As the best-seller in its field, "College Algebra, 5/e, offers both instructors and students a more solid, comprehensive, and flexible program than ever before. The text' s unparalleled exercises, motivating real-life applications, cutting-edge design, and innovative ancillaries and technology resources make it the most supportive program available for teaching and learning college algebra."Interactive College Algebra 2.0 CD-ROM provides detailed solutions to every odd exercise in the text, self-assessment testing, a built-in Meridian Graphing Calculator Emulator, animations, video clips, simulations and editable graphs, and the entire contents of the text. For those who prefer a web-based program, "Internet College Algebra 1.0 is an interactive text-specific subscription web site offering all of the above features plus opportunities for interaction online with peers and instructors.Four student success tools designed to help students approach the material with confidence include a chapter-opening guide, "How to study this chapter; section-opening objectives and real-life applications, "What you should learn and "Why you should learn it; and chapter summaries, "What did you learn?Each exercise set concludes with "Synthesis Exercises, promoting further exploration, critical thinking, and writing; and "ReviewExercises.Special "Algebra of Calculus exercises help prepare students for the future study of calculus."Exploration sections introduce select topics to engage students in active discovery of mathematical concepts and relationships, often using the power of technology.Additional learning tools are placed throughout the text to create a rich learning environment: "Study Tips, Historical Notes, Writing about Mathematics, Chapter projects, Chapter Review Exercises, Chapter Tests, Cumulative Tests, and an extensive art program.
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