英文共同题名:Chinese bankers survey


作   者:普华永道,中国银行业协会[编]







Executive Summary
PartⅠ  Macroeconomic Conditions
  Ⅰ.Concerns over economic trends and operation status of business enterprises
  Ⅱ.Tight monetary policy increases operational pressure on banks
  Ⅲ.Slightly lower evaluation of economic policy effect
  Ⅳ.Weakening of the real estate market and stabilization of investments in real estate developments
  Ⅴ.Increasing concerns over residents 'consumption concept and consciousness for financial management
  Ⅵ.Increasing concerns over continual improvement of financial ecological environment and local public
service levels
Part Ⅱ  Development Strategies
  Ⅰ.Attain strategic transformation of banks by developing new businesses and reducing capital consumption
  Ⅱ.The next 3N5 years would be the optimal time frame for advancing interest rate liberalization
  Ⅲ.Further overseas expansion of large-sized commercial banks and strong desire of city commercial banks
for cross-regional operation
  Ⅳ.Optimism in cross-border RMB trade settlement business, but various restrictive factors need to be resolved
Part Ⅲ  Business Development
  Ⅰ.increasing difficulty in liability management and increased interbank competition to attract deposits are major challenges
for Chinese banks
  Ⅱ.SME Lending and Financial Advisory became top priorities in banking services provided to corporate customers
  Ⅲ.Focus on industry sectors: advanced manufacturing industry, modern service industry, energy-efficiency and environmental
protection industry
  Ⅳ.A prudent attitude towards real estate development loans and in support of more policies for construction of
affordable housing
  Ⅴ.increasing importance of wealth management and private banking in personal financial business
  Ⅵ.Varying priorities in developing their channels
Part Ⅳ  Risk Management and Internal Control
  Ⅰ.Concerns of bankers over asset quality have notably increased, with real estate and LGFV loans being the most significant
  Ⅱ.Risk management capabilities need further improvement as a whole and operational risk management is considered
a priority by most banks
  Ⅲ.Systemic financial risk is less likely, but the regional risk of East China is a cause for concern
  Ⅳ.Internal control building is sustainably advanced and total coverage and compatibility becomes the keynote
Part Ⅴ  Corporate Governance
  Ⅰ.Enhancement of internal controls, risk management and effective incentives are the most important factors for
corporate governance
  Ⅱ.Improving satisfaction of headquarters and branches' managerial architecture
  Ⅲ.Performance assessment of directors and supervisors mainly integrates self-evaluation and mutual evaluation
Part Ⅵ  Process Reengineering
  Ⅰ.Centralisation of back office processes is the priority for the process reengineering of commercial banks
  Ⅱ.Lack of effective examination mechanism is the biggest barrier for banks' process reengineering
  Ⅲ.Organizational restructure lays the foundation for process-oriented banking
Part Ⅶ  IT Governance and IT Construction
  Ⅰ.Investments in IT have increased and network, mobile internet and other new technologies are of concerns
  Ⅱ.Backward construction of IT talent force becomes the main restrictive factor for IT governance of banks
  Ⅲ.Risks due to development and application of new technologies draw most concerns from bankers
  Ⅳ.Supporting Ccustomercentric" business process reengineering becomes the strategic priority of banks for
IT construction
Part Ⅷ  Human Resources
  Ⅰ.Over the next three years, the number of employees is expected to rebound and small and medium
commercial banks will show a strong demand for employees
  Ⅱ.Branches are concerned with building of talent pool and head offices are more concerned with
compensation structure
  Ⅲ.Effective examination of comprehensive contribution and balance of
  long-term and short-term incentives are the priorities for improvement in evaluation system
Part Ⅸ  Supervision and Evaluation
  Ⅰ.Regulatory policies universally recognized and indicator system relatively intact
  Ⅱ.Vehicle loans have caused general concern and loan scale strictly controlled
  Ⅲ.The four major regulatory instruments have been well received, although certain indicators
can still be enhanced
  Ⅳ.Additional capital requirement for systemically important banks now a consensus
  Ⅴ.Advocate establishment of regulatory rules linked with economic cycle and enhancement of construction
  of financial infrastructures
Part Ⅹ  T he Bankers
  Ⅰ.The Bankers have high job satisfaction
  Ⅱ.Learning and working overtime are most common arrangements for bankers' holidays
Part Ⅺ  Development Prospects
  Ⅰ.Projection of income growth and profit
  Ⅱ.Projection of non-performing loan ratios
  Ⅲ.Capital adequacy ratio projection
  Introduction of the project background and its implementation
  Top 30 of China Banking Industry
  Working together to deliver success
Interview Notes
  Interview Notes Ⅰ  Tighter policy should avoid overlapping
  Interview Notes Ⅱ  Rational assessment of interest rate liberalization
  Interview Notes Ⅲ  Cross-border RMB business advancing in challenges
  Interview Notes Ⅳ  Liability management becoming a major challenge
  Interview Notes Ⅴ  There is still room in policy making to help alleviate financing
difficulties of small enterprises
  Interview Notes Ⅵ  Real estate credit risk under concern and affordable housing project financing model to be explored
  Interview Notes Ⅶ  Internal control building sustainably advanced
  Interview Notes Ⅶ  Banking procedure under rebuilding
  Interview Notes Ⅸ  Break for IT building of small and medium commercial banks
  Interview Notes Ⅹ  From personnel management to HR management
  Interview Notes Ⅺ  Understanding of vehicle loans increasingly unified
  Interview Notes Ⅻ  Objective evaluation of four major regulatory tools



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    东野圭吾 (作者), 李盈春 (译者)

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