The third book in a humorous, easy-to-read series about a boyand his fly! Each book in the series has a different fun foilcover! Fly Guy returns home to discover that Buzz has gone on apicnic without him! Sad and hungry, Fly Guy takes off in search ofhis favorite food. He gets shooed away from a hamburger, a pizza, adog's bones, and even roadkill--leaving readers to guess what FlyGuy's favorite oozy, lumpy, smelly, and brown food could possiblybe! Why, it's shoo-fly pie, of course! Using hyperbole, puns,slapstick, and silly drawings, bestselling author/illustrator TeddArnold creates an easy reader that is full of fun. With aneye-catching holographic foil cover, this is the third in a seriesof four books.
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