Modern business communication


作   者:沈岚,姚键主编





  21世纪,伴随着中国经济的快速发展,中国正日益同世界全方位接轨。在经济全球化的进程中,势必会带来更多对外交流和合作的机会,而这种交流和合作是通过语言来实现的。在对外交流中,语言的功能是不可替代的,它起着桥梁和纽带的作用。然而,仅有语言是不够的,还需要懂得如何在适当的场合运用恰当得体的语言来准确地表达商业意图,这样才能维系商务关系,确保业务成功。随着经济全球化的不断深入,对掌握必要商务知识和具有语言沟通能力的人才的需求产生了量和质的飞跃。商务英语人才已不再是传统意义上的外销员,而应是具有参与国际商务竞争能力的人才。   有效地提高学生实际运用语言的能力,培养既有专业知识又能熟练运用英语的复合型人才,使学生所学的知识紧跟时代的发展,符合社会经济生活的实际需求,是高等院校人才培养的历史责任,也是经济全球化和社会发展的迫切需要。为此,根据我国高等院校的课程设置,以国际贸易的知识为背景,我们编写了《外贸函电》一书。本书重点就有效的商务沟通所应注意的方面和应遵循的原则及技巧进行了详细的讲解和示范,同时对各种商务英语函电与应用文的内容、风格、格式以及写作特点做了详尽而系统的介绍。   本书的特点是从跨文化交际的视角出发,针对交际沟通对象的差异,结合实际的商务沟通内容,有机地将外贸实务、商务写作和函电实例相结合,引入3×3写作思路及模式,并以此为主线贯穿整个教材。各单元均配有大量的实例和例句,为了便于学习者学习和掌握,各例后均紧跟生词和短语的讲解;同时各单元后附加了章节回顾和思考题,以激励学习者进行积极的总结和反思。本书共15章,1~3章详细讲解3×3写作思路及模式的运用,对全书的内容起着总纲的作用;从第4章开始,教材按照常规外贸流程及环节分类安排各章节,包括建立业务关系,询盘.、发盘与还盘。订单。国际支付,信用证,包装与运输,保险,投诉与索赔,代理,商务合同等内容。


  Chapter 1 Writing Process for Business Letters (1) ―― Prewriting
   1. Approaching the Writing Process Systematically
   2. The Prewriting Phase of Composition
  Chapter 2 Writing Process for Business Letters (2) ―― Writing
   1. Researching Data and Generating Ideas
   2. Organizing Data
   3. Composing the First Draft
  Chapter 3 Writing Process for Business Letters (3) ―― Revising
   1. Revising Messages
   2. Proofreading for the Finishing Touch
   3. Evaluating the Product
  Chapter 4 Business Letters Writing
   1. Envelope Addressing
   2. The Layout of Business Letters
  Chapter 5 Establishing Business Relations
   1. General Introduction
   2. Channels for Information of Potential Partners
   3. The Requirements for Writing the First Inquiry
   4. Status Inquiry
   5. Applying the 3- x -3 Writing Process to Letters of Establishing Business Relations
   6. Module letter
   7. Specimen Letters
  Chapter 6 Inquiry and Reply
   1. General Introduction
   2. Classification of Inquiry
   3. The Requirements for Writing
   4. Applying the 3- x -3 Writing Process to Letters of Inquiry and Reply
   5. Module Letters
   6. Specimen Letters
  Chapter 7 Offers and Counter-offers
   1. General Introduction
   2. The Definitions of Offer and Counter-offer
   3. Classification of Offers
   4. The Requirements for Writing
   5. Apply the 3- x -3 Writing Process to Letters of Offers
   6. Specimen Letters
  Chapter 8 Orders and Their Fulfillment
   1. General Introduction
   2. The Content of an Order
   3. The Content of Seller's Acceptance
   4. The Obligations of the Buyer and the SeUer
   5. Four Pointers for Writing Rejecting Letters
   6. Applying the 3-x-3 writing process to making an order letter
   7. Module Letter
  Chapter 9 Payment
  1. General Introduction
  2. Modes of Payment
  3. The Definition and Classification of the L/C
  4. The Basic Contents of the L/C
   5. The Ways of Opening and Amending of the L/C
   6. Applying the 3- X -3 Writing Process to Letters of Payment
   7. Specimen Letters
  Chapter 10 Shipment
   1. General Introduction
   2. The Shipping Documents
   3. Applying the 3- X -3 Writing Process to Letters of Shipment
   4. Specimen Letters
  Chapter 11 Packing
   1. General Introduction
   2. Classification of Packing
   3. Marks of Packing
   4. Applying the 3- X -3 Writing Process to Letters of Packing
   5. Specimen Letters
  Chapter 12 Cargo Transport Insurance
   1. General Introduction
   2. Kinds of Risks
   3. Total Loss and Partial Loss
   4. Main Types of Insurance Coverage
   5. Additional Risks
   6. Commodity Inspection
   7. Arbitration
   8. Applying the 3- X -3 Writing Process to Letters of Insurance
  Chapter 13 Complaints and Claims
   1. General Introduction
   2. Types of Complaints
   3. Rules about Dealing with Complaints
   4. Applying the 3- X -3 Writing Process to Letters of Complaints
   5. Module Letter
   6. Specimen Letters
  Chapter 14 Agencies
   1. General Introduction
   2. The Types of Agencies
   3. The Contents of an Agency Agreement
   4. Applying the 3- X -3 Writing Process to Letters Concerning Agency
   5. Module Agency Agreement (Sole Agent)
   6. Specimen Letters
  Chapter 15 Business Contract
   1. General Introduction
   2. The Contents of a Sales Contract
   3. Lexical Features of Contract English
   4. Specimen Sales Contracts



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    东野圭吾 (作者), 李盈春 (译者)

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