Introduction to textiles


作   者:顾平主编





《纺织导论》主要介绍纺织纤维、纺织纱线、织物成形系统(机织、针织、非织造及其他成形方法)、织物染整以及纺织品测试与保养等内容,同时阐述了纤维、纱线、织物的结构、性能及其基本生产工艺等知识。 《Introduction to Textiles》 mainly introduces the forming systems of tsatile fibers,textihi yams, fabric (including weaving, knitting, nonweaving and other construction processing) ,as well as textile dyeing & finishing, textile testing & care. It also deals with the basic structures and properties of fibers, yarns, fabrics as well as the fundamental manufacturing techenology of these products. The authors hope this book will be helpful for those students who major in Textile, Fashion Clothing or other curricula in collegesand universities, for persons who engage in textile, fashion trade. It can be used as a bilingual or training textbook.


Chapter 1 General Introduction/绪论
1.1 Introduction/引言
1.1.1 Reasons for Studying Textiles/学习纺织品的原因
1.1.2 Ranges and Markets of Textile Industry/纺织工业的领域与市场
1.1.3 Brief Development of Textile Industry/纺织工业的发展
1.2 Textile Education/纺织教育
1.2.1 Teaching Salespeople/售货员培训
1.2.2 Education in the College/高等院校教育
1.2.3 Collegiate Internship Programs/学生实习
1.3 Assisting and Guiding the Consumer/对消费者的协助与引导
1.3.1 Consumer Rights and Responsibilities/消费者的权力与义务
1.3.2 Recognition of Consumers' Buying Motives/消费动机识别
1.4 Summary and Scope/总结与展望
Review Questions/思考题
Suggested Activities/实训题
Chapter 2 Textile Fibers/纺织纤维
2.1 Introduction/引言
2.1.1 What are Textile Fibers/纺织纤维的定义
2.1.2 Classification/分类
2.1.3 Fiber Properties/纤维性能
2.2 Natural Fibers/天然纤维
2.2.1 Cellulosic Natural Fibers/天然纤维素纤维
2.2.2 Protein Natural Fibers/天然蛋白质纤维
2.3 Man-made or Manufactured Fibers/化学纤维
2.3.1 Basic Spinning Process/纺丝的基本方法
2.3.2 Regenerated Fibers/再生纤维
2.3.3 Synthetic Manufactured Fibers/合成纤维
2.4 Modifications of Manufactured Fibers/化学纤维的改性
2.4.1 Specialized Physical Modifications/特殊物理改性
2.4.2 Physical or Chemical Properties Modified/物理或化学性能改性
Review Questions/思考题
Suggested Activities/实训题
Chapter 3 Textile Yarns/纺织纱线
3.1 Yarn Processing/纱线加工
3.1.1 Conventional Ring Spinning/传统环锭纺纱
3.1.2 Newer Methods of Yarn Spinning/新型纺纱方法
3.1.3 Silk Filament Yarn Processing/蚕丝纱加工
3.2 Yarn Construction and Properties/纱线结构与性能
3.2.1 Yarn Twist/纱线捻度
3.2.2 Yarn Number/纱线细度
3.3 Simple Yarns/普通纱线
3.4 Complex Yarns/花式纱线
3.4.1 Complex Single Yarns/花式单纱
3.4.2 Complex Ply Yarns/花式股线
3.5 Silk Filament Yarns/蚕丝纱
3.5.1 Thrown Silk/加捻丝
3.5.2 Spun Silk/绢丝
3.5.3 Doupion/双宫丝
3.5.4 Tussah or Wild Silk/柞蚕丝
3.6 Man-made Filament Yarns/化纤长丝纱
3.6.1 Filament Forms/长丝类型
3.6.2 Textured Yarns/变形纱
3.6.3 Stretch Yarns/弹力纱
Review Questions/思考题
Sugggested Activities/实训题
Chapter 4 Weaving and Woven Fabrics/机织与机织物
4.1 Yarn Preparation for Weaving/织前纱线准备
4.1.1 Winding/络筒
4.1.2 Quill Winding/卷纬
4.1.3 Warping/整经
4.1.4 Slashing or Warp Sizing/浆经或浆纱
4.1.5 Drawing-in and Tying-in/穿经与结经
4.2 Weaving/机织
4.2.1 Loom Basic Mechanisms/织机的基本运动
4.2.2 Shuttleless Looms/无梭织机
4.3 Woven Fabrics/机织物
4.3.1 Plain Weaves and Fabrics/平纹组织与织物
4.3.2 Twill Weaves and Fabrics/斜纹组织与织物
4.3.3 Satin Weaves and Fabrics/缎纹组织与织物
4.3.4 Drawing-in Draft, Lifting and Reed Plans/穿综图、提综图与穿筘图
4.3.5 General Terms Related to Fabrics/织物基本术语
Review Questions/思考题
Suggested Activities/实训题
Chapter 5 Knitting and Knit Fabrics/针织与针织物
5.1 General Terms of Knitting/针织基本术语
5.1.1 Sort of Knitting/针织分类
5.1.2 Knitted Loop/针织线圈
5.1.3 Knitting Elements/针织机件
5.2 Weft or Filling Knitting/纬编
5.2.1 Weft Knitting Machine/纬编机
5.2.2 Loops and Stitch Formation in Weft Knitting/纬编线圈及其形成
5.2.3 Basic Stitches in Weft Knitting/纬编基本组织
5.3 Warp Knitting/经编
5.3.1 Warp Knitting Machines/经编机
5.3.2 Laps and Stitch Formation in Warp Knitting/经编线圈及其形成
5.3.3 Basic Stitches in Warp Knitting/经编的基本组织
5.4 Three-Dimentional Knitted Pteforms/三维针织预制件
5.4.1 Multiaxial Multilayer Warp-knit( non-crimp) Fabrics/多轴向多层(非屈曲)经编织物
5.4.2 Sandwich Structure Preforms/夹层结构预制件
5.4.3 Fully Fashioned Preforms/全成形预制件
Review Questions/思考题
Suggested Activities/实训题
Chapter 6 Nonweaving and Nonwoven Fabrics/非织造与非织造织物
6.1 Introduction/引言
6.2 Web Formation/纤维成网
6.2.1 Dry-laying/干法成网
6.2.2 Wet-laying/湿法成网
6.2.3 Spun laying/纺丝成网
6.2.4 Melt-blown/熔喷成网
6.3 Bonding of the Web/纤维网结合
6.3.1 Chemical Bonding/黏合剂法
6.3.2 Thermal Bonding/热黏合法
6.3.3 Needlepunching/针刺法
6.3.4 Hydroentanglement/水刺法
6.3.5 Stitch Bonding/缝编法
Review Questions/思考题
Suggested Activities/实训题
Chapter 7 Other Fabric Construction Processes/织物的其他构成方法
7.1 Braiding/编织
7.2 Netting(or Knotting)/网织(打结)
7.3 Lace Making/花边制作
7.3.1 Crocheted Lace/钩织花边
7.3.2 Tatting Lace/梭织花边
7.3.3 Macrame Lace/流苏花边
7.3.4 Bobbin(Pillow)Lace/纱管花边
7.4 Laminating/层合
7.4.1 Laminated Fabrics/层合织物
7.4.2 Problems of Serviceability of Laminated Fabrics/层合织物的使用问题
7.5 Tufting/簇绒
7.5.1 Tufted Carpets/簇绒地毯
7.5.2 Types of Tufted Carpets/簇绒地毯类型
Review Questions/思考题
Suggested Activities/实训题
Chapter 8 Textile Dyeing and Finishing/纺织品染整
8.1 Preliminary Treatments/前处理
8.1.1 Singeing and Desizing/烧毛与退浆
8.1.2 Scouring and Bleaching/煮练与漂白
8.1.3 Mercerization/丝光
8.1.4 Heat Setting/热定形
8.2 Dyeing and Printing/染色与印花
8.2.1 Dye Classes by Application Method/染料按应用方法分类
8.2.2 Methods of Dyeing/染色方法
8.2.3 Printing/印花
8.3 Finishing/整理
8.3.1 Mechanical Finishes/机械整理
8.3.2 Chemical Finishes/化学整理
Review Questions/思考题
Suggested Activities/实训题
Cbapter 9 Textile Testing and Care/纺织品测试与保养
9.1 Textile Testing/纺织品测试
9.1.1 Test Methods/测试方法
9.1.2 Fiber Testing/纤维测试
9.1.3 Yarn Testing/纱线测试
9.1.4 Fabric Testing/织物测试
9.2 Textile Care/纺织品保养
9.2.1 Fiber Properties and Care/纤维性能与保养
9.2.2 Care of Various Textiles/各种纺织品的保养
9.2.3 Care Procedures/保养程序
9.2.4 Care Labeling/保养标签
Review Questions/思考题
Suggested Activities/实训题
A Metric Conversion Tables/米制单位转换表
B Effect of Heat and Flame on the Major Textile Fibers/主要纺织纤维的热性能和燃烧性能
C Glossary of Terms/词汇表



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    东野圭吾 (作者), 李盈春 (译者)



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