PrefaceAcronyms and AbbreviationsIntroductionChapter 1The Amazing Speed of Troops from Sky: the Birth of thePLAAF Airborne TroopsThe Power of ParachutistsThe Speed of Chinese Airborne Troops"Do not be a parachutist if you fear death"Hero's Patron SaintsChapter 2Hardships in Pioneer Work: the Growth of the PLAAFAirborne TroopsThe Birth of the Elite Troops in Combats of ShangganlingCampaignA Hundred How-to'sAirborne Troops = Infantry + Parachuting"Daggers" and "Iron Fists"Chapter 3Sharpened Swords of Refined Steel: Arduous Trainingof Airborne TroopsFly into the Skies after Intense Training800 Meters and 5,500 MetersHell-Like Training by "Devil Brigade Commander"Troops from Sky Trained to FightChapter 4Tiger's Wings: Equipment of the PLAAF Airborne TroopsFledged Wings: Complete Sets of ParachutesSharpened Beak: Individual Combat Gear Develops into SystemsSpreading of Eagle's Wings: Transport Aircraft and HelicoptersHeavy Equipment Shock: Airborne Combat Vehicle and AirdropSystemChapter 5Duty Calls: When People NeedDecisive Battle on the Yangtze RiverRescue in Wenchuan EarthquakeBorn to Serve the PeopleChapter 6Highlights: Glamour of the PLAAF Airborne TroopsHeritage: We are Comrades with Huang JiguangAggressive: First as AlwaysDignity: Five-Starred Red Flag Flies ForeverElites: Assault Team "Thunder"Girls in the Airborne TroopsHero from SOS Children's VillageChapter 7Exceeding the Limit: PLAAF Airborne Troops Embarks on the"Fast Lane" of DevelopmentVersatile SoldiersSeeking for PeaceBibliography
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