100 morning essays for TOEFL


作   者:格林主编;考天下名师团编





  一、经典时新、題材广泛   文章选材既注重经典名篇,又注重最新报刊杂志上的时文、美文,二者兼备,相得益彰,让您在休闲阅读的过程中加强对真题的语感,打下扎实的阅读基础。   二、好词佳句、妙语连珠   本书提炼文中核心词汇,让您寓记于读,在提升英语语感的同时扩大词汇量,顺利通过考试。   三、精选美文、双语转换   每篇文章均英汉左右对照,易于诵读者体会英汉双语语境表达同一主题时的不同感觉和语言差异,也是读者练习翻译的绝佳材料。   四、立体诵读、全面提高   根据长期的研究,结合本书特点,我们为您精心打造了立体诵读法,助您全面提升阅读和口语能力。立体诵读法指同时进行以下步骤,以提升英语综合能力。


第一部分 新托福励志美文欣赏Passage 1 The Importance of Being Honest诚实的重要性Passage 2 How I Made My Dreams Come True扬起梦想的风帆Passage 3 Let Go Love将爱放飞,令爱常驻Passage 4 A Woman’s Tears生命的过客Passage 5 Friendship友谊Passage 6 Celebration of Life生命的庆典Passage 7 Discovery发现Passage 8 Exciting生活的乐趣Passage 9 Time’s Fingers时不我待Passage 10 The Attitude to the Life生活的态度Passage 11 Smell of Time时间的气味Passage 12 The Blue Day Book你今天心情不好吗Passage 13 Courage勇气Passage 14 Spring春Passage 15 You Are What You Think其思即其人Passage 16 Don’t Give Up不言放弃Passage 17 Giving Life Meaning给生命以意义Passage 18 Sorrows of the Millionaire百万富翁的悲哀Passage 19 Of Envy论嫉妒Passage 20 Life Worth Living生活值碍活下去Passage 21 To Love and to Be Loved爱与被爱Passage 22 My Symphony of Life我的生命交响曲Passage 23 Things to Do Before I Die我死之前要做的事情Passage 24 The Theory of Love爱的理论Passage 25 Break Those Bad Habits打破那些坏习惯Passage 26 Peace和平Passage 27 Marie Curie in Memorial悼念玛丽·居里夫人Passage 28 Shall We Choose Death我们将选择死亡吗Passage 29 Water Music掺了水的音乐Passage 30 Thatched Roof Cottages in Britain英国茅草屋Passage 31 Business Institutions Possess Great Prestige in America在美国商业企业威望高Passage 32 Negative and Positive Effects of Advertisement广告的消极和积极作用Passage 33 Relation of Teaching and Learning教与学的关系Passage 34 Safety Threat Facing Airlines航空安全的威胁Passage 35 Global Public Relation全球公共关系Passage 36 Successfully Controling Population in Brazil 巴西成功地控制了人口增长Passage 37 The History of Toys玩具的历史Passage 38 Maybe Asteroids Destroy Earth小行星可能会毁灭地球 第二部分 新托福真题题源美文欣赏Passage 39 Applied Arts and Fine Arts实用艺术和创造艺术Passage 40 The Origins of Cetaceans鲸类的起源Passage 41 Desert Formation沙漠的形成Passage 42 Early Cinema早期影院Passage 43 Aggression侵略性行为Passage 44 Artisans and Industrialization工匠和工业化Passage 45 Swimming Machines游泳机器Passage 46 Nineteenth—century Politics in the United States十九世纪的美国政治Passage 47 The Expression of Emotions情感的表达Passage 48 Geology and Landscape地理和地貌Passage 49 Groundwater地下水Passage 50 The Origins of Theater戏剧的起源Passage 51 Timberline Vegetation on Mountains 山上树带界线的植被Passage 52 Architecture建筑Passage 53 Depletion of the Ogallala Aquifer奥加拉拉蓄水层的枯竭Passage 54 The Long—term Stability of Ecosystems生态系统的长期稳定Passage 55 Opportunists and Competitors机会主义者和竞争者Passage 56 Lascaux Cave Paintings拉斯科岩洞画Passage 57 Electricity from Wind风力发电Passage 58 Deer Populations of the Puget Sound普吉特海湾的鹿群Passage 59 Cave Art in Europe欧洲的岩洞艺术Passage 60 Petroleum Resources石油资源Passage 61 Meteorite Impact and Dinosaur Extinction陨石撞击和恐龙的灭绝Passage 62 Minerals and Plants矿物质和植物Passage 63 The Origin of the Pacific Island People太平洋群岛居民的起源Passage 64 The Cambrian Explosion寒武纪大爆发Passage 65 Powering the Industrial Revolution驱动工业革命Passage 66 William Smith威廉·史密斯Passage 67 Infantile Amnesia婴幼儿健忘症Passage 68 The Geologic History of the Mediterranean地中海的地质历史Passage 69 Ancient Rome and Greece古代罗马和希腊Passage 70 Agriculture,Iron,and the Bantu Peoples农业、铁器和班图人Passage 71 The Rise of Teotihuacan特奥蒂瓦坎的崛起Passage 72 Extinction of the Dinosaurs恐龙的灭绝Passage 73 Running Water on Mars火星上的流水Passage 74 Colonizing the Americas via the Northwest Coast从西海岸殖民美洲Passage 75 Reflection in Teaching教学中的反思Passage 76 The Arrival of Plant Life in Hawaii夏威夷植物的到来Passage 77 Feeding Habits of East African Herbivores东非草食动物的饮食Passage 78 Loie Fuller洛依·富勒Passage 79 Green Icebergs绿色冰山Passage 80 Chinese Pottery中国的陶瓷Passage 81 Variations in the Climate气候变化Passage 82 Seventeenth-century European Economic Growth 17世纪的欧洲经济增长Passage 83 Ancient Egyptian Sculpture古埃及雕塑Passage 84 Orientation and Navigation定位和导航Passage 85 Begging by Nestlings雏鸟的乞食行为Passage 86 Which Hand did They Use? 他们到底用哪只手?Passage 87 Transition to Sound in Film电影声音的演变Passage 88 7Cater in the Desert沙漠中的水源Passage 89 Types of Social Groups社会群组的类型Passage 90 Biological Clocks生物钟Passage 91 Methods of Studying Infant Perception研究婴儿感知能力的方法Passage 92 Children and Advertising儿童和广告Passage 93 Maya Water Problems玛雅的水源问题Passage 94 Pastoralism in Ancient Inner Eurasia古代欧洲内陆的畜牧Passage 95 A Warm-blooded Turtle温血海龟Passage 96 Mass Extinctions大规模物种灭绝Passage 97 Glacier Formation冰川的形成Passage 98 Trade and the Ancient Middle East古代中东与贸易Passage 99 Development of the Periodic Table元素周期表的演进Passage 100 Planets in Our Solar System太阳系中的行星



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    东野圭吾 (作者), 李盈春 (译者)

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