English for International Business


作   者:王学成,齐欣主编





  本书紧扣21世纪政治、经济、社会、科技及网络生活方式等国际商务环境特点,用英语编写,所选择的专业英语词汇与短语尽量做到覆盖面广、常用布贴切,其语言力求简洁而实用,为了确保其纯正,一书博采众家之长,汲取了英美原著的一些内容,引用了一些典型的单词、短语   及句子的用法,特别注重借鉴其语言特色,。每章之后均有单词表、问题或案例,以方便读者   学习及用英文作口、笔头问答或分析之用。其目的是使读者具有地道的专业英语语言沟通能力,该能力包括摘高读者就业面试的成功率、撰写英语商务论文、参加国际商务谈判、高级国际商务英汉互译,拟写工作报告与国际商务函电和适应以英语工作语言的中、外跨国公司环境和公司的运营规范。此书力求在国际商务所涉及的专业领域有所创新。特别适合那些有志于将国际商务实际运作、英语和本专业知识三者紧密结合,驰骋国际商海,勇于在全球范围内寻找机遇和发展空间的研究生、大学生或较高起点的高职学生,也可以用于外企白领及各类国际经营人才的培训。本书既可以作国际商务双语教材,亦可作国际商务英语阅读教材使用。  


chapter i international business


section i the economic environment

1. economic systems

2. economic development

3. globalization

section ii the political environment

1. political risks

2. managing political risks

section iii the legal environment

1. legal systems

2. home country laws

3. host country laws

4. international laws

section iv the cultural environment

1. what is culture

2. culture affects all business functions

3. sociocultral components

section v the physical environment

1. location

.2. topography

3. climate

chapter ii international strategies

and management

section i understanding international


1. introduction

2. key elements of strategy

3. global strategy

section ii understanding the functions

and roles of management

1. the scope of management

2. the four basic functions of management

3. international business ownership

section iii understanding employees in


1. the importance of satisfaction and morale

2. motivation theories

3. strategies for enhancing job satisfaction

and motivation

section iv understanding organizational


1. introduction

2. factors to be considered in developing

organizational structures

3. chain of command

section v cultural differences in management

1. introduction

2. the impact of cultural difference

3. cope with cultural difference

chapter iii human resource management

section i introduction

section ii recruitment and selection

1. recruitment process

2. expatriate staffing

section iii training and development

1. the motivation for training

2. training involvement

3. training for expatriate managers

4. career development

section iv performance appraisal and


1. performance appraisal

2. performance appraisal problems and solutions

3. assessing performance in international


4. providing compensation and benefits

section v international labor relations

1. the duty of labor relations staffs

2. the concerns of labor union

3. the strategy of organized labor

4. approaches to labor relations

chapter iv purchasing and production


section i making the decision to outsource

1. insourcing and outsourcing decisions

2. the outsourcing procedure

section ii identify potential supply sources

1. the internet

2. international trade or industrial directories

3. trade shows

4. trading companies

5. current suppliers

6. external agents

7. marketing representatives

8. information databases

9. printed media

10. international and national organizations

section iii key supplier evaluation criteria

1. product and service assessment

2. potential suppliers' background

3. production assessment

4. process and technological capability

5. management capability

6. personnel capability

7. environmental regulation compliance

8. financial and credit rating

9. information systems capability

section iv managing supplier quality

1. the role of the buyer

2. the role of the purchasing funcyion

3. the present ways of supplier trasactions

4. problems in international purchasing

section v managing production

1. production planning

2. production scheduling and control

3. two keys to successful produciion--cost and quality

4. production in a global environment

5. other issues in production management

6. protecting your product

chapter v international marketing

section i introduction

section ii international marketing segmentation,

targeting and positioning

1. international market segmentation

2. global targeting

3. positioning

section iii international marketing research

1. the international market research process

2. the advantages and objectives of online marketing


3. the international marketing information

system (imis)

4. the areas of international marketing research

section iv international product strategies

1. considerations of product strategy

2. strategies for product geographic expansion

3. servige as a product

section v international pricing strategy

1. introduction

2. international pricing objectives

3. pricing and promotion options

section vi international distribution


1. the role of marketing channels

in marketing strategy

2. channel stratgy decisions

3. the distribution mix

4. international distribution channels

5. channel strategy for new market entry

section vii logistics and physical distribution

1 idgistics management

2 physical distribution

chapter vi international strategic alliance

and relationship management

section i strategic alliance

1. introduction

2. the advantages and risks of syrategic alliances

3. alternative foreign market assessment

4. modes of alliances

5. the scope of strategic alliances

6. the implementation of strategic alliance

7. elements of successful alliances

8. the management of international strategic alliances

section ii relationship management

1. introduction of relationship management

2. customer relationship management (crm)

3. partner relationship management (prm)

4. supplies relationship management (srm)

5. employee relationship management (erm)

chapter vii international trade, law

and finance

section i international trade

1. the theory of international trade

2. export & import procedures

3. contract formation

4. export documentation

5. terms of delivery

6. payment methods

7. cargo insurance

8. key points concerning the sales contract

section ii laws governing international


1. contracts for the international sale of goods

2. ucp 500 documentary credits

section iii international finance

1. exchange rate regimes

2. the foreign exchange market

3. exchange rate changes

4. foreign exchange risk and risk management

case study

chapter viii international direct investment

and multinational corporations

section i motives and effects of international


1. reasons for going international as an investor

2. fdi by medium-sized and small hrms

3. effects of fdi

section ii managing the relationship

and transferring technology

1. the relationship with host government

2. transfer of technology

section iii the operation of mnc

1. the multinational corporation dehned

2. characteristics of mne

3. entry and operation modes of mne

4. strategic management of mne

section iv portfolio investment

1. a brief introduction to securities

2. bonds

3. corporate stock

section v policy instruments relating to fdi

1. policies taken by the host country

2. policies taken by the home country

3. a bpief intropuction to international


case study

uk insurance group seeks chinese partner--good health wants

local joint venture to attract expatriates

chapter ix financial accounting

section i a review of accounting

1. what is accounting?

2. basic accounting assumptions

3. accounting principles

4. accounting elements and accounting equation

section ii the accounting cycle and main

calculation methods

1. accounting cycle

2. the main accounting calculating methods

section iii reporting methods of accounting



1. balance sheet

2. income statement

3. cash flow statements

4. relationships among hnancial statements

section iv accounting statement analysis

1. introduction to accounting statement analysis

2. contents of accounting statement analysis

case study

case 1: recording transactions in general journal

case 2: recording transactions in general journal ana posting

them to ledger accounts

case 3: the balance of accounts on dec. 31 of dr. c. moss,

psychologist, appear as follows.

chapter x ethics of international business

section i ethics and international business

1. the relation of business and morality

2. business ethics as a part of ethics

3. moral duty, duty, right, and justice

4: moral responsibility, virtue, and moral reasoning

section ii moral issues in international


1. the international business system, multinational,

and morality

2. bribery and the foreign corrupt practices act

section iii the new moral imperative for


1. the role of government

2. building a good society



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    东野圭吾 (作者), 李盈春 (译者)

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