Magic School Bus Phonic Reading Program 神奇校车Phonics套装 ISBN 9780545065771
作 者:Scholastic
Welcome to ti~e Magic School Bus Phonics ReadingProgram!
Learning to read is so important for your child's success inschool and in life.
Now Ms. Frizzle and her class are here to help your child learnimportant phonics skills. Here's how these readers work:
Phonics is the fundamental skill of knowing that the letters weread represent the sounds we hear and say. Add The Magic SchoolBus, and help your childLEARN to read and LOVE to read!
At first you may want to read the story to your child.
Then read together by taking turns line by line or page bypage.
Look for all the words that have the sound being featured in thereader.
Read them over and over again.
Scholastic has been encouraging young readers for more than 80years. Thank you for letting us help you support your beginningreader.
1. The Magic School Bus Takes ANap
2.The Magic School Bus Falls from the Nest
3.The Magic School Bus Sticks to It
4.The Magic School Bus Drops the Trash
5.The Magic School Bus Pumps It Up
6.The Magic School Bus Makes Flakes
7. TheMagic School Bus Falls with the Leaves
8. TheMagic School Bus Rides the Wind
9. TheMagic School Bus Gets So Cold!
10. TheMagic School Bus Flies to the Moon
11. TheMagic School Bus Ships Out!
12. TheMagic School Bus Loses a Tooth
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