
作   者:





Modern electronic systems, particularly portable consumer electronic systems and processor based systems, are power hungry, compact, and feature packed. This book presents the most essential summaries of the theory behind DC-DC converter topologies of both linear and switching types. The text discusses power supply characteristics and design specifications based on new developments in power management techniques and modern semiconductors entering into the portable electronics market. The author also addresses off-the-line power supplies, digital control of power supply, power supply protection, transient protection, and patent-pending supercapacitor based techniques.


Table Of Contents:
Preface xi
Acknowledgments xiii
About the Author xv
Contributors xvii
1 Review of Fundamentals Related to DC Power Supply Design and Linear Regulators

1.1 Introduction 1-1(1)

1.2 Simple Unregulated DC Power Supply and Estimating the Essential Component Values 1-2(1)

1.3 Linear Regulators 1-3(1)

1.4 Low-Dropout Regulators 1-18(1)
2 Switching Power Supply Topologies and Design Fundamentals

2.1 Introduction 2-1(1)

2.2 Why Switch Modes: An Overall Approach 2-2(1)

2.3 Basic Switch-Mode Power Supply Topologies 2-3(1)

2.4 Applications and Industry-Favorite Configurations 2-33(1)

2.5 A Few Design Examples and Guidelines 2-39(1)
3 Power Semiconductors

3.1 Introduction 3-1(1)

3.2 Power Diodes and Thyristors 3-2(1)

3.3 Gate Turn-Off Thyristors 3-18(1)

3.4 Bipolar Power Transistors 3-20(1)

3.5 Power MOSFETs 3-28(1)

3.6 Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor (IGBT) 3-45(1)

3.7 MOS-Controlled Thyristor (MCT) 3-50(1)
4 Resonant Converters and Wireless Power Supplies

4.1 Introduction 4-1(1)

4.2 Fundamentals of Resonant Converters 4-1(1)

4.3 Resonant DC-DC Converters 4-5(1)

4.4 Load Resonant Converters for Contactless Power Supplies 4-11(1)
5 Control Loop Design of DC-to-DC Converters

5.1 Introduction 5-1(1)

5.2 Feedback Control and Frequency Response 5-1(1)

5.3 Poles, Zeros, and S-Domain 5-2(1)

5.4 Stability Using Bode Plots 5-3(1)

5.5 Linear Regulators' Feedback and Loop Stability 5-4(1)

5.6 Stability 5-11(1)

5.7 Feedback Loop and Stability of Switch-Mode Power Supplies 5-19(1)

5.8 Digital Control 5-27(1)

5.9 Control Modes of Switch-Mode Converters 5-33(1)
6 Power Management

6.1 Introduction 6-1(1)

6.2 Design Approaches and Specifications 6-1(1)

6.3 Specifying DC Power Supply Requirements 6-13(1)

6.4 Loading Considerations 6-18(1)

6.5 Powering High-Power Processors and ASICs 6-20(1)
7 Off-the-Line Switching Power Supplies

7.1 Introduction 7-1(1)

7.2 Building Blocks of a Typical Off-the-Line Switching Power Supply 7-1(1)

7.3 Rectifier Section 7-2(1)

7.4 Popular Transformer-Isolated Configurations for Off-the-Line Power Supplies and Industry Approaches 7-7(1)

7.5 Magnetic Components 7-11(1)

7.6 Output Blocks 7-18(1)

7.7 Efficiency Improvements and Synchronous Rectification 7-21(1)

7.8 EMI Reduction 7-25(1)

7.9 Power Supply Protection 7-28(1)

7.10 Age-Related Aspects 7-35(1)

7.11 Testing of Power Supplies 7-36(1)
8 Rechargeable Batteries and Their Management

8.1 Introduction 8-1(1)

8.2 Battery Terminology 8-2(1)

8.3 Battery Technologies: An Overview 8-5(1)

8.4 Lead-Acid Batteries 8-8(1)

8.5 Nickel Cadmium (NiCd) Batteries 8-13(1)

8.6 Nickel Metal Hydride Batteries 8-16(1)

8.7 Lithium-Based Rechargeable Batteries 8-18(1)

8.8 Reusable Alkaline Batteries 8-22(1)

8.9 Zn-Air Batteries 8-24(1)

8.10 Battery Management 8-25(1)

8.11 Battery Communication and Related Standards 8-47(1)

8.12 Battery Safety 8-49(1)

8.13 Future 8-51(1)
9 Protection of Systems from Surges and Transients

9.1 Introduction 9-1(1)

9.2 Types of Disturbances and Power Quality Issues 9-2(1)

9.3 Principles of Surge Protection Techniques 9-9(1)

9.4 Surge Protection Standards and Practices 9-16(1)

9.5 Practical Design Considerations 9-26
Appendix A-1
Appendix B-1



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    东野圭吾 (作者), 李盈春 (译者)

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