China intellectual property statistical yearbook.2010
作 者:甘绍宁主编;国家知识产权局[编]
Ⅰ 专利一、专利申请受理与授权状况表1 国内外三种专利申请受理年度状况统计表( 1985.4-2010. 12) Distribution of Applications for Three Kinds of Patents Received from Home and Abroad,1985.4- 2010. 12表2 国内三种专利申请受理量统计表( 1985.4~2010. 12) Distribution Applications for Three Kinds of Patents,1985.4-2010. 12表3 国外三种专利申请受理量统计表( 1985.4~2010. 12) Foreign Applications for Three Kinds of Patents,1985.4- 2010. 12表4 国内外三种专利申请授权年度状况统计表( 1985. 12-2010. 12) Distribution of Three Kinds of Patents Granted for Home and Abroad, 1985. 12 - 2010. 12表5 国内三种专利申请授权量统计表( 1985. 12-2010. 12) Domestic Grants for Three Kinds of Patents,1985. 12 - 2010. 12表6 国外三种专利申请授权量统计表( 1985. 12-2010. 12) Three Kinds of Patents Granted for Foreign Applications,1985. 12 - 2010. 12表7 国内外三种专利有效量统计表( 2010. 12) Three Kinds of Patents in Force of Domestic and Foreign Origin,2010. 12表8 国内三种专利有效量统计表( 2010. 12) Three Kinds of Patents in Force of Domestic Origin,2010. 12表9 国外三种专利有效量统计表( 2010. 12) Three Kinds of Patents in Force of Foreign Origin,2010. 12表10 国际申请业务进展统计表( 1985.4~2010. 12) PCT International Applications,1985.4- 2010. 12 二、专利行政执法表11 各地区管理专利工作的部门专利执法统计表( 2010) Patent Enforcement of Regional Administrative Authorities for Patent Affairs in 2010 三、中国专利金奖表12 中国专利金奖分布统计表 Distribution of China Patent Golden Awards Ⅱ 商标 一、商标申请与注册表1 2010年度商标申请/注册概况表 Statistics of Trademark Applications/Registrations in 2010表2 2010年度各省、自治区、直辖市商标申请与注册统计表 Statistics of Domestic Trademark Applications and Registrations in 2010 ( by Province/Municipality/Autonomous Region)表3 2010年度外国(地区)在华商标申请统计表 Statistics of Foreign Trademark Applications in 2010表4 2010年度外国(地区)在华商标注册统计表 Statistics of Foreign Trademark Registrations in 2010表5 2010年度按类申请和注册商标统计表 Statistics of Trademark Applications and Registrations Sorted out According to Class in 2010表6 1979~2010年商标注册申请及核准注册商标统计表 Statistics of Trademark Applications and Registrations Approved,1979 - 2010二、商标评审案件表7 2010年度商标评审案件统计表 Statistics of Trademark Cases Reviewed and Adjudicated in 2010三、商标行政执法案件表8 2010年全国查处商标一般违法案件统计表 Statistics of Common Cases of Trademark Offenses Nationwide in 2010表9 2010年全国查处商标侵权假冒案件统计表 Statistics 0f Trademark infringement and Counterfeiting Cases Nationwide in 2010表10 2010年全国查处商标违法案件基本情况(与2009年同期对比) Statistics of Handling of Trademark Offenses Nationwide in 2010 (Compared with 2009)表1 I一2010一年全国各地区查处商标违法案件基本情况 Statistics 0f Handling of Trademark Offenses Naionwide in 2010四、驰名商标行政认定表12商标局2010年在商标管理案件中认定并公布的510件驰名商标 The 510 Well—known Trademarks Recognized and Published by the Trademark Office(CTMO)in Trademark Administration Cases in 2010表13商标局2010年在商标异议案件中认定并公布的32件驰名商标 The 32 Well—known Trademarks Recognized and Published by the Trademark Office(CTMO)in Trademark Opposition Cases in 2010表14商标评审委员会2010年在商标异议复审、争议案件中认定并公布的 140件驰名商标 The 140 Well—known Trademarks Recognized and Published by the Trademark Review and Adjudication Board(TRAB)in Trademark Opposition Review and Dispute Cases in 2010Ⅲ 版 权表1 2010年全国版权合同登记情况统计表 Statistics of Copyright Contract Registration Nationwide in 2010表2 2010年全国作品自愿登记情况统计表 Statistics of VoluntaPy Registration of Works Nationwide in 2010表3 2010年引进版权汇总表 Summary of Copyright Imported in 2010表4 2010年全国版权引进情况统计表 Summary of Copyright Impoded Nationwide in 2010表5 2010年输出版权汇总表 Summm'y of Copyright Exposed in 2010表6 2010年全国版权输出情况统计表 Statistics of Copyright Exported Nationwide in 2010表7 2010年全国图书版权输出地情况统计表 Statistics of Destinations of Copyright Exported NatiOUWide in 2010表8 2010年版权执法情况统计表 Statistics of Copyright Law Enforcement in 2010表9 2010年计算机软件著作权登记统计表 Statistics of Copyright Registration of Computer SoftwaI℃in 2010Ⅳ集成电路布图设计表1 2010年集成电路布图设计登记申请统计表 Statistics of Applications for Re、gistrati。n of Layout—designs of Integrated Circuits in 2010表2 2010年集成电路布图设计登记发证统计表 Statistics of Layout—designs of Integrated Ci r{_uits Certificates Issued in 2010Ⅴ 农业植物新品种表i根据植物种类划分的统计表 So~ed by CategmT of Plants表2根据单位性质划分的统计表 Sorted by Character of Units表3根据地区划分的统计表 Sorted by Region表4国外植物新品种申请情况明细表(1999~2010年) Summary Of Application For Foreigners’Variety Rights (From 1999 to December 31,2010)Ⅵ 林业植物新品种表1根据植物种类划分的统计表 Sorted by Category of Plants表2根据申请人性质划分的统计表 Sorted by Character of Applicants表3根据国内外申请人划分的统计表 Sorted by Applicants from Domestic or Foreign表4根据国外申请人国别划分的统计表 Sorted by Nationality of Foreign Applicants表5 2010年林业植物新品种权申请统计表 Statistics of ForestlT PBR’S Applications in 2010表6 2010年林业植物新品种权授权统计表 Statistics of Fm~strv PBR Titles Granted in 2010Ⅶ海关知识产权保护表1 2010年海关中止放行和扣留货物批次统计 Statistics of Suspension of Released&Seized Goods in 2010表2 2010年海关扣留侵权商品统计 Statistics of Seizures of Infringing Goods in 2010表3 2010年海关查获进出口侵权货物统计 Statistics of Seizures of hnported and Exposed Infringing Goods in 2010表4 2010年侵权货物涉及的知识产权类型统计 Statistics of Different‘rypes of Intellectual Property Rights Infringed by Infringing Goods in 2010表5 2010年海关扣留的侵权商品数量和价值统计 Statistics of Quantity&Value of Infringing Goods Seized by Customs Authorities in 2010表6 2010年和2009年海关扣留的侵权商品类别统计 Statistics of Categories of Infringing Goods Seized by Customs Authorities in 2009 and 2010表7 2010年侵权商品运输方式(按扣留批次) Statistics of Transportation Means of Infringing Goods in 201 0(By Shipments)表8 2010年侵权商品运输方式(按商品数量) Statistics of Transportation M6ans of Infringing Goods in 2010(By Quantity)表9 2010年侵权商品运输方式(按价值) Statistics of Transportation Means of Infringing Goods in 2010(By Value)表10 2010年各直属海关扣留侵权货物统计 Statistics of Infringing Goods Seized by Affiliated Customs in 2010表11 2010年侵权货物目的国/地区统计 Statistics of Destinations of Infringing Goods by Country/Region in 2010表12 2010年知识产权来源国/地区统计 Statistics of Origin of Intellectual Property by Country/Region in 2010表13 2010年海关查扣侵权货物的执法模式 Statistics of Types of Enforcement Actions by Customs Authorities in 2010Ⅷ知识产权司法保护2010年全国法院受理和审结各类知识产权案件统计表Statistics of Intellectual Prope~y Cases Accepted and Concluded by the People’SCourts Nationwide in 2010
China intellectual property statistical yearbook.2010
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