英文共同题名:China population and employment statistics yearbook


作   者:国家统计局人口和就业统计局编







第一部分 综合数据
Chapter One:General Survey
1-1 各地区人口数
T0tal Population by Region
1-2 按性别分人口数
Population by Sex
1-3 人口年龄结构和抚养比
Age Composition and Dependency Ratio of Population
1-4 按城乡分人口数
Population by Urban and Rural Residence
1-5 人口出生率、死亡率和自然增长率
Birth Rate,Death Rate and Natural Growth Rate of Population
1-6 各地区人口出生率、死亡率和自然增长率
Birth Rate,Death Rate and Natural Growth Rate of Population by Region
1-7 五次全国人口普查人口基本情况
Basic Statistics on National Population Census in 1953,1964,1982,1990 and 2000
1-8 各地区人口平均预期寿命
Population Life Expectancy by Region
1-9 全国历年人口密度
Population Density
1-10 全国劳动统计主要指标
Maln Indicators of National Labor Statistics
1-11 分城乡就业人员年末人数
Number of Employed Persons at Year-end in Urban and Rural Areas
1-12 分产业就业人员年末人数
Number of Employed Persons at Year-end by Three Strata Industries
1-13 城镇登记失业人数及失业率(年末登记数)
Registered Unemployed Persons and Registered Unemployment Rate in Urban Areas(year-end)
1-14 分地区城镇登记失业人员数(年末登记数)
Registered Unemployed Persons in Urban Areas by Region(year-end)
1-15 分地区城镇登记失业率(年末登记数)
Registered Unemployment Rate in Urban Areas by Region(year-end)
1-16 分行业城镇单位就业人员年末人数
Employed Persons at Year-end in Urban Units by Sector
1-17 分登记注册类型城镇单位就业人员年末人数-
Employed Persons at Year-end in Urban Units by Registration Status
1-18 分行业城镇单位女性就业人员年末人数
Female Employed Persons at Year-end in Urban Units by Sector
1-19 分登记注册类型城镇单位女性就业人员年末人数
Female Employed Persons at Year-end in Urban Units by Registration Status
1-20 分登记注册类型职工平均工资及指数
Average Wage of Staff and Workers and Related Indices by Status of Registration
1-21 分登记注册类型职工平均实际工资指数
Average Real Wage Indices of Staff and Workers by Status of Registration
1-22 分行业职工平均工资
AverageWage ofStaffandWorkersby Sector
1-23 分地区职工平均工资
AverageWage ofStaffandWorkersbyRegion
1-24 国内生产总值及构成
Gross Domestic Product and Its Composition
1-25 国内生产总值指数
Indices of Gross Domestic Product

第二部分 2008年全国人口变动情况抽样调查数据
Chapter Two:Data from 2008 National Sample Survey on Population Changes
2-1 各地区人口数及人口自然变动情况
Total Population and Natural Changes by Region
2-2 各地区人口的城乡构成
Population by Urban and Rural Residence and Region
2-3 全国分年龄、性别的人口数
PopulationbyAgeand Sex
2-4 全国城市分年龄、性别的人口数
City Population by Age and Sex
2-5 全国镇分年龄、性别的人口数
Town Population by Age and Sex
2-6 全国乡村分年龄、性别的人口数
Rural Population by Age and Sex
2-7 各地区人口年龄构成和抚养比
Age Composition and Dependency Ratio of Population by Region
2-8 各地区城市人口年龄构成和抚养比
Age Composition and Dependency Ratio of City Population by Region
2-9 各地区镇人口年龄构成和抚养比
Age Composition and Dependency Ratio of Town Population by Region
2-10 各地区乡村人口年龄构成和抚养比
Age Composition and Dependency Ratio of Rural Population by Region
2-11 各地区户数、人口数、性别比和平均家庭户规模
Households,Population,Sex Ratio and Household Size by Region
2-12 各地区城市户数、人口数、性别比和平均家庭户规模
第三部分 2008年劳动力抽样调查主要数据
第四部分 2008年城镇单位就业人员统计数据
第五部分 2008年全国户籍统计人口数据
第六部分 2008年全国计划生育统计人口数据
第七部分 世界部分国家及地区人口和就业统计数据
第八部分 2008年人口变动和劳动力调查制度说明及主要统计指标解释



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    东野圭吾 (作者), 李盈春 (译者)



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