Pattern grammar perspective on second language vocabulary acquisition


作   者:王龙吟著







List of Tables List of Figures List of Abbreviatio List of Pattern Notatio Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Research orientation 1.2 Pattern: the object of research 1.3 Rationale 1.4 Key research questio 1.5 Organization of the book Chapter 2 Pattern Grammar 2.1 Identification, definition, and presentation of"pattern" 2.2 A historical review of pattern grammar 2.2.1 Earlier work on patter and usage 2.2.2 Research on word combinatio 2.2.3 Lexical grammar 2.2.4 Pattern grammar 2.3 Two approaches to pattern grammar 2.3.1 Approach 1: A word and its patter 2.3.2 Approach 2: A pattern and its words 2.4 Pattern-meaning association (PMA): core of pattern grammar 2.5 Summary Chapter 3 Pattern Grammar and L2 Vocabulary Development 3.1 Pattern and depth of word knowledge 3.1.1 Depth of word knowledge 3.1.2 Associating pattern with depth of word knowledge 3.2 Depth of word knowledge and L2 vocabulary development 3.2.1 A unified account of dimeio of L2 vocabulary development research 3.2.2 Previous research on depth of L2 vocabulary development 3.3 Summary Chapter 4 On the Corpus Method 4.1 Justificatio for using learner corpora in SLA study 4.2 Advantages of using learner corpora in the present research 4.2.1 Learner corpora provide large quantities of natural language use data 4.2.2 Learner corpora provide a new text type for observation 4.3 Nature of corpus linguistics 4.3.1 Corpus linguistics is "a new way of thinking about language" 4.3.2 Corpora serve both as a test bed and as a source for hypotheses in SLA study 4.4 Limitatio of using leamer corpora in SLA study 4.5 Summary Chapter 5 Methodology 5.1 Database 5.1.1 Preparing the learner corpus 5.1.2 Guaranteeing the comparability between different samples of the leamer corpus 5.1.3 Preparing the control corpus 5.1.4 Guaranteeing the comparability between the control corpus and the learner corpus 5.2 Research Tools 5.2.1 Wmatrix and CLAWS 5.2.2 WordSmith Tools 5.3 Analytical framework of the present research 5.4 Study 1: A word and its patter -- WAY 5.4.1 Selecting the research target 5.4.2 Research procedure 5.5 Study 2 : A pattern and its words -- Vnl ton2 5.5.1 Selecting the research target 5.5.2 Research procedure 5.6 Study 3: A simpler pattern and its words -- V to n 5.6.1 Selecting the research target 5.6.2 Research procedure 5.7 Summary Chapter 6 Results and Discussion 6.1 WAY and its patter 6.1.1 PMA as see-pattern correspondence 6.1.2 Effect of pattern complexity on PMA 6.1.3 Effect of length of learning experience on PMA 6.1.4 Summary of results relating to WAY 6.2 "V nl to n2" and its words 6.2.1 PMA as meaning sharedness among words 6.2.2 Effect of length of learning experience on PMA 6.2.3 Summary of results relating to "V nl to n2" 6.3 "V to n" and its words 6.3.1 Effect of pattem complexity on PMA concerning focal words 6.3.2 Effect of pattern complexity on PMA concerning non-focal words 6.3.3 Summary of results relating to "V to n" 6.4 Summary Chapter 7 General Discussion 7.1 Interpreting L2 productive vocabulary development on Dimeion 1 -- a word and its patter 7.1.1 Reflectio on PMA as see-pattern correspondence 7.1.2 Reflectio on effect of pattern complexity on PMA 7.1.3 Reflectio on effect of length of learning experience on PMA 7.1.4 Summary of inferences on Dimeion 1 7.2 Interpreting L2 productive vocabulary development on Dimeion 2 -- a pattern and its words 7.2.1 Reflectio on PMA as meaning sharedness among words 7.2.2 Reflectio on effect of pattern complexity on PMA 7.2.3 Reflectio on effect of length of learning experience on PMA 7.2.4 Summary of inferences on Dimeion 2 7.3 Summary Chapter 8 Conclusion 8.1 A recapitulation of the major findings 8.2 Implicatio 8.2.1 Implicatio for research into English patter 8.2.2 Implicatio for research into depth of L2 vocabulary development 8.2.3 Implicatio for pedagogy 8.3 Limitatio of the current research 8.4 Suggestio for future research Appendices References



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Pattern grammar perspective on second language vocabulary acquisition
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    东野圭吾 (作者), 李盈春 (译者)

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