A Guide to New Century English,Elementary Level.Book One
作 者:黄建滨总主编;盛跃东册主编
unit one l earning
listening comprehension
notes to the text
translation of the text
kev to the exercises
notes to the extra reading passage
translation of the extra reading passage
kev to the exercises
unit two sports
listening comprehension
nores to the text
translation of the text
key to the exercises
notes to the extra reading passage
translation of the extra reading passage
kev to the exercises
unit three good manners
listening comprehension
nores to the text
. translation of the text
kev to the exercises
notes to the extra reading passage
translation of the extra reading passage
kev to the exercises
unit four month and week
listening comprehension
notes to the text
key to the exercises
nores to the extra reading passage
translation of the extra reading passage
key to the exerclses
unit five health
listening comprehension
notes to the text
translation of the text
key to the excfciscs
notes to the extra reading passage
translation of the extra reading passage
key to the exercises
A Guide to New Century English,Elementary Level.Book One
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