40年前,我们对美好生活的向往是“楼上楼下,电灯电话”,是“牛肉炖土豆”;40年后,生活在物质极大丰富之中的人,想的却是如何让精神世界不寂寞。这40年,社会和经济呈现几何式发展,摄影师以记录时代为己任,用影像作为日记本,用相机为这个时代描绘了全景式的速写,这是时间带来的诗意和力量。本书精心选取了300余幅中外摄影师的作品,多维度、客观地展现了1978年至2018年,中国人在衣食住行、消费理财、社交互联等诸多方面的变化——也许我们没法找回失去的时间,但可以打开影集,通过照片回想这一路走来的快乐和艰辛。40 years ago, we aspired for the beautiful life of “living in buildings, using electric lamps and telephone” and eating “beef stewed with potatoes” in daily life; 40 years later, people living in material abundance rack their brains to find the ways to keep their spiritual world from loneliness. China’s society and economy have seen a geometric growth in the 40 years. The photographers undertake the responsibility of recording the times, keep a video diary with their camera and give a panoramic sketch of the times. It is the poetic thought and magic power of time. The book carefully selects more than 300 works of Chinese and foreign photographers that objectively show from multiple dimensions the changes of the Chinese in basic necessities of life, consumption, money management and social connections from 1978 to 2018―It’s impossible for us to retrieve the lost time but we can open the photo album and recall the happiness and hardships through the whole journey recorded in photos.
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