001 租房-Room for Rent
002 搬家-Moving House
003 交通堵塞-Traffic Jams
004 交通事故-Car Accidents
005 看病就医-Seeing a Doctor
006 药店买药-In the Drugstore
007 打电话-Phone Call
008 理发-Getting a Haircut
009 洗衣服务-Laundry Service
010 书店购书-Going to the Bookstore
011 讨价还价-Bargaining
012 售后退换-Refund & Exchange
013 在图书馆-In the Library
014 在邮局-At the Post Office
015 在银行-At the Bank 3 0
016 在加油站-At the Gas Station
017 超市购物-Supermarkets 34
018 在面包房-At a Bakery 36
019 在咖啡馆-At the Cafe 38
020 在自助餐厅-Buffet 41
021 在西餐厅-At a Western Restatuarant
022 在快餐店-At the Fast-Foot Restaurant
023 预定餐馆-Making a Reservation
024 安排座位-Seating
025 点菜-Taking Orders
026 用餐礼仪-Table Manners
027 用餐-Having Dinner
028 餐馆抱怨-Complaints in the Restaurant
029 买单-Paying the bill
030 买票-Buying the Ticket
031 旅游计划-Traveling Plans
032 欧洲之旅-Traveling in Europe
033 通过海关-Go Through Customs
034 乘飞机-By Airplane
035 乘船-Taking a Ship
036 乘火车-Taking a Train
037 乘坐公共汽车-On a Bus
038 乘坐地铁-Traveling by Subway
039 乘出租车-Taking a taxi
040 自驾车-Driving a Car
041 酒店入住-Check-in
042 绿色出行-By Bike or on Foot
043 野餐-Having a Picnic
044 登山健身-Mountaineer
045 我迷路了-I’m Lost
046 小小纪念品-Small Souvenirs
047 周末计划-Weekend Plans
048 运动-Sports
049 读书看报-Reading
050 看电视-Watching TV
051 电影-Movies
052 音乐-Music
053 喝茶-Drinking Tea
054 集邮-Stamp Collecting
055 摄影-Photography
056 冲洗照片-Having the Film Developed
057 开心网购-Shopping Online
058 网络聊天-Online Chatting
059 评论美食-Talking about Food
060 谈论他人-Talking about Others
061 美体瘦身-Body Slimming Treatment
062 美容-Beauty
063 美甲-Nail Beauty
064 恋爱-Be in Love
065 在KTV-At KTV
066 在游乐园-At the Amusement Park
067 闲情垂钓-Enjoy Fishing
068 逛公园-Go to the Park
069 逛酒吧-Bar-Hopping
070 生日派对-Birthday Party
071 天气-Weather
072 家人-Family
073 股票-Stocks
074 婚礼-Wedding
075 星座-Sign
076 舞会-Balls
077 广告-Adevertisements
078 吸烟-Smoking
079 亮丽衣装-Flashy Clothes
080 整形手术-Plastic Surgery
081 宠物心得-Pets Experience
082 花园剪影-Gardening
083 朋友之情-Friendship
084 邻里关系-Neighborhood
085 亚健康-Sub-health
086 娱乐圈-Show Biz
087 感恩节-Thanksgiving Day
088 圣诞节-Christmas Day
089 时间和日期-Time & Date
090 兴趣和爱好-Interest & Hobbies
091 学习与工作-Studies&Work
092 谈论工作-Talking about the Vocation
093 寻找工作-Job Hunting
094 着装-Suitting Up
095 自我介绍-Self-introduction
096 职业目标-Career Target
097 应聘经理-Applying for a Manager
098 应聘教育人员-Applying for an Educator
099 应聘外贸人员-Applying for a Foreign Trade Staff
100 应聘销售人员-Applying for a Salesman
101 应聘金融财会人员-Applying for a FinacialAccounting Staff
102 求职原因-The Reason of Job Hunting
103 公司信息-Company Information
104 工作经验-Working Experience
105 教育背景-Education Background
106 语言能力-Languages
107 优点和缺点-Advantage & Disadvantage
108 性格和爱好-Character & Hobby
109 待遇福利-Salary & Welfare
110 面试结束-End of the Interview
111 招聘结果-The Result of the Recuitment
112 培训新人-Training the Newcomers
113 办公自动化-Office Automation
114 替班加班-Covering & Working Overtime
115 请假-Asking for Leave
116 调职-Relegation
117 加薪升迁-Raise & Promotion
118 辞职-Resign
119 同事相处-Getting along with Colleagues
120 同事聚会-Colleague Parties
121 相互介绍-Introduction
122 建立业务关系-Establishment of Business Relations
123 询价-Enquiry
124 报价-Offer
125 订货-Ordering Goods
126 签合同-Signing a Contract
127 包装-Packing
128 装运-Shipping
129 保险-Insurance
130 付款-Payment
131 交货-Delivery
132 代理-Agency
133 佣金-Commission
134 纳税-Taxation
135 银行业务-Bank Service
136 商展-Trade Fair
137 产品介绍-Presenting Products
138 产品质量-Quality of the Products
139 价格谈判-Negotiation on the Price
140 售后服务-After-sale Service
141 投诉与索赔-Complaints & Claims
142 市场调查-Marketing Research
143 招标与投标-Tendering&Bidding
144 商务签证-Business Visa
145 商务出行-Going on Business
146 商务拜访-Business Visiting
147 商务会议-Business Meeting
148 商务宴请-Business Dinner
149 礼尚往来-Courtesy Demands Reciprocity
150 合资企业-Joint Venture
001 租房-Room for Rent
002 搬家-Moving House
003 交通堵塞-Traffic Jams
004 交通事故-Car Accidents
005 看病就医-Seeing a Doctor
006 药店买药-In the Drugstore
007 打电话-Phone Call
008 理发-Getting a Haircut
009 洗衣服务-Laundry Service
010 书店购书-Going to the Bookstore
011 讨价还价-Bargaining
012 售后退换-Refund & Exchange
013 在图书馆-In the Library
014 在邮局-At the Post Office
015 在银行-At the Bank 3 0
016 在加油站-At the Gas Station
017 超市购物-Supermarkets 34
018 在面包房-At a Bakery 36
019 在咖啡馆-At the Cafe 38
020 在自助餐厅-Buffet 41
021 在西餐厅-At a Western Restatuarant
022 在快餐店-At the Fast-Foot Restaurant
023 预定餐馆-Making a Reservation
024 安排座位-Seating
025 点菜-Taking Orders
026 用餐礼仪-Table Manners
027 用餐-Having Dinner
028 餐馆抱怨-Complaints in the Restaurant
029 买单-Paying the bill
030 买票-Buying the Ticket
031 旅游计划-Traveling Plans
032 欧洲之旅-Traveling in Europe
033 通过海关-Go Through Customs
034 乘飞机-By Airplane
035 乘船-Taking a Ship
036 乘火车-Taking a Train
037 乘坐公共汽车-On a Bus
038 乘坐地铁-Traveling by Subway
039 乘出租车-Taking a taxi
040 自驾车-Driving a Car
041 酒店入住-Check-in
042 绿色出行-By Bike or on Foot
043 野餐-Having a Picnic
044 登山健身-Mountaineer
045 我迷路了-I’m Lost
046 小小纪念品-Small Souvenirs
047 周末计划-Weekend Plans
048 运动-Sports
049 读书看报-Reading
050 看电视-Watching TV
051 电影-Movies
052 音乐-Music
053 喝茶-Drinking Tea
054 集邮-Stamp Collecting
055 摄影-Photography
056 冲洗照片-Having the Film Developed
057 开心网购-Shopping Online
058 网络聊天-Online Chatting
059 评论美食-Talking about Food
060 谈论他人-Talking about Others
061 美体瘦身-Body Slimming Treatment
062 美容-Beauty
063 美甲-Nail Beauty
064 恋爱-Be in Love
065 在KTV-At KTV
066 在游乐园-At the Amusement Park
067 闲情垂钓-Enjoy Fishing
068 逛公园-Go to the Park
069 逛酒吧-Bar-Hopping
070 生日派对-Birthday Party
071 天气-Weather
072 家人-Family
073 股票-Stocks
074 婚礼-Wedding
075 星座-Sign
076 舞会-Balls
077 广告-Adevertisements
078 吸烟-Smoking
079 亮丽衣装-Flashy Clothes
080 整形手术-Plastic Surgery
081 宠物心得-Pets Experience
082 花园剪影-Gardening
083 朋友之情-Friendship
084 邻里关系-Neighborhood
085 亚健康-Sub-health
086 娱乐圈-Show Biz
087 感恩节-Thanksgiving Day
088 圣诞节-Christmas Day
089 时间和日期-Time & Date
090 兴趣和爱好-Interest & Hobbies
091 学习与工作-Studies&Work
092 谈论工作-Talking about the Vocation
093 寻找工作-Job Hunting
094 着装-Suitting Up
095 自我介绍-Self-introduction
096 职业目标-Career Target
097 应聘经理-Applying for a Manager
098 应聘教育人员-Applying for an Educator
099 应聘外贸人员-Applying for a Foreign Trade Staff
100 应聘销售人员-Applying for a Salesman
101 应聘金融财会人员-Applying for a FinacialAccounting Staff
102 求职原因-The Reason of Job Hunting
103 公司信息-Company Information
104 工作经验-Working Experience
105 教育背景-Education Background
106 语言能力-Languages
107 优点和缺点-Advantage & Disadvantage
108 性格和爱好-Character & Hobby
109 待遇福利-Salary & Welfare
110 面试结束-End of the Interview
111 招聘结果-The Result of the Recuitment
112 培训新人-Training the Newcomers
113 办公自动化-Office Automation
114 替班加班-Covering & Working Overtime
115 请假-Asking for Leave
116 调职-Relegation
117 加薪升迁-Raise & Promotion
118 辞职-Resign
119 同事相处-Getting along with Colleagues
120 同事聚会-Colleague Parties
121 相互介绍-Introduction
122 建立业务关系-Establishment of Business Relations
123 询价-Enquiry
124 报价-Offer
125 订货-Ordering Goods
126 签合同-Signing a Contract
127 包装-Packing
128 装运-Shipping
129 保险-Insurance
130 付款-Payment
131 交货-Delivery
132 代理-Agency
133 佣金-Commission
134 纳税-Taxation
135 银行业务-Bank Service
136 商展-Trade Fair
137 产品介绍-Presenting Products
138 产品质量-Quality of the Products
139 价格谈判-Negotiation on the Price
140 售后服务-After-sale Service
141 投诉与索赔-Complaints & Claims
142 市场调查-Marketing Research
143 招标与投标-Tendering&Bidding
144 商务签证-Business Visa
145 商务出行-Going on Business
146 商务拜访-Business Visiting
147 商务会议-Business Meeting
148 商务宴请-Business Dinner
149 礼尚往来-Courtesy Demands Reciprocity
150 合资企业-Joint Venture
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