Comparative studies of Chinese and Western legal cultures


作   者:张中秋著





   本书主体部分九章,另有附录两部分和前言与后记。本书前   八章意在辨异,集中探讨中西法律文化的八大差异,以及导致这些   差异的成因和历史后果;第九章意在求同和会通,从人的文化原理   出发,比较透视中西法律文化交流的可行与难题及其克服。比较   同类作品,本书有以下特点:其一,通过对相关成果的继承、评判和   借鉴,首次较系统地对中西法律文化进行了比较研究,在一些重大   问题,如法的形成、中国法律刑事性的哲学基础和社会原因、法的   伦理化成因、法的体系等方面,提出了自己的看法。其二,认为中   西法律文化是它们的地理环境、社会环境和历史文化环境的产物,   各自形成特色并构成差异,但它们之间的差异只能说是不同,很难   说是不好。其三,中西法律文化内贯共同的人的文化原理,在人的   文化原点、原理及其展开的轴心和结构模型上有其共同性,因此,   两者的交流本质上是可行的。这一原理性的认识既可检讨中西法   律文化交流的历史实践,又可分析和推论中国法律文化在当下的   构成及其未来走向。   


A Brief Introduction
第一章 法的形成:部族征战与氏族斗争
第一节 部族征战与中国古代法(以刑为中心)的形成
一、 远古中国文明与原始组织的演进及其分布
二、 部族征战与中国古代法(以刑为中心)的形成
三、 部族征战对中国古代法(以刑为中心)的影响
第二节 氏族斗争与古希腊(雅典)法和罗马法的形成
一、 氏族内部斗争及其改革与古希腊(雅典)法的形成
二、 平民和贵族的斗争与罗马早期法的形成
三、 氏族内部及平民与贵族之间的斗争对古希腊(雅典)法和罗马法的影响
第二章 法的本位:集团本位与个人本位
第一节 中国集团本位法的形成与发展
一、 从氏族(部族)到家族(宗族):集团本位法的形成
二、 从家族(宗族)到国家(社会):集团本位法的发展
三、 有关中国集团本位法的几点补论
第二节 西方个人本位法的形成与发展
一、 从氏族到个人:西方早期个人本位法的形成
二、 从氏族/上帝到个人:西方个人本位法的大发展
三、 从社会到个人:西方个人本位法的再次确立
第三章 法的文化属性:公法文化与私法文化
第一节 公法文化:中国传统法律文化的属性
一、 中国传统法律的刑事性(刑法化)
二、 中国传统法律刑事性的哲学基础与社会原因
第二节 私法文化:西方法律文化的传统属性
一、 私法的传统和发达
二、 近代以前西方刑事民法化与近代以来公法的发展及其私法化现象
第四章 法与宗教伦理:伦理化与宗教性
第一节 中国传统法律的伦理化
一、 中国传统法律伦理化的进程
二、 中国传统法律伦理化的表现
三、 中国传统法律伦理化的成因
四、 对中国传统法律伦理化的认识
第二节 西方法律的宗教性
一、 早期基督教在罗马法律中的地位
二、 中世纪:基督教的神圣化、法律化时代
三、 教会法的衰落及其对西方法的继续影响
第五章 法的体系:封闭性与开放性
第一节 中华法系的封闭性
一、 中华法系及封闭性释义
二、 中华法系封闭性释证
三、 中华法系封闭性释证的补充
第二节 西方法系的开放性
一、 西方法系及开放性解释
二、 西方法系的开放性述论
三、 西方法系开放性机制的成因
第六章 法的学术:律学与法学
第一节 传统中国的律学
一、 传统中国的法律学术是“律学”而非“法学”
二、 传统中国律学的盛衰
三、 传统中国法学难生说:兼论律学形成的必然
第二节 西方的法学
一、 西方法学的兴起、发达及其原因
二、 西方法学的共性
三、 西方法学对法律发展的推动
第七章 法的精神:人治与法治
第一节 人治:中国传统法的根本精神
一、 传统中国法的根本精神是人治:兼辨析法治、礼治、德治与律治
二、 传统中国法人治精神剖析
三、 传统中国法人治精神若干问题辨析
第二节 法治:西方法的传统精神
一、 近代以前:西方法治精神溯源
二、 法治理论的完备与实践:近代以来西方法治述略
三、 成因与成就:西方法治因果关系简论
第八章 法律文化的价值取向:无讼与正义
第一节 无讼:中国传统法律文化的价值取向
一、 传统中国无讼价值观的形成与早期追求实现的途径
二、 传统中国追求无讼的基本模式及其实践
三、 传统中国法律文化无讼价值取向评说
第二节 正义:西方法律文化的价值取向
一、 法律正义论:西方法律家对正义价值的追求
二、 通过法律实现正义:西方追求正义的一般途径
三、 法律正义论的基础及其评说
第九章 人与文化和法:从人的文化原理比较中西法律文化
第一节 人的文化原理
第二节 人的文化原理是中西法律文化展开的轴心和结构模型
第三节 从人的文化原理看中西法律文化交流的可行与难题及其克服
第四节 以中西法律文化交流的实践检讨并推论上述认识
附录 辨异·求同·会通——我的中西法律文化比较的经历与感受
A Brief Introduction(Chinese)
A Brief Introduction (English)
Preface of the First Edition
Preface of the Second Edition
Preface of the Third Edition
Preface of the Fourth Edition
Chapter Ⅰ Formation of Law: Tribe War and Clan Conflict
Section One Tribe War and Formation of Ancient Chinese Law(Criminal Law Oriented)
1. Evolution and distribution of civilization and primitive organization of ancient China
2. Tribe war and formation of ancient Chinese law (criminal law oriented)
3. Influence of tribe war upon ancient Chinese law ( criminal law oriented)
Section Two Clan Conflict and Formation of Ancient Greek (Athenian) Law and Rome Law
1. Conflict and reform inside clan and formation of ancient Greek (Athenian) law
2. Conflict between the populace and the noble and formation of early Rome law
3. Influence of conflicts both inside clan and between the populace and the noble upon ancient Greek (Athenian) law and Rome law
Chapter Ⅱ Standard of Law: Collective StandardandIndividual Standard
Section One Formation and Development of Chinese Law by Collective Standard
1. From clan ( tribe ) to family ( patriarchal clan) : formation of law by collective standard
2. From family ( patriarchal clan ) to state (society) : development of law by coUective standard
3. Supplements on Chinese law by collective standard
Section Two Formation and Development of Western Law by Individual Standard
1. From clan to individual: forming of early western law by individual standard
2. Fromelan/God toindividual:massive development of western law by individual standard
3. From society to individual: establishing once more of western law by individual standard
Chapter Ⅲ Cultural Attribute of Law:Public Law Culture and Private Law Culture
Section one PublicLawCulture : AttributeofChinese Traditional Legal Culture
1. Criminal attribute of Chinese traditional law (criminalization )
2. Philosophical base and social cause of the criminal attribute of Chinese traditional law
Section Two PrivateLawCulture: Traditional Attribute of Western Legal Culture
1. Private law tradition and its flourishing
2. Phenomenon of civilization of criminal offend before modem times and development of public law and its civilization in modem times in the West
ChapterⅣ Law & Religion andEthics: Ethicalization and Religious Attribute
Section One Ethicalization of Chinese Traditional Law
1. Thecourse of ethicalization of Chinese traditional law
2. The manifestation of ethicalization of Chinese traditional law
3. Thecauseof ethicalizationof Chinese traditional law
4. Understanding of ethicalization of Chinese traditional law
Section Two ReligiousAttributeof Western Law
1. The position of early Christianity in Rome Law
2. Middle Ages:times of legalization and sanctification of Christianity
3. The decline of church law and its remaining influence on western law
Chapter Ⅴ Legal System: Close and Open
Section One The Close Character of Chinese Traditional Legal Family
1. Explanation of the close character of Chinese traditional legal family
2. Demonstration of the close character of Chinese traditional legal family
3. Supplementary demonstration of the close character of Chinese traditional legal family
Section Two The Open Character of Western Legal Family
1. Explanation of the open character of western legal family
2. Exposition of the open character of western legal family
3. Cause of the open mechanism of western legal family
ChapterⅥ Academics on Law: Lv Xue (Interpretation of Law) and Science of Law
Section One Lv Xue of Traditional China
1. The legal academics of traditional China is Lv Xue, not the science of law
2. The prosperity and decline of Lv Xue of traditional China
3. The theory that the science of law is difficult to be born in traditional China: also on the inevitability of the formation of Lv Xue
Section Two Science of Law in the West
1. Rise and prosperity of the science of law and its cause in the West
2. The generality of the science of law in the West
3. Promotion of the science of law to law development in the West
Chapter Ⅶ Spirit of Law: Rule by men & Rule by Law
Section one Rule by Men: the Essential Spirit of Chinese Traditional Law
1. Rule by men is the essential spirit of Chinese traditional law: also to discriminate rule by law, ride by etiquette, rule by morality and rule by Lv (laws)
2. Analysis on the spirit of rule by men of Chinese traditional law
3. Analysis on several problems on the spirit of rule by men of Chinese traditional law
Section Two Rule by Law: the traditional spirit of western law
1. Before modem times: Source tracing of the spirit of rule by law of western law
2. Completion of the theory of rule by law and its practice: brief description of rule by law in the modern-times West
3. Causes and achievements: brief discuss on the causality of rule by law in the West
Chapter Ⅷ Value Orientation of LegalCulture:Wu Song ( No Lawsuit )and Justice
Section One Wu Song: Value Orientation of Chinese Traditional Legal Culture
1. Formation of Chinese traditional legal culture of Wu Song and its early way to carry out
2. The basic model of traditional China to seek Wu Song and its practice
3. Comments on Wu-song-oriented value of Chinese traditional legal culture
Section Two Justice: Value Orientation of Western Legal Culture
1. Justice of Law (laws): pursuit of western legal science (jurist) in the value of justice
2. Realization of justice by law: a general way of the west to seek justice
3. Base of justice of Law (laws) and its comments
Chapter Ⅸ Human & Culture and Law:Comparisonof Chineseand Western Legal Cultures from the Angle of Human's Cultural Principle
Section One Human's Cultural Principle
Section Two Human's Cultural Principle is the centre and structural pattern from and by which Chinese and western legal culture develop
Section Three Regarding the Feasibility,Difficulties and their Overcoming of the Legal Cultural Exchange betwee nChina and the West from Human' s Cultural Principle
Section Four Examining and Deducing the Upper Understanding by the Practice of Legal Cultural Exchange between China and the West
Appendix Difference-Identification, Generality-Seekingand Harmonization: Personal Experience and Understanding of Comparison on Chinese and Western Legal Cultures
Postscript of the First Edition
Supplementary Postscript of the Second Edition
Supplementary Postscript of the Third Edition
Supplementary Postscript of the Fourth Edition



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    东野圭吾 (作者), 李盈春 (译者)

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