

作   者:陈夏芳





澳大利亚近年来技术劳动力短缺,可同时一些年 轻学生不积*参与学校学习,也没就业。在这一形势 下,政府和学校发起了一场全方位的教育改革。陈夏 芳*的《澳大利亚教育改革现状研究(英文版)》集中 研究这场宏大的教育改革中教育界和非教育界领导们 为了学生们校内校外学习培训协同努力进行的各种教 育创新。本书以教育理论和领导力理论为框架,以定 性研究为研究方法。数据收集采用采访形式,共采访 澳大利亚昆士兰州学校教师、主任、校长、区教育局 局长、州教育部副部长以及非教育界人士等共48位受 访人。采访数据在听写成文字后,借助NVivo软件进 行编码和分析。分析发现在这一复杂而大范围的教育 改革中,不同教育界和非教育界领导采用的话语与改 革前不同,展示出新的领导语言。作者发现教育界和 非教育界之间多方位的协同努力展示出一种复杂而新 颖的教育创新领导力,作者定义为立体式教育创新领 导力。本书研究国外教育改革创新,对于国内正在进 行的中学及大学的教育改革具有较大的借鉴意义。


Chapter 1 Introduction1.1 Introduction1.2 Research questions1.3 Key terms1.4 The significance of this study1.5 The study's theoretical innovativeness1.6 Research design1.7 Thesis statement1.8 Structure for the exploration of this argumentChapter 2 Leadership for reforms to Senior Learning through VETiS: The intellectual context for this study2.1 Introduction2.2 Leadership and Senior Learning2.3 Policies for reforming of education and training in senior secondary schools2.4 Barriers and challenges for reform'leaders2.5 Leaders' reform strategies2.6 Changes being made through leadership of reforms to Senior Learning2.7 Vindication of leaders' success in VETiS2.8 Assessment of literatureChapter 3 Theorising leadership for educational reform3.1 Introduction3.2 Fullan's conceptualisation of leadership for reform3.3 Lear's conceptualisation of leadership for radical change3.4 Conceptualising leadership in terms of radical hope3.5 Courage3.6 Track reality3.7 Vindication3.8 ConclusionChapter 4 Educational research methodology and methods4.1 Introduction4.2 What now counts as research?4.3 Two philosophies of research4.4 Research plan4.5 Principles of data collection and analysis4.6 Methods and procedures for data collection4.7 Procedures for data analysis and interpretation4.8 Research ethics4.9 ConclusionChapter 5 Leadership in the context of national VETiS reform policies and programs5.1 Introduction5.2 Leadership in the Queensland context5.3 A National Overview of Vocational Education and Training in Schools5.4 Government initiatives5.5 Nation-wide advisory service5.6 Ways for student to connect with industry5.7 Queensland's policies for reforming Senior Learning through VETiS5.8 Problems arising from VETiS for educational leadership5.9 Discussion5.10 ConclusionChapter 6 Courage for making reforms6.1 Introduction6.2 Leadership and barriers to VETiS reforms6.3 Leaders acting strategically6.4 Discussion6.5 ConclusionChapter 7 Leadership and the tracking of VETiS reforms7.1 Introduction7.2 Worries and anxieties of VETiS leaders7.3 Leading in a context of an uncertain future7.4 Continuous efforts made by VETiS leaders7.5 Discussion7.6 ConclusionChapter 8 Vindication of reform leadership8.1 Introduction8.2 The leadership of VETiS reforms and students' outcomes8.3 Successful programs and the leadership of VETiS reforms8.4 Benefits for school communities from VETiS leaders8.5 Discussion8.6 ConclusionChapter 9 Li Ti leadership as a key characteristic of Queensland's VETiS reforms9.1 Introduction9.2 Challenging Fullan's tri-level leadership9.3 Challenging Lear's notion of leadership9.4 Complexity of leadership of Senior Learning reforms in Queensland9.5 Theorising Queensland's VETiS leadership9.6 ConclusionChapter 10 From multi-level, heroic leadership to Li Ti leadership10.1 Introduction10.2 Summary10.3 Findings10.4 Delimitations and limitations of the study10.5 Implication for practice10.6 Recommendations for further researchAppendicesAppendix 1 Interview ScheduleAppendix 2 Main destinations of Year 12 completers, Queensland 2006--2010Appendix 3 Number of students in VET training in Queensland, 2005--09Appendix 4 Queensland student number and VET training 2005--2009Appendix 5 Students by major courses and qualifications AQF qualifications 2005--2009ReferencesINDEX



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    东野圭吾 (作者), 李盈春 (译者)

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