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Summary: Publisher Summary 1 Now that evidence is available on two generations, contributors from the medical and social sciences review over 2,000 research reports published between 1955 and 2005 to synthesize findings on how television affects children. Their topics include how children's television has changed, cognitive development and educational achievement, social roles and marginality, advertising and consumer development, and violence. The extensive bibliography is duplicated on then included CD-ROM. Annotation 漏2007 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (booknews.com)   Publisher Summary 2 This seminal volume is a comprehensive review of the literature on children's television, covering fifty years of academic research on children and television. The work includes studies of content, effects, and policy, and offers research conducted by social scientists and cultural studies scholars. The research questions represented here consider the content of programming, children's responses to television, regulation concerning children's television policies, issues of advertising, and concerns about sex and race stereotyping, often voicing concerns that children's entertainment be held to a higher standard. The volume also offers essays by scholars who have been seeking answers to some of the most critical questions addressed by this research. It represents the interdisciplinary nature of research on children and television, and draws on many academic traditions, including communication studies, psychology, sociology, education, economics, and medicine. The full bibliography is included on CD. Arguably the most comprehensive bibliography of research on children and television, this work illustrates the ongoing evolution of scholarship in this area, and establishes how it informs or changes public policy, as well as defining its role in shaping a future agenda. The volume will be a required resource for scholars, researchers, and policy makers concerned with issues of children and television, media policy, media literacy and education, and family studies.  


Table Of Contents:
Series Foreword ix

Jennings Bryant
Foreword xi

Lloyd N. Morrisett
Preface xv

Norma Pecora, John P. Murray, and Ellen Wartella
Introduction xvii

Norma Pecora
1 The Changing Nature of Children's Television: Fifty Years of Research 1(40)

Norma Pecora
2 From Attention to Comprehension: How Children Watch and Learn From Television 41(24)

Aletha C. Huston, David S. Bickham, June H. Lee, and John C. Wright
3 The Impact of Television on Cognitive Development and Educational Achievement 65(20)

Marie Evans Schmidt and Daniel R. Anderson
4 Television, Social Roles, and Marginality: Portrayals of the Past and Images for the Future 85(24)

Gordon L. Berry
5 Is Television Healthy? The Medical Perspective 109(40)

Michael Rich
6 Advertising and Consumer Development 149(34)

Nancy A. Jennings and Ellen A. Wartella
7 TV Violence: Research and Controversy 183(22)

John P. Murray
8 Health, Drugs, and Values 205(28)

Elizabeth P. Lorch
Bibliography 233(130)
Author Index 363(16)
Subject Index 379



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    东野圭吾 (作者), 李盈春 (译者)



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