Chapter 1 理性的极致——Michael 篇
01 A little prep for your arrival.
你到来前的一些准备工作。 .................................................. 002
02 I could have done something.
我本来可以帮他的。 ............................................................. 012
03 Don’t take this the wrong way.
不要误会。 ........................................................................... 023
04 You’re on your own.
你好自为之吧。 .................................................................... 036
05 You’re always looking over your shoulder.
你总得担惊受怕。 ................................................................. 048
Chapter 2 人与魔的交织——T-Bag 篇
06 You got a foul mouth.
你嘴巴很不检点。 ................................................................. 060
07 I don’t have the luxury of choice here.
我没有选择的余地。 ............................................................. 071
08 I will not flatten. I will not flatten.
无法将我轧平,就是无法将我轧平。 .................................... 081
09 Blame it on somebody who deserves it.
把责任推给那些罪有应得的人。 ........................................... 092
10 I have a very keen sense of ownership.
我占有欲很强。 .................................................................... 102
Chapter 3 爱与恨的交织——爱情篇
11 That was just my senior quote.
那是我向来的座右铭。 ......................................................... 114
12 That’s your call.
那是你才能决定的。 ............................................................. 123
13 You left this behind.
你落下了这个。 .................................................................... 133
14 You’re building up a tolerance.
你的抗体在不断增加。 ......................................................... 142
15 Their own children were hunted down like dogs.
自己的孩子像狗一样被追捕。 ............................................... 152
Chapter 4 狱友的真情——兄弟篇
16 Even if the motion is denied.
即使申请被拒绝了。 ............................................................. 164
17 Let the bulls worry about the noise.
让狱警们去平息暴乱吧。 ...................................................... 175
18 He must’ve switched the packs.
他一定调包了。 .................................................................... 185
19 We don’t have a choice.
我们别无选择。 .................................................................... 194
20 We gotta lose the bike.
我们得把摩托车丢掉。 ......................................................... 203
Chapter 5 绿叶的光芒——配角篇
21 You ever thought of breaking out?
你有想过要越狱吗? ............................................................. 216
22 Any day above ground is a blessing.
活着的每一天都是福分。 ...................................................... 228
23 They got jobs to protect.
他们得保住自己的饭碗。 ...................................................... 241
24 The tail end of a corrupted breed.
一个堕落血统的尾巴。 ......................................................... 252
25 Suit yourself.
随便吧。 ............................................................................... 262
Chapter 6 经典场景解析——经典篇
26 I really appreciate all the effort that you put into this.
我非常感激你为此所付出的努力。 ....................................... 274
27 Engaging in illegal black-market.
参与非法黑市交易。 ............................................................. 284
28 I’ve forgiven you.
我已经原谅你了。 ................................................................. 297
29 You are breathing only by my grace.
你还活着全是因为我的仁慈。 ............................................... 308
30 Gate allows us to find the pathway to personal freedom.
伽特让我们找到了“通往自由”之路。 ................................ 318
01 A little prep for your arrival.
你到来前的一些准备工作。 .................................................. 002
02 I could have done something.
我本来可以帮他的。 ............................................................. 012
03 Don’t take this the wrong way.
不要误会。 ........................................................................... 023
04 You’re on your own.
你好自为之吧。 .................................................................... 036
05 You’re always looking over your shoulder.
你总得担惊受怕。 ................................................................. 048
Chapter 2 人与魔的交织——T-Bag 篇
06 You got a foul mouth.
你嘴巴很不检点。 ................................................................. 060
07 I don’t have the luxury of choice here.
我没有选择的余地。 ............................................................. 071
08 I will not flatten. I will not flatten.
无法将我轧平,就是无法将我轧平。 .................................... 081
09 Blame it on somebody who deserves it.
把责任推给那些罪有应得的人。 ........................................... 092
10 I have a very keen sense of ownership.
我占有欲很强。 .................................................................... 102
Chapter 3 爱与恨的交织——爱情篇
11 That was just my senior quote.
那是我向来的座右铭。 ......................................................... 114
12 That’s your call.
那是你才能决定的。 ............................................................. 123
13 You left this behind.
你落下了这个。 .................................................................... 133
14 You’re building up a tolerance.
你的抗体在不断增加。 ......................................................... 142
15 Their own children were hunted down like dogs.
自己的孩子像狗一样被追捕。 ............................................... 152
Chapter 4 狱友的真情——兄弟篇
16 Even if the motion is denied.
即使申请被拒绝了。 ............................................................. 164
17 Let the bulls worry about the noise.
让狱警们去平息暴乱吧。 ...................................................... 175
18 He must’ve switched the packs.
他一定调包了。 .................................................................... 185
19 We don’t have a choice.
我们别无选择。 .................................................................... 194
20 We gotta lose the bike.
我们得把摩托车丢掉。 ......................................................... 203
Chapter 5 绿叶的光芒——配角篇
21 You ever thought of breaking out?
你有想过要越狱吗? ............................................................. 216
22 Any day above ground is a blessing.
活着的每一天都是福分。 ...................................................... 228
23 They got jobs to protect.
他们得保住自己的饭碗。 ...................................................... 241
24 The tail end of a corrupted breed.
一个堕落血统的尾巴。 ......................................................... 252
25 Suit yourself.
随便吧。 ............................................................................... 262
Chapter 6 经典场景解析——经典篇
26 I really appreciate all the effort that you put into this.
我非常感激你为此所付出的努力。 ....................................... 274
27 Engaging in illegal black-market.
参与非法黑市交易。 ............................................................. 284
28 I’ve forgiven you.
我已经原谅你了。 ................................................................. 297
29 You are breathing only by my grace.
你还活着全是因为我的仁慈。 ............................................... 308
30 Gate allows us to find the pathway to personal freedom.
伽特让我们找到了“通往自由”之路。 ................................ 318
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