When the Cullens, including her beloved Edward, leave Forks rather than risk revealing that they are vampires, it is almost too much for eighteen-year-old Bella to bear, but she finds solace in her friend Jacob until he is drawn into a "cult" and changes in terrible ways.
For Bella Swan, there is one thing more important than life itself: Edward Cullen. But being in love with a vampire is even more dangerous than Bella could ever have imagined. Edward has already rescued Bella from the clutches of one evil vampire, but now, as their daring relationship threatens all that is near and dear to them, they realize their troubles may be just beginning... (Publisher)
Table Of Contents:
Party 3(27)
Stitches 30(23)
The End 53(40)
Waking Up 93(27)
Cheater 120(17)
Friends 137(22)
Repetition 159(22)
Adrenaline 181(20)
Third Wheel 201(24)
The Meadow 225(27)
Cult 252(26)
Intruder 278(22)
Killer 300(23)
Family 323(19)
Pressure 342(21)
Paris 363(19)
Visitor 382(22)
The Funeral 404(20)
Race 424(19)
Volterra 443(19)
Verdict 462(23)
Flight 485(15)
The Truth 500(22)
Vote 522(26)
Epilogue: Treaty 548
Party 3(27)
Stitches 30(23)
The End 53(40)
Waking Up 93(27)
Cheater 120(17)
Friends 137(22)
Repetition 159(22)
Adrenaline 181(20)
Third Wheel 201(24)
The Meadow 225(27)
Cult 252(26)
Intruder 278(22)
Killer 300(23)
Family 323(19)
Pressure 342(21)
Paris 363(19)
Visitor 382(22)
The Funeral 404(20)
Race 424(19)
Volterra 443(19)
Verdict 462(23)
Flight 485(15)
The Truth 500(22)
Vote 522(26)
Epilogue: Treaty 548
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