借钱之道/How to Borrow Money
错失良机/My Lost Opportunities
有钱人幸福吗?/Are the Rich Happy?
施舍时的快乐/The Joys of Philanthropy
越洋的朋友/Hands Across the Sea
照相/With the Photographer
如何生存/The Survival of the Fittest
了不起的叔父/My Remarkable Uncle
陌生的朋友/My Unknown Friend
卧铺车里的男人/The Man in the Pullman Car
“提起印度啊……”/“Speaking of India…”
编杂志/Making a Magazine
大演员一席谭/With Our Greatest Actor
吃饼冠军乔恩?布朗/Joe Brown,Champion Pie Eater
访问典型的小说家们/With our Typical Novelists
记一位记者朋友/From My Friend the Repoter
我为什么不参加国际冠军比赛/This World Championship Stuff
消失的后院/The Passing of The Back Yard
我以为的幽默/Humour as I See It
巴黎的简单生活/The Simple Life In Paris
宠物狗威基——一首夏日牧歌/Weejee,The Pet Dog an Idyll of The Summer
在理发师的剃刀下/Under The Barber’s Knife
售书窍门/The Reading Public:A Book Store Study
超人塞尔吉/Serge The Superman:A Russian Novel
施密思先生的旅店/The Hostelry of Mr. Smith
杰斐逊?索普的投机买卖/The Speculations of Jefferson Thorpe
德龙牧师传道/The Ministrations of The Rev. Mr.Drone
麻里波萨的旋风募捐活动/The Whirlwind Campaign in Mariposa
小山上的烽火/The Beaton on The Hill
错失良机/My Lost Opportunities
有钱人幸福吗?/Are the Rich Happy?
施舍时的快乐/The Joys of Philanthropy
越洋的朋友/Hands Across the Sea
照相/With the Photographer
如何生存/The Survival of the Fittest
了不起的叔父/My Remarkable Uncle
陌生的朋友/My Unknown Friend
卧铺车里的男人/The Man in the Pullman Car
“提起印度啊……”/“Speaking of India…”
编杂志/Making a Magazine
大演员一席谭/With Our Greatest Actor
吃饼冠军乔恩?布朗/Joe Brown,Champion Pie Eater
访问典型的小说家们/With our Typical Novelists
记一位记者朋友/From My Friend the Repoter
我为什么不参加国际冠军比赛/This World Championship Stuff
消失的后院/The Passing of The Back Yard
我以为的幽默/Humour as I See It
巴黎的简单生活/The Simple Life In Paris
宠物狗威基——一首夏日牧歌/Weejee,The Pet Dog an Idyll of The Summer
在理发师的剃刀下/Under The Barber’s Knife
售书窍门/The Reading Public:A Book Store Study
超人塞尔吉/Serge The Superman:A Russian Novel
施密思先生的旅店/The Hostelry of Mr. Smith
杰斐逊?索普的投机买卖/The Speculations of Jefferson Thorpe
德龙牧师传道/The Ministrations of The Rev. Mr.Drone
麻里波萨的旋风募捐活动/The Whirlwind Campaign in Mariposa
小山上的烽火/The Beaton on The Hill
Selected short stories of Leacock
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