东西方教会大分裂 (the great schism of the east and west)
宗教改革 (reformation)
《圣经》(the bible, the scripture)
教堂建筑 (church architecture)
基督教音乐 (christian music)
基督教美术 (christian fine arts)
个人主义 (individualism)
立精神 (self-reliance)
自我实现 (self-achievement)
隐私 (privacy)
竞争 (competition)
乐观主义 (optimism)
实用主义 (pragmatism)
进步 (progress)
效率 (efficiency)
平等 (equality)
友谊 (friendship)
多元主义 (pluralism)
女权主义 (feminism)
早餐 (breakfast)
午餐 (lunch)
晚餐 (dinner, supper)
餐桌礼仪 (table manners)
茶休 (tea break, coffee break)
快餐店 (fastfood restaurant)
餐馆 (restaurant)
酒 (drinks)
酒馆 (pub)
饮酒 (drinking)
衣着 (dress)
购物 (shopping)
付款 (paying)
小费 (tips)
租房 (renting a room)
旅行支票 (traveller' s cheque)
信用卡 (credit card)
银行 (bank)
.电话 (telephone)
灰狗长途汽车 (greyhound bus)
地铁 (the underground)
庭院售物 (yard sale)
家庭 (family)
养儿育女 (child-rearing)
问候 (greetings)
致谢 (thanking)
称赞 (complimenting)
称赞回应 (response to compliments)
致歉 (apology)
介绍 (introduction)
称谓语 (form of address)
姓名 (name)
告别 (farewell)
邀请 (invitation)
邀请的答复 (response to invitation)
话题 (conversation topic)
约会 (making an appointment)
拜访 (visiting)
过夜客人 (overnight guest)
宴请 (entertaining)
聚会 (party)
鸡尾酒会 (cocktail party)
送礼 (giving presents)
交友 (making friends)
亲族称谓 (kinship term)
禁忌语 (taboo)
委婉语 (euphemism)
婚丧嫁娶 节日庆祝
出生 (birth)
生日 (birthday)
婚礼 (wedding)
丧礼 (funeral)
复活节 (easter)
万圣节前夕 (halloween)
感恩节 (thanksgiving day)
圣诞节 (christmas)
新年 (new year)
唯心主义 (idealism)
唯物主义 (materialism)
政治 (politics)
宣传 (propaganda)
知识分子 (intellectual)
农民 (peasant)
劳动者 (labourer)
龙 (dragon)
凤凰 (phoenix)
狮子 (lion)
猫头鹰 (owl)
孔雀 (peacock)
狗 (dog)
蝙蝠 (bat)
成人 (adult)
肥胖 (fat)
节食 (diet)
同性恋 (homosexual, gay)
嬉皮士 (hippie)
雅皮士 (yuppie)
断言 (assert)
非语言交际 (nonverbal communication)
体态语 (body language)
姿势 (posture)
身势 (body gesture)
握手 (handshake)
亲吻和拥抱 (kissing and hugging)
微笑 (smile)
体触 (touching)
女士优先 (ladies first)
头部动作 (head gesture)
面部动作 (face gesture)
眼部动作 (eye movement)
臂部动作 (arm gesture)
手部动作 (hand gesture)
腿部动作 (leg movement)
副语言 (paralanguage)
沉默 (silence)
非语言声音 (nonverbal sound)
客体语言 (object language)
环境语言 (environmental language)
空间信息 (message of space)
拥挤 (crowding)
近体距离 (proxemics)
领地观念 (territoriality)
空间与取向 (space and orientation)
座位安排 (seating arrangement)
时间信息 (message of time)
颜色 (colour)
符号 (symbol)
伊甸园 (the garden of eden)
大力神海格利斯 (hercules)
阿基利思脚踵 (achilles' heel)
愚人村和愚人 (gotham, wise men of gotham)
戈尔迪结 (gordian knot)
谁来给猫系铃 (who's to bell the cat?)
扑剑而亡 (to fall on one's sword)
尤利卡 (eureka)
喝毒芹 (to drink hemlock)
渡过罗比孔河 (to cross the rubican)
挪亚方舟 (noah's ark)
通天塔 (the tower of babel)
拉撒路 (lazarus)
桥边的霍雷休斯 (horatius at the bridge)
特洛伊木马 (the wooden horse of troy)
俄狄浦斯和俄狄浦斯情结 (oedipus and oedipus complex)
永远完不成的工作 (a penelope's web)
罗密欧与朱丽叶 (romeo and juliet)
皮格马利翁 (pygmalion)
名利场 (vanity fair)
堂·吉诃德 (don quixote)
第二十二条军规 (catch-22)
基督教的基本教义 (basic concepts of christianity)
督徒的日常宗教活动 (religious activities of christians)
基督教的基本礼仪 (basic rites of christianity)
基督教的起源 (the origin of christianity)
普世教会运动 (oecumenical movement)
基督教的节日 (christian festivals)
摩西 (moses)
圣母玛利亚 (st. mary)
十字架 (the cross)
东西方教会大分裂 (the great schism of the east and west)
宗教改革 (reformation)
《圣经》(the bible, the scripture)
教堂建筑 (church architecture)
基督教音乐 (christian music)
基督教美术 (christian fine arts)
个人主义 (individualism)
立精神 (self-reliance)
自我实现 (self-achievement)
隐私 (privacy)
竞争 (competition)
乐观主义 (optimism)
实用主义 (pragmatism)
进步 (progress)
效率 (efficiency)
平等 (equality)
友谊 (friendship)
多元主义 (pluralism)
女权主义 (feminism)
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