本书介绍了新奇高效的英语词汇记忆方法,分为图解和词汇索引两大部分,其中图解为246幅,收录了[2003年全国硕士研究生入学考试 英语考试大纲(非英语专业)]的全部单词和短语。书中通过派生、复合、联想、扩展等方法,用逻辑记忆法快速记忆词汇。
1. a/an answer swear another other each every
2. act active attract law
3. add addition extra advise
4. agree agreeable agreement consent promise correspond
5. all entire whole barely
6. animal meat cluub mouse
7. animal fish reptile insect bee pest fly spider
8. beast bear tolerate dog
9. bird poultry chicken cock hawk
10.cattle horse power cow sheep
. 11.as if though even such
12.back backward front record
13.base basis build stable ball
14.be become before behalf behind existence
15.be be long below besides bewilder
16.because reason result virtue owing
17.board key cabin c ommit agent
18.body limb muscular skeleton abstract
19.body ahead schedule pain principal execute
20.head ahead schedule pain principal execute
21.face appear attend apparent
22.face eye hear mouth smell
23.chest trunk heart hearty blood
24.arm army navigation band gun
25.hand deliver distribute thread
26.hand handicap finger trifle
27.foot leg feeble bottom exceedingly
28.bookrefer text note notice
29.break observe meal
30.bringforward on public
31.broad wide generous extend home
32.call shout cancel abandon phone ring
33.cap capable captain letter
2. act active attract law
3. add addition extra advise
4. agree agreeable agreement consent promise correspond
5. all entire whole barely
6. animal meat cluub mouse
7. animal fish reptile insect bee pest fly spider
8. beast bear tolerate dog
9. bird poultry chicken cock hawk
10.cattle horse power cow sheep
. 11.as if though even such
12.back backward front record
13.base basis build stable ball
14.be become before behalf behind existence
15.be be long below besides bewilder
16.because reason result virtue owing
17.board key cabin c ommit agent
18.body limb muscular skeleton abstract
19.body ahead schedule pain principal execute
20.head ahead schedule pain principal execute
21.face appear attend apparent
22.face eye hear mouth smell
23.chest trunk heart hearty blood
24.arm army navigation band gun
25.hand deliver distribute thread
26.hand handicap finger trifle
27.foot leg feeble bottom exceedingly
28.bookrefer text note notice
29.break observe meal
30.bringforward on public
31.broad wide generous extend home
32.call shout cancel abandon phone ring
33.cap capable captain letter
Illustrated English Glossary in Logic Memory
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