unit 1 introduction to law
unit 2 sources of law
unit 3 legal systems
unit 4 morality and equality in law
unit 5 law and society
unit 6 legislation
unit 7 justice
unit 8 the judicial system in the united states
unit 9 the legal profession
unit 10 the judge and the jury
unit 11 criminal law
unit 12 the adversary system and the inquisitorial system
unit 13 legal environment of business
unit 14 the law of tort and intellectual property
unit 15 the contract and property
unit 16 legal reform
unit 1 the legal environment of international trade
unit 2 the legal framework of the wto
.unit 3 the contract
unit 4 convention on contracts for the international sale of goods
unit 5 cargo insurance
unit 6 international carriage of goods
unit 7 cargo insurance
unit 8 payments in international sales
unit 9 international transfer of technology
unit 10 introduction to intellectual property rights
unit 11 trips
unit 12 trade in services
unit 13 international investment
unit 14 international finance law
unit 15 international taxation law
unit 16 settlement of international dispute
unit 1 introduction to law
unit 2 sources of law
unit 3 legal systems
unit 4 morality and equality in law
unit 5 law and society
unit 6 legislation
unit 7 justice
unit 8 the judicial system in the united states
unit 9 the legal profession
unit 10 the judge and the jury
unit 11 criminal law
unit 12 the adversary system and the inquisitorial system
unit 13 legal environment of business
unit 14 the law of tort and intellectual property
unit 15 the contract and property
unit 16 legal reform
unit 1 the legal environment of international trade
unit 2 the legal framework of the wto
.unit 3 the contract
unit 4 convention on contracts for the international sale of goods
unit 5 cargo insurance
unit 6 international carriage of goods
unit 7 cargo insurance
unit 8 payments in international sales
unit 9 international transfer of technology
unit 10 introduction to intellectual property rights
unit 11 trips
unit 12 trade in services
unit 13 international investment
unit 14 international finance law
unit 15 international taxation law
unit 16 settlement of international dispute
Core Course of English for Law Reference Book
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